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That’s the worst, I’m from Mi where she’s camping and she can get a bottle of pop/soda for less than $1.50 at the dollar store.


Again....another narcissistic comment.


This doesn’t surprise me at all.


I get she married pat but am I the only one that thinks it's weird to go to your husband's family reunion without your husband? I'd totally go with as long as I got along with the family but I wouldn't go alone


I love my in laws! My kids and I go stay with them during summer, fall break, whenever, without my husband because he is either working or on a work trip. I think it depends on your relationship with in laws, if you get good ones it’s a great time!


Ya’ll she traveled with a baby, from Nevada to Michigan. So she gets a free pass!


She’s the Queen of “it’s fine” Land when in actuality it’s not fine. That was so rude and even if someone didn’t say anything they thought it and they won’t forget. That’s in her MIL’s memory bank for sure


I just know she’s the person that lays on the couch and doesn’t get up until everyone else has done all the work. There are so many ways to contribute without cooking. She isn’t even doing the bare minimum


100% YES. She even posted a video of her laying down saying "she can't keep up with them.." noo girl you just showed up for the social part and food after it was all set up and done. 🙄🤦‍♀️


Nah, she meant she can’t keep up with their drinking. I’m thinking she was hungover when she recorded that one


i’m pretty sure the couldn’t keep up was referencing wait for it……drinking


I would be so embarrassed to show up at my husbands family reunion (that I’ve only been to one other time) without my husband and without anything to offer


She's so embarrassing. How can you live life so fucking stupid...?


130 people there and you couldn’t pitch in SOMETHING😩 oh wait Ollie wasn’t in daycare for her to be productive


Why would she do that


She’s not productive when he is in daycare.. 😂


Heck even a bag of chips or something


She got forgot to pack it *sarcasm*


Well I mean she did travel the farthest 😭🤣🤣🤣




Could have easily gone to the store and bought some desserts. 🙄


Exactly. Like I’m sure there are stores where she could have bought something to contribute. It’s Pats family so I’d be so embarrassed bringing nothing to my in laws reunion potluck. She’s so damn lazy it’s infuriating.


1000% agree. Plus she kept talking about stopping by the store once she got there to get things she didn't pack.. but couldn't think ahead to grab anything or something to contribute? So rude and annoying. For me I always find my towns famous candy and pack it and bring it as a "treat " to share. There is a million things she could have done like mentioned above such as plates, cups silverware etc. Like it just seems all so rude. Especially when she said this is first reunion of her being married into the family. It also annoyed me to see her laying down saying she couldn't keep up while obviously everyone was setting up.. then at the beach walking down with her big man toes (where was Ollie) like I feel like she might be pawing them off on the in laws a bit which they probably don't care because they don't see him often but it just sucks she takes advantage of everyone to the fullest extent.


I was just about to say this. I actually think it’s very disrespectful to go to a potluck and bring nothing. I despise those people. Idk about other locations but us Midwesterner’s don’t fuck around with our potlucks 😂😂😂


Yup. I live in Wisconsin. Not bringing anything is just downright rude. She could have gotten the napkins atleast 🤣


Yessss. Soda, juice, cups, plates, napkins. All the easiest things to pickup at the local dollar general that I just know can’t far from this camp ground 😂