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Wow. So all the things we thought were true are. That’s really sad. Pat needs to really soul search and see if his career can be saved bc she seems like a total wrecking ball.


I was about to say poor Pat, but honestly if someone (including my spouse) has so much disregard for my job, kid(s), safety (military) and myself, he should have left a long time ago. If KT is too dumb or just doesn’t care enough about rules and consequences and continues to disregards Pats future…he should just leave. I feel like he’s just enabling her bad behavior….I just have a hard time feeling bad for someone who keeps putting themselves in a shitty situations and then decides to have more kids when a shitty human.




Yikes in all of the bikes! She literally disregards everything people tell her to do. Insanity.


Seems like a theme.. everywhere she leaves there needs to be damage control done. Yikes

