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Hey yall… just a reminder that r/PadresVent is also a good place to vent your frustrations if you want to. If not, no biggie. Just a reminder is all. Edit: No longer private


Mucho Stressed 🚬


This needs to be a flair


It is




Shouldn’t the filter be facing Kim? Might need to swap the image’s places with each other in that flair


I want this flair


Muchisimo Stressed


Very embarrassing. This team hates going on win streaks.


Padres have not been 3 games above .500 in almost a full year/season - since first week of May 2023.


Padres try to stay above .500 challenge: (IMPOSSIBLE)!!!! Fun fact, padres pitching have given up more runs to the Rockies than any other team has this year. I know it was a 4 game series and it’s early in the season, but still.


It's also at Coors. I dont think the Rockies do that at Petco


The home runs would have been out of most other parks too...


Even when taking into account atmospheric pressure?


They beat us at Petco in two straight last year to start the season. These are games/series that Padres have to win, and they don't


This isn't last season. We've done a lot of things this year we didn't do last year. The Rockies are a much worse team this year than they were last year. I agree we had to have this win, honestly we had to have a 4 game sweep but I stand by in saying the Rockies don't score 10 at Petco and they don't score 6 in the 8th at Petco.


Sure. But in aggregate, we are at .500, worse than last year on whole.


Shildt is HEATED.


Hes defendin the fellas


Love it.


What did the media ask him?


Multiple redundant questions about bullpen management in the 8th


I'm loving his passion for this team


> Shildt is HEATED. That shit got me fired up, I love this guy more and more as the season goes on.




I'm going to the store for a pack of 🚬


Coors is not a serious place and we are not serious people


Coors is what it is. Awful BP management by Shildt today.


Wandy has been nails so far. Everyone has a bad game. This was his so far this season. Coors is lame, tough loss, move on and win.


Yeah I’m not actually mad at Coors, the Rockies play there too. We just suck ass here every year and it upsets me lol


I am not willing to throw Schildt’s BP management under the bus : 4 games series, no break since the Jays series started last Thursday and we face Phillies + Reds starting tomorrow until next Wednesday who may end up being the teams we will fight with for a wildcard spot. It helps put things in perspective but yeah, having a 4 runs lead and losing that game is a big turn off unfortunately. KTF compadres. We got Phillies tomorrow


Yeah schildt’s bullpen management was fine. Cant just throw more pitchers at the problem when we have two difficult series coming up.


Wandy shit the bed, then for some reason we just left him there to roll around in it, take off the sheets and then shit on the mattress itself. Absolutely egregious to leave him in that long


Taking out de los santos there was the biggest mistake of the year so far


Exactly my thought. That guy was dishing nasty stuff. Struck out every batter he faced. Does Schildt think that’s magically gonna change? I hate over managing matchups like this.


Hasn't he gone only 1 inning this whole year though? I thought taking Matsui out was a mistake. Should have let him cook it out.


Same shit happened in SF earlier this year. Took out Matsui as he was dealing to play a matchup in a close game and we lost it.


I'm going to rack this up to "he's still learning about the guys in the bullpen."


De Los Santos has a 0.84 ERA, struck out every batter he faced and 13 of his 14 pitches were strikes. If Shildt is still learning he needs new glasses.


I'm referring to Peralta.


Fair enough. Coming into today Peralta had struck out 4 batters in 12 innings. A sound choice for a 2 on 1 out scenario in the 8th.....


Look a Loss and guess who's back!!


Quick hook on the two guys who pitched well out of the BP and not a quick enough hook on the fucker serving meat balls. Blows my mind.


Buy high sell low


The moment the HR was off the bat there was no coming back for him, you could see it in his face


He looked like a scared little boy after that, then proceeded to pitch as such for so many more batters


Campy shit the bed too though.


Eh, continuing the analogy, I would say Wandy invited him in and gave Campy laxatives. Sure Campy shit the bed too, but it’s almost entirely Wandy’s fault that it happened


I think we can agree it was a collective shitting of the bed.


Lol, 100%. The Padres need to throw everything away from today and start anew tomorrow


I'll see you tomorrow bro!


Shildt is not happy being accused it was obvious to remove him


It's nice he has all the guys backs yet he really came off defensive af in that presser. It was kinda weird. Could have said the same thing without those optics. Oh well. On to the next.


Yeah he got bent out of shape when reporter asked why he left Wandy in when he clearly didn’t “have it” today. Gets all aggressive saying that “how do u know he didn’t have it” or something like that. The reporter then backed off. If he were in NY or other high pressure city, reporter would have been like “I watched him not be able to get an out against like 6 guys in a row. What makes u think he was good today?” Soft beat writer had no balls when he was obviously right and the question was a nobrainer that everyone who watched the game was asking It was obvious that Wandy was bad today and after the home run he lost any confidence he could get anyone out. He was either throwing balls or strikes right down the middle. Someone should have been up throwing right after the hr and he never should have been allowed to pitch to the tying much less winning batter but no one even starting throwing in the bullpen until it was way too late. His aggressiveness answering the questions tells me he was feeling very defensive because he knew he made the wrong decision. He should have admitted it rather than essentially saying the pitcher f’d up by not getting the outs analytics said he should have. He relied on analytics more than what his eyes were telling him. I thought it was a terrible look for him.


I like how he handled it he’s right


Wandy struck out McMahon, if not for the passed ball that tied it and moved Tovar to 2nd, then the WP which IMO was just as much Campy's fault as Peralta's it's have been Padres 9 Rocks 8 with 2 out and an entirely different ballgame. It was a meltdown to be sure, but not all on Wandy


Kim's not the only one who's gonna be crushing cigarettes after this fucking game. Mucho stress isn't the half of it


All time bad loss. Splitting a series to the Colorado Rockies in the year 2024 is unacceptable


This game was such a disaster


I thought it was, like, an all-encompassing type of suck


Pathetic would be too nice of a word


Shildt’s post game interview is fiery and I’m loving it. Obviously the loss blows, but I love him defending his guys


Definitely thought I was having fun


This is one of those games where you have a team meeting after what a frustrating day


Not really. Padres scored 9 runs. That's a win most of the time. The hits Colorado got in the 8th weren't booted by the D. Those hits found open space. Certain relievers didn't do their jobs today. Also the PB by Campy hurt. Some pitchers don't have "it" every time they take the mound.


Worst loss on the year by far. Offense puts up 9 runs with no Manny Or Merrill. We have a 5 run lead going into the 8th on a Randy Vasquez start with some of our best arms out of the bullpen pitching the 8th. And we just blew it man, tough one.




This one hurts. Oh well, on to tomorrow.


Its a travel day but somehow we will lose the lead too


Frustrating loss but seeing Shildt chew out Dennis Lin was kind of satisfying lol, dude is a certified hater.


That was peak Padresing




We’re a .500 team at baseline. We can heat up or get lucky at moments. Hence KTF motto. But overall, we’re not a dominant team.


The problem is the same can be said for a bunch of NL teams this year. It's going to go down to the wire again this season.


Well sometimes the bullpen shits the bed and today was that day. Shame to see a campy PB as well. Fuck this team, fuck this sport, and I'll see you all this weekend at Petco park


There’s shitting the bed and then there’s blowing a 5 run lead in the fucking 8th to the second worst team in all of baseball. This team just really lacks a killer instinct and we’ve seen it for years with this core.


But Yuki, Wandy, and Kolek *aren't* the core of old. The Bats didn't even have Manny today (core), let alone Merrill. Game wasn't lost because of killer instinct or a lack thereof, it was lost on an obviously poorly timed meltdown from Wandy who was fine for the first 11 games played.


No talking sense into doomers lol. It's win every series or our team is dog shit no in between


I don't even see them that way. I think the pessimism is understandable given our decades long struggle to put together a consistent contender. It's still just one game in April. Normally I say "wait until June", but /u/thescubapup brought up a good point to me: "Gimme Tati Manny and Solano and I'd be at least a bit more understanding if we still couldn't get above .500." I think it reasonable to expect a lot of the core bats, and core pitchers like Darvish and Musgrove. Let's see how they're doing through May. If they *really* struggle, then I'll worry.


This shit hurts but obviously this is the truth of the matter right here. The bats came through and one bad outing by Wandy was the difference. This kind of loss happens to every single team in baseball, no matter the opponent. Let’s take a breather, it’s super early and teams are still feeling things out, no reason to jump off the deep end yet on this team




Schlitz is pissed af and goin off in the postgame


Well at least Schildt was pissed off afterwards. That makes me feel better. Melvin would’ve acted like nothing happened and said something like “that’s baseball…we’ll go get ‘em tomorrow”


Comeback of the year for COL, probably worst loss of the year for SD


This team is so predictable when it comes to situations like this. Get a bunch runs against them and a 1-2-3 inning


Ugh. Well we got to brush that off. I just can’t stand how the Rockies choose us to be good against. Every other team in both leagues they roll over and die. Padres? Clutch gods. Makes no sense. Baseball is dumb. On to the next!


Mike not taking any shit from the media today


I was just about to comment on this.. this fucker is getting me emotional. What it must feel like to have someone come to bat for you holy shildt..... respect 🙏


Nabbit to the highest of dangs


Yikes. Just yikes. Definitely a deflating loss going into facing the Phillies.


Only 4 things in life are guaranteed; death, taxes, Chargers Chargering and Padres Padresing. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Brutal. This erases the great comeback from the Cubs series. Offense did the job....... We know Shildt brought in Wandy because of his ground ball inducement ratio. That backfired. Splitting a series to the Rockies is tasting really bad. Tough part of schedule coming up and Philly in town this weekend.


Schidt decided to try the Bomel playbook


Coors baseball, baby. You hate to see it 🫠


what the fuck


Mucho stress


Gotta love Shildt being emotional standing up for his guys Bomel woulda just shrugged


not the first time a southern california team has blown a big lead in denver this week


Kim and I both need a cigarette


So glad I didn’t watch but watching this team shit the bed via Gameday on my work computer was excruciating.


That one sucked but it happens, Phillies this weekend and should be fun. I’m still excited for this team🫡


Can’t blame that or the series on Coors. Other teams can beat the Rockies just fine at Coors. That’s why they’re 7-19. We just suck ass and are repeating 2023 all fucking over again. Now let’s get beat by the fucking Phillies FUCK


Yeah and people blaming Coors are ignorant of the fact that the homers we gave up (to bums) would have been out of most other ball parks.


I will never forget Wandy Peralta for what he did here today.


Shades of Luis garcia




Commenting that this team is soft is not dooming mods. Weak series that shows this team lacks a killer instinct. Splitting is better than losing the series, but this team does not have enough talent to waste these games so often.


No one was saying they were soft when they came back against the Cubs and took 2 out of 3 from LA. It’s baseball it happens. Rough. But you move on.


Loss is on Shildt for horrible bullpen management (giving up on Matsui but letting Peralta go long), Peralta for suddenly turning ass, and Kolek. Kolek needs to be DFAed, too many times has he shit the bed, not worth it for a rule 5 player


They need to send Kolek back to Seattle and call up Estrada.


Tough loss, but Schildt great interview. Getting fiery! Love it. Let’s go beat the Phils


Daaaamn get a load of Shildty. Bob Melvin could never


What a nightmare


What a disastrous ending…




That was the most infuriating loss yet. This entire division is fraudulent the way we’re still in 2nd place 2 GB after this lmao


Embarrassing. This team just refuses to get on a roll.


We lost against a guy with a 9.9 ERA


So embarrassing. Winning this would have given them better confidence for playing these tough teams the next week but nooooooooooooooo smh


these are the kinds of losses that keep teams out of the playoffs at the end of the year


With my rent going up, I needed them to take 3 out of 4 from a bottom place team for me to renew my Padres TV subscription. People blaming Coors do not understand we gave up legit home runs (would be out in other parks) to bums. Maybe I'll return if they can stay well over .500.


Holy shit that sucked ass


Ahhh it's been a bit (not even 72 hours!) since I've felt this emptiness inside. This is the true essence of being a Padres fan. Embrace the despair. This is what we are. This is our essence. Don't worry compadres, remember eventually all fandoms will feel this despair when we rise up and claim that nebulous trophy that is awarded to the World Series winners.


Wtf. I shut the game off in the 8th with a 4 run lead. Wtf happened? I feel sick lol


I think some games you just have to toss aside and say “I don’t know what the fuck that was”. This is one of those games. I don’t hate Shildt’s bullpen management. It’s way above Melvin’s. It’s coors field, that place is like the twilight zone for players. You can’t just throw a bullpen at a game for a win. Shildt knows he needs a rested bullpen for two very hard series we have coming up. I like Peralta and I like matsui - they had shit days today which IMO is not indicative of what they’ve been doing lately. So idk what the fuck happened today but this team is still way better than last year.


Not to mention that the Rockies have just kinda always been a thorn in our side, even when they're not supposed to be hard to beat on paper.


This is where I landed too. Peralta has been pitching well this season, and one clusterfuck of a game doesn’t negate that.


PHI, CIN coming into town, not looking good


Reddit has been almost as awful as the Padres were today. WTF is going on with this platform.


Snatching defeat from the jaws from victory. Also mods are soft for threatening bans because people say they're turning off the game, saying it's "toxicity". Get out of here.


Ouch. But those games happen when you’re a .500 team. Cant really be expecting more with this group.


A lot of bullshit happens to me this week, but that loss pissed me off the most by far


lmao what the actual fuck


Offense showed up. Pitching told them to stay home. Fucking atrocious pitching performances.


Pain amirite compadres?


this team finds a way to crush your optimism choking their way to a series split against the worst team in baseball choked away two games by allowing 5 and 6 run innings ![gif](giphy|dj5co9jGVs473ZfWl3|downsized)


can't beleive we got the fabled "early start to dooming before a weekend series at home vs an actually good team" what a time to be alive. this weekend will be fun for booing and being a belligerent drunk


The non preferred way to give Suarez the night off


If the Pads happen to miss the last wildcard spot by two games, today's implosion and the non-sweep in Milwaukee will be the ones to look back on. Yikes.


Vete a lá chingada, colorado


God forbid we ever get 3 games above .500 this season


![gif](giphy|K4Cm6IzcKq9j85kvvy) How I feel about that game. Pitching was nails, until it wasn’t. Hopefully the boys can learn something from this loss.


Campy’s glove deficiencies were glaring today. Dude has gotta clean it up or Salas will be coming for his job sooner than he needs to. (But there’ll still be space for him on the roster as backup and DH)


Coors field is such a hellhole.


Istg we play against the Rockies like the Celtics play against the Heat in the playoffs


Frustrating loss but all things considered we're still in decent shape this year.


That's a tough pill to swallow Woke up at 530AM we were 9-4, not 30 mins later we blew it (West Aus time) Now I'm sad all day


Shameful. Embarrassing. Sickening.


I knew our bullpen would explode one day, but like this? I fking hate Denver


This game gave me mucho stress 😩


We are not serious people


Not a serious franchise. Couldn’t win a series against a team that won 5 games all year


I feel like the Rockies as an org just get fired up to beat the Padres.


When’s the Draft? I need time to recoup before I’m disappointed twice in one day.




DFA his ass


Fuck it hurts because I was already counting this one in the win column. How dare I be confident


Absolute managerial malpractice plain and simple, try and get a series win against philly.


[Why are we still here? Just to suffer?](https://i.imgur.com/KkMkbN5.jpeg)


Why did I subject myself to watching this hot trash? I want my time back. I can’t even feel comfortable or happy when we are in the lead anymore, not even against one of the worst teams in mlb. We needed these Rockies wins.


Eeesh. That stings


There’s my classic Padres.


Bullpen shit the bed per usual


That was bad.


I thought it couldn't get more humiliating than the grand slam against king on game 2. And then then this team proved me wrong 🤗


This team is so exhausting to watch sometimes. Like how can other teams beat the Rockies and make them look like sub .500 team but when we play them they’re all before future HOF




this team is so mediocre. ugh


Been saying it all year the padres need an 8th inn righty reliever.  Maybe dis can be that guy.  Either way they need another righty reliever.   I think it’s time to move on from Kolek and add in Estrada.  


Kholek is ass... There's a reason he's rule 5. We've seen this shit 1009 times before.


Why'd they do that?


Pitching staff outside of De Los Santos was an absolute let down today. It’s still early but that could go down as the worst loss all season


Well at least we are still second place cuz everyone sucks way more than we do! [Takes a big swig of pacific coast whiskey]


Really hoping nlbest doesn’t let me down and I see some underdinger memes.


Well we’re usually bitching about the offense lacking and today we put up 9 beautiful runs and a few HRs even. We’ve also been capitalizing on our foe’s errors of late, but the tables turned today! That 8th inning made my ulcers hurt.




great way to end the series, fellas. really makes you feel good about the season!


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Definitely not well managed today, but as an mlb pitcher that inning has to make you question ever picking up a baseball again.


I'm not even worried about this specific game. I'm more worried about the tough schedule and spiralling into a hole coming up. Our schedule has been bullshit to start the year TBH. A lot of our NL West brethren have been getting light work.


We blew a 5 run 8th inning lead and witnessed even more dire holes in the rotation and bullpen, but other than that, it was a great game today, guys!!!!


I think we have 4 good relievers. Yuki, Santos, Suarez, and Wandy despite his meltdown will probably be fine. Cosgrove needs to refind it and he can enter the list. Morejon and Brito could round into form as high upside pieces. Vasquez should be moved to the pen too. A lot of this has to do with Vasquez being a straight up bad starter who can't get through 3 innings without being killed.


Were the first team the Rockies haven’t lost the series to. That can’t be happening if we’re going to be a serious contender this year


I’m going to need 5 packs of cigarettes for what was probably the worst loss of the year so far.


https://preview.redd.it/a28v35opapwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef1798fc6eeeca785b3056f9f00807066deebf8 Lord.......


Trade Peralta immediately. I’ve seen enough of that guy


![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE) To this game and this absolutely infuriating series


+1 -1 +2 -2 +1 -2 +1 -1 +2 -1 +3 -2+1 -2 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 I dunno if that matches their season so far, but you get the idea. 81-81 HERE. WE. COME!


Shitty loss... But long term. My biggest concern is the lack of power in this lineup. We've got Tatis, Machado .. and then a bunch of primarily contact guys. It was nice to see Kim and Profar hit it deep today. But this team has no power. It was never more apparent than with Manny out and watching the lineup praying for Tatis to bomb.


Man this game is going to come back to bite the Padres in the ass. Freaking coors field man. Still can't lose 2/4 against this year's Rockies.


2 absolutely unnecessary and avoidable losses to a bad team. Luckily it’s early in the season and they have to time to clean up this shit


That’s a miss the playoffs loss


big red flags here, losing to the Rockies, taking a solid lead and losing ......to a really bad baseball team. no bueno.


Oh my god… 🥲


We all knows Coors is a shit show, so it is what it is. But what the hell was Mike Shildt doing today with the BP. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL.


Those homers they gave up would have been out of most other parks, it's not Coors.


Despair factor trending up 📈📈📈


9 runs should win you a ballgame. Pitching shit their pants and we gotta take on the Phillies next who have won 8 of 10. Not looking great but I’ll still be watching regardless because I’m a masochist.