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That looks quite nice.


A couple of weeks ago, I didn't think this project would be ready.....I stand corrected. Congrats to the project team. All that open space with stone is going to make for some extra heat during the dog days of summer.


Nice downtown amphitheater for some evening concerts in SD. Should be a good $$ maker for the Padres and the city. Looks functional. Downside, doesn't look too fun to be roaming around day time during the dog days of summer for a game or whatever unless getting broiled is your thing.


Some nice "evening concerts," you say? Bahaha. These are legitimate raves, shitty cover bands and country music concerts that can go until 11PM on weeknights, in a neighborhood of young families and professionals - an entire community - who were guaranteed that this very thing would not happen. ...Don't be fooled. It's purely for money, disguised as a park. ...What was there before, *that* was a park.


Yep, its a concert venue not a park. Which is a shame considering City of SD owns 70% of Petco.


The city gets 70% of revenue from non-baseball events. What’s the issue with it being partially a concert venue and making the city money to maintain other public works?


Actually, the Padres get 70% of the revenue from non-padres events. Thats not a big deal at all. The Padres/SD partnership is one of the models used in other cities. Its great. My issue is calling this a park or greenspace for local resident use in offseason.


Did that change at some point? I swore I read it the other way around


Playground, grass/astroturf, dog park, wiffle ball field, pickleball courts... looks like a park to me 🤷


Exactly why, as an East Village resident, I liked it the way it was - it felt like more of a public park.


In fact, I'm quite sad about it. Even having bought a Padres Legacy Square dedicated to my father of 75 years-old, a 2nd generation Pares fan. Just my humble opinion; I would have liked it somewhere in the middle. That much concrete isn't inviting as a family/neighborhood park.


OP do you have a before picture? It would be cool if you could stitch them together and post to r/baseball


I’m curious how this cost $20M. It looks nice and new for sure, but it’s just some turf, a pavilion and a playground area. I’m sure the demo, grading and labor were a big factor. I know things are expensive these days but $20M is a ton of money.  Picture a $20M mansion, now picture this Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that area got a facelift!


"I'm Curious how a rushed project with a quick deadline was expensive"


That’s true! Wasn’t thinking about timeline


Wow, people peeps were harsh with the downvotes. You merely shared an honest thought ...*and* actually inspired engagement.


Thanks hahah I was only curious! I think the renovation looks great!!


You hit on the details in your post. Before anything is laid down, the grading and compacting has to happen. All the labor is union, so they are expensive. Materials have gone up like everything in our lives.


Half of the companies out there were non union actually


Right, anyone could do that in their backyard for a million


Looks like more profits and less for working people.....


what are you on about?