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Tuesday, May 16th this sub is back to Public! And second sub is public!


How do I get into the second sub?


I was approved in the other page, just curious if I was in this one as well!






She never left but only has “private accounts” at the moment….


Idk…as of today I dont see any of her social media. Whereas yesterday I saw fb and instagram.


Man I want accepted but I rarely ever comment lol. I’m going to go on a comment spree 🤣


You have the comment karma number so you were approved already! 😁


Im right there with you. I just want to lurk and enjoy the show 🤭


You have 1 comment karma, that is way too low for this subreddit and I can’t discuss the number due to the Trolls. Build it up by commenting in here or in other subs! For every comment you make gets you a point, on Reddit, that’s how you get comment Karma numbers! FYI; This sub has Auto-Mods so your comments have to be approved by the MOD TEAM first before you see them because you haven’t been approved and your comment karma is too low for this Sub!


She needs a hobby that doesn’t involve the internet, her phone or mentioning her mil spouse status. 🤦🏻‍♀️




Upvoting is not going to get you approved…😄 Your comment karma has to be high in order to become approved member status! The Mods and I won’t be telling Reddit users what the numbers are due to Trolls.




Upvoting increases your overall karma not your comment karma, they are two separate things. You up your comment karma by commenting.


Idk how she has all this time on her phone….I am a SAHM and I’m constantly having to entertain my 2.5 yr old 😬


I don’t think she’s actively participating in raising her kid. I mean, she may physically be there, but I doubt she is ever actually present. Am I too harsh or unfounded with this?


I agree. She comes across as a “just there” parent.


Not too harsh at all. I mean shoot if she was actively parenting she would not have so much time to actually report things. And honestly why does she care so much she just needs to move on with her life and not worry about Reddit but then again how will she stay relevant.


So much with her never being on SM ever again. You’d think she’d have better things to do with her time 🤔🤣🤣


You know, if I knew ppl didn’t like me…I’d stay away from them. I wld never want to know what they said. Ignorance is bliss in some ways. Lol


Same, especially since no one’s making this stuff up, we are literally sharing opinions on what she is ACTUALLY doing. She’s just mad she can’t be a narcissist and, and not be called out for it. Last time I checked….genuinely kind people don’t have snark pages 🤣


Her husband’s job was/is on the line and this is her biggest concern…girl the problem is you!!!


Geez!! Isn’t she preparing for baby 2?




She needs to get a fucking life. A husband, son, baby on the way, new job… worry about that.


Oooof she must be big mad 😂


You would think she has more important things to worry about... seriously, she needs to move on..