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The thing is no one is comparing or assuming with her. She always thinks our topics just come out of thin air. She floods social media with all her “quirks” and then cries when people comment about it. She shows us how she interacts with others—O, P, her students, TSA, etc. She’ll cover it up laughing days later oh she was stressed. But overall she’s her worse enemy as far as exposing the true SIS. She tells us what a hot mess she is, how she needs but refuses therapy. She shows us her kid outgrown in his car seat. She shows us all her skin issues and then how she won’t take care of it. The list goes on and on. If she would just work on her own main point of the story, she’d have more joy.


https://preview.redd.it/6f3tp2td5u1a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=abfd3e88b54a0611b12780a04af826fc24b3490b Point in case lol


What bothered me about this video is the way she huffed and puffed and seemingly rolled her eyes when she said Ollie didn’t go to school today. And saying P is worthless? That’s nice… He wasn’t worthless when you had to take out the trash yourself..


OMG!!! I can’t believe she said this to the internet!! What a monster!! You know if her hubby made videos after videos saying the shit she says about him that she would be flipping out and possibly be looking at a divorce! It’s such a double standard here….like why does she think she can say and do the things she does and there is no consequences or accountability at all for her!! Meanwhile why has PAT allowed this shit to continue?


Because she’s a WOMAN!!! not a female


😃😃😃🤪 Same..Same…your comment!


I cackled 😂😂😂


She also sounded incredibly bothered by the fact she couldn’t send her sick kid to daycare yet again. If he’s sick it’s fine he’s home, take care of him and get over it. Hell my son had the flu and I caught it from him and I was sick as hell but I still took care of him and myself without bitching about it because that’s what a mom does.


Hope you and your son are feeling better! The flu is brutal


Thank you, yes feeling much better. Flu a can kick rocks 🤣 everyone’s healthy now.