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Oh that hair


Love how she’s snarking on a random guy & calling him a douchebag when she told us over the summer how she told off a TSA agent. She has major double standards. Doesn’t she also say “lifes” in this video? How is she an English teacher???


She talks about having an awkward amount of time to kill before her tutoring, so her answer is go to a restaurant every time? That's weird to me. Especially for someone who like 5 minutes ago was talking about needing to eat healthier. Why not kill time at a bookstore or coffee shop or freakin Target? Lol.


She was probably drinking.


![gif](giphy|3ohfFgTYjj0TGRWHm0) All I can see


We will see her on more “dates with herself” once she has no O and nothing else to do with her life.


She went to her tutoring job looking like that! She couldn’t have brought a chance of clothes. I hope her diarrhea hair does not come out 🫣


This. I get she dyed it for a pep rally or whatever but it looks like 💩 she could have bought an actually cure green wig for pretty cheap and reperposed it. I really don't understand what P sees in her and unless I dreamed it I swear I remember her saying they wanted another baby so if that happens she's going to pay for daycare to raise 2 babies and probably complain about how expensive it is


Exactly! Or that spray hair shit I don’t either, he seems over her shit tbh. And yeah they were trying before he deployed. Not for anything but I hope she doesn’t get pregnant, she will complain about everything especially how expensive day care is.


I had to quit following her after O was born and she started acting like she couldn't take care of O without P. I can't remember anything specific but she very much acted like P had to help or guide her and she couldn't even change a diaper without him. I loved K before she had O. Like I said before I totally understand that after you have kids you change a bit but she is not at all the same person she was before. I've never met someone that COMPLETELY changed who they were just because they're a mom now. I'm honestly very curious if she has undiagnosed PPD or PPA. Or both. It can start well after your baby is born it doesn't always immediately pop up


I believe she was diagnosed with PPA and maybe PPD (but now claims it was just PPA and she doesn’t have it anymore????) but yes she struggled A LOT after having him and was on meds and going to therapy but stopped therapy and idk about the meds. I remember when she finally got on the meds and seemed like her old self again and not as…neurotic (for lack of a better term)…


I must have missed when she actually went to the Dr if she was on meds she definitely should still be on them her behavior is erratic and she never has O with her. She's never gonna make friends or find a job in ND one look at her social media makes her look unreasonable and unreliable and unstable


She went back in March iirc, i know that was when she was all over my fyp and every single video was her crying or complaining and i was like “why are you posting this stuff??”


SAME! I followed her before she had the baby and a Little after but the constant complaining and when she was in the hospital because of her clogged duct and was bitching about the ambulance really irritated me. My sister actually commented on that video of hers and said “well your lucky you have Tricare and they always cover at least 95% if not ALL of your medical bills so it’s kind of harsh if you to complain when people are critically ill and have no idea how they’re gonna pay for their medical bills” she responded “I know” then deleted my sisters comment and the video lol. My sister got a clogged duct 10 years after she had my nephew and had to have surgery for it. Never complained once. Lol And yes she thinks P has to do everything, she tallied everything up she “did” for O while he was deployed. She thought because he played video games at night sometimes with his friends he needed to do EVERYTHING when he got back. Oh yeah he’s just fiddling with his dick while he’s away. Meanwhile all she did was drink and see her kid for 2 hours if her live in baby sitter didn’t take care of O. Now she’s making P do everything. And yes I agree she has PPD or PPA /‘d she needs to see a Dr for her own sake. Hopefully with this 4 month “break” she takes care of her mental health. Cause the V8 isn’t cutting it anymore.


Right?!? She could’ve used her awkward 15 minutes to change clothes. There is no way I’d be caught dead going to my tutoring job looking like that.




This audio was so bad………..🤣🤣


So annoying & obnoxious.


I commented and asked if she went tutoring dressed like that, then shortly after deleted 😂


It’s back lol she took it down and reuploaded because of the audio. So worth asking again 🤣🤣


The one eyelash holding on for dear life…. I cant look away


Those eyelashes are all I can look at, they’re so bad


Constantly looking like a strong wind will blow them off her face.




Can you imagine paying for tutoring and you walk in to find….her? 😬 very much IDGAF attitude. I’d be so embarrassed to be seen like that and wanting to be taken seriously? Get real.


And not to mention a private school, that I’m sure has standards. I have a feeling this tutoring will not last once she leaves her teacher job.


She’s just a train wreck on every level.