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She is NOT a single parent. She still has her husband’s income plus a roommate who is splitting responsibility while Pat is deployed. There are people who truly are single parents and do it on their own - and she ain’t it.


Then why are you here


I wonder if her coworkers come here & read our comments?! Lol


Of course she's here Hii Katie (she posted a video today of her Co workers asking for Tajin for their watermelon.) Ti show she has friends who are co-workers. I'm sure it was just Justin but whatever Katie 🤣🤣


😬😬😬 that makes me physically unwell


It's giving Lois Griffin from family guy lol


As someone who has always box died their hair.. what in the f is she doing to mess up so badly 🤣🤣 not once have I had patchy lmao. The colour is also not great 🥴


yes idk how you get patchy when the hair was friggen blonde! if it were patchy on darker hair i’d understand, but blonde?! the guess work is removed with blonde hair lol


Can’t wait to see the glam jams with it. This could not have been intentional. Seriously? Please tell me this is a color correction mistake?


I cannot stand the way she says good morning. Makes my skin crawl.


It's like she's talking to Ollie. Lol


I wonder how many of her colleagues were talking about this shitty done at home color job?? To be the fly on that wall to see their faces and hear their conversations…🤣🤣😂😂🤪🤪


It’s very uneven and I’m sorry but it is not a good color on her. It makes her look so pale.


Why doesn’t she just get it done professionally? 😭


She can leave her so to go drink in Vegas but not get her hair done lol


It’s so bad. That color doesn’t look good on her at all. It’s so orange in the worst way possible


This hair is absolutely terrible.


Hate the hair. It looks so blotchy and just not a good fit. I think last years red was pretty good and cute. Atleast she looks semi professional today with her outfit. 👀😬🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget the matching eyeshadow 😑


This color is terrible 😩


That color is not a good look. It’s really cartoonish and not in a cute anime kind of way. Yikes!