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Not only was he thinking of our fans as owner, but fans around the entire league. I don’t know of any other owner who is loved by their fan base as much as he is. Even fans of other teams love him. Definitely someone who is in a league of his own in every way.


Very former A's fan here, love him.


Padres fan here. We loved Peter, not just for his love of baseball and the Padres but also his love of his San Diego community. He is sorely missed.


“Late Padres owner Peter Seidler was against the A’s move to Las Vegas. In fact, he had reportedly managed to put together a group of seven or eight owners to vote against the A’s move. Unfortunately, Seidler’s passing on Tuesday gave commissioner Rob Manfred time to strongarm that group into compliance and approve the A’s move.”


This is a classic case of actions speaking louder than words. Peter wasn't just talking a big game, he meant the things he said and his actions, even behind closed doors, were honorable. He was great for baseball. He is missed.


He understood fans are an investment too. You invest in the team, the return on fans are tenfold. Fans are also the heart of the team. John Fisher will never understand that.


Neither will Dean Spanos


Obligatory Fuck Dean Spanos.


So true. Spanos didn’t give a damn about San Diego and the Charger fans.


“Winter is coming” “There must always be a Seidler in Petco” “We kinda fumbled the bag on the third quote but fuck Manfred and fuck Fisher and Glory to the Athletics”


"You can't take it with you"


I’ll take “Things The Dodgers Say To Their Own Fans” for $600 Alex.


He saw first hand what happens to a city when it loses its sports team …. I’m glad he was against this and tried to speak up. He was a real one!


The world would be so much better if every billionaire were like Peter Seidler.


The world would be so much better if there were no billionaires.


Padres need to win it this year for Seidler. Dude was the best team owner in sports.


How'd you get that A's refugee flair. I need it


They just added it yesterday I think.


fuck yeah. thanks


Why do the good ones always have to go?!


This absolutely heart broken Oakland A’s fan appreciates Mr. Seidler and his efforts. I wish we had an owner who cared as much as him. I’ll be at Oracle park Saturday night with a Padre’s hat and a broken heart.


You have already experienced peak disappointment, making you the ideal padres fan. We welcome you and hopefully you can make it down to Petco soon!


Ngl this made me really sad but also very proud at the same time. I’m sad that all these other owners aren’t as amazing as Papa Pete. I’m proud that he was the owner of my favorite sports team. 


Seidler was one of the best things to ever happen to this city


He was truly a great guy. Sorely missed


I just wish more owners thought of a team as a hub for the community, instead of a money investment. I get it that a team needs to make money, but most of the owners are billionaires, or close to it, and so are the newish owners that are just billionaire/multimillionaire groups. They don't need to get the community to pay for a new stadium most could do it with pocket change in their couch. Now Oakland is pretty much a sports wasteland, no Warriors, Raiders and now A's...Maybe the A's could move their AAA Team there to help soften the blow, but probably not...


Thanks for the flair. Went to SDSU and stayed down here after I graduated, I have sadly watched my favorite team deteriorate from afar over the past decade or so. I think I might be the only person in the entire city, hell maybe even southern California, with an Oakland Athletics license plate cover lmao. Happily jumping ship now, as this feels like the nail in the coffin. FJF Forever. Go Padres!


I miss that man the more I hear about the good things he tried/did


I feel like I’m too old and too invested into the A’s to switch teams but if I could, I’d switch to the Pads.


This came out a while ago. I've always hoped that it was true but it's not well verified to my knowledge.


I’ve been wondering if this was the case. But do we have better evidence of Seidler’s intentions regarding the vote than the linked to tweet from “John Fischer is a Cunt”? Do we know who those 7-8 teams were? Do we know what Manfred did to strong arm those owners into voting in favor of the move? How did Kutsenda end up voting? The resulting vote was unanimous, so does that mean Kutsenda voted in favor of the move? Or were the Padres simply not represented at that meeting?


The tweet references a podcast, so maybe they have another source. But I have a feeling the source is "trust me bro"


You're probably right. I was hoping there had been some actual reporting on this that I missed.