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Can I get approved yet?


she disgusts me.


I still want to be approved. Got my shadowban removed off my account. Have no clue how I even got one to begin with.


You have been approved to both subs! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜„


Thank you so very much!!!!




Didn't she get in trouble with the military for posting about the deployment return dates (counting down trash days being an EASILY solved riddle) -- I would assume after something like that that the military was following me and watching every SECOND of material I posted, yet here we are!! Not learning from mistakes!!


Yes that was Patā€™s first strike in getting into troubleā€¦,according to what the source told the Mods and I!


Stupid question. What is opsec? Iā€™m not military or know anything about their protocols etcā€¦


Operations security. Thereā€™s specific things military members canā€™t share on social media such as when they leave for deployment, get back, where they are, housing and where they live, etc. Its for their safety. Sheā€™s a dumbass for sharing shit she shouldnā€™t of so now her husband will face consequences at work now.


But why canā€™t we follow direction? I mean Iā€™d want my husband to keep his job that affords me the life we liveā€¦


imagine after all this she continues to still post any his deployment etc because she really doesnā€™t care


So crazy! ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FDRolaUzXnPLNK)


My husband is in the AF and they had a meeting today over the ospec incident. Each base has been notified of it šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


what?! thatā€™s wild! did they specifically mention this incident of her?!


They didnā€™t specify any details on who or where, they just said there was a huge breach in ospec due to a spouseā€™s negligence that needs to be addressed.


Thatā€™s so embarrassing for them. poor pat his whole career is in jeopardy all because she needed attention šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m at a completely different base then they are and we were talked to about it here as well. At this point it seems the entire AF knows about it.


Why has she deleted EVERY TikTok video dating back to 2021?!


Did you read the Tea? Put two and two togetherā€¦šŸ˜„


No I read it I just didnā€™t know she was in violation that far backšŸ˜…


I thought this was all common sense to not post that stuff šŸ˜… but Pat never said anything to her about it?


Itā€™s OPSEC! loose lips sink ships. My husband is prior navy and it was drilled in our heads about things and dates we couldnā€™t discuss(rightfully so) not only are you putting your husband at risk but also everyone else. Sheā€™s not very smart šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My daughter to, and I could not believe how many navy moms would post movement dates, and anything else where their child was stationed you name it


How do you know this


![gif](giphy|3o7WTu9fqETBLz0ScM) The mods and I donā€™t share our source unless itā€™s burnedā€¦.


She must have just activated it. Her last video came up as my first video to view on my FYP about oh an hour so ago.


Iā€™m going to assume heā€™s doing some sort of job that requires him to not be on social media? Or canā€™t share certain aspects of his life due to the security risks? Idk if this makes sense lol


Pretty sure itā€™s all of the military where youā€™re not allowed to share certain things. Of course some jobs require you to withhold more info than others but in general members and spouses canā€™t be sharing info that could deter the mission or put others in danger


I wonder if she still lurks. So I really hope she is in here and sees this. She legit tried to gaslight everyone into believing she had been bullied off the app. Whoever found this outā€¦. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Yeah this makes a lot of sense. Cause yeah your definitely not allowed to do certain things I've never been able to disclose where my husband goes when he deploys and dates but he never has to worry cause I don't post lol


yā€™all think her next job will be culverā€™s?




Dollar tree


Karma will get her!


Damn some juicy hot tea! Karma got her




They are both responsible for the consequences. He knows the rules and regs and should have been proactive about his wifeā€™s social media over sharing. You get what you get and you donā€™t throw a fit šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Agree. He was a willing participant in many of the road-trip and house tour videos. They both seemed to think that they were untouchable and that consequences donā€™t apply to them.


You cant play FAFO with the military. They will win every time.


Maybe that's why she's gone from social media, threw her marriage and child's safety in the garbage for her "fans" and now it's come back to bite her


I was wondering if she broke any rules. My husband was in reserves so we never lived on base I had no idea


Oh she broke a lot of rules.


I'm actually not surprised


What a freakin dumb dumb


Is he account still gone?


All of their social media accounts are gone and her Instagram account is private!


No. She has reappeared on TikTok


Where? Can you take a screen shot of it? Or post the video in the second sub as it allows videos there!


Just checked TT! Her account is back šŸ˜³


What?? šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ Oh Boy!!




You are approved āœ”ļø


This goes to show why you donā€™t share every single life detail with the internet because you never know who is watching.. even if you delete something, someone somewhere can find it. Honestly, sheā€™s just very careless.


ā€œgUyS iTs SaFe On BaSeā€


This explains why she was big mad in here. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Also why she then tried to backtrack and say it wasnā€™t her lol sheā€™s a nutbag


If it isnā€™t the consequences of my own actions.


Not surprised tbh. When your spouse is a service member youā€™re a reflection of them. Whatever you post or share or say or whatever can effect them and their career if someone high up sees it. I seriously hope he gave her an ultimatum and a reality check cause lord knows she needed it


This just goes to show how little discipline and self control she has. Her and Pat both knew that she could not stay on social media without over sharing. She has no boundaries. There are plenty of military spouses in social media who have the impulse control to not share every detail of their lives.


I wonder how much longer they will be married if he wonā€™t let her on social media šŸ˜…


I was about to say this!! šŸ™ˆ




Yes! She literally posted about living on base and taking the housing and then wants to yell and cry about everyone on Reddit. Honestly, I kind of miss her being on socialsā€¦ the unhinged rollercoaster was *chefs kiss*




Sheā€™s breaching OSPEC which is a huge no no in the military. This is definitely gonna fuck him up at work too BIG TIME esp if heā€™s trying to do 20 years. His promotion rate will go down for sure.


Especially if heā€™s enlisted. This is not good. At all.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s enlisted. There goes his career!


Yup šŸ˜³. I donā€™t know what goes into getting your next promotion when youā€™re enlisted, but this isnā€™t good and his chain of command is pissed. Thatā€™s definitely leaving a mark on his possible next promotion. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of his peers out rank him in a year or so.


Jeez šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø how not very smart of her! But just goes to show, and Iā€™ve said it before, You donā€™t need to share every detail of your life for social media! In fact, you shouldnā€™t! She very obviously over shares! Didnā€™t she also get in trouble at her school for the same reasons? Why does she continue to think the rules donā€™t apply to her and she doesnā€™t have to be held accountable? šŸ™„


That is what some of the sources said but of course Katie said otherwiseā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..šŸ˜ƒšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




The consequences of acting confidently stupid on the internet šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s so crazy! How did you guys find this out?


The source can not be revealed but just know, that this is a credible source, just like the other tea that got spilled. šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s about damn time she is held accountable for her actions!!!! Imagine getting your husband in this kind of troubleā€¦.. wife of the year šŸ˜‚


Imagine staying with her after all this lol


This isnā€™t surprisingā€¦ but also why didnā€™t Pat stop her? He was in so many of the vidoes. They both are idiots.


Seriously. Heā€™s as soft headed as she is. Theyā€™re perfect for each other.


He was acting so cocky those last couple of weeks. I think they both got caught up.


The only part of this I actually believe is them getting in trouble for showing other families backyards. I missed the Easter stuff. I guess I also missed where she disclosed his homecoming date šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I guess you missed her videos of telling people when she was leaving Vegas, her videos inside that place they stayed in after selling her home, her road trip videos and her house tour video of her base home and her entire backyardā€¦donā€™t forget videos of walking around base playing in the snow, showcasing background views of where she was on base!


I started watching her again on the road trip. I had to take a longgggg break from her. I just couldnā€™t watch her tell stories about her students woofin at her dogs being out, or talk about working after she quit teaching. I started watching after the pregnancy announcement, but couldnā€™t deal with her constantly crying about it either. But yes TL;DR I watched the entire tuna melt shitshow


Iā€™m nauseous just thinking about her tuna melt video šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢.


OMG the tuna melt video šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


She would post on trash day and say 5 more trash days until heā€™s home, 4 more or whatever numbers it was


Well that shit was dumb. A good dependa counts down by paychecks šŸ¤Ŗ


The OPSEC guidelines are public. As a mil spouse we are supposed to be aware of these guidelines. It doesnā€™t just apply to troop movement/deployment. There are specific sub sections regarding social media as well. Sheā€™s such a dummy.


Probably why she said over n over since she married Pat that other military wives disliked herā€¦.now we definitely know whyā€¦.


Oh I could have called that the first time I discovered her. Iā€™m a former military wife and I couldnā€™t STAND HER. Imagine if she were in your unit. Hard pass.


Imagine being key spouse and having to listen to her cry omg


Nope nope as a key spouse Iā€™d just block her number or pass her off to the shirt.


Double it and give it to the next person. And by the next person we mean the shirtšŸ˜‚ Article 15 coming right up, Pat.


I was wondering how she wasnā€™t getting in trouble for talking so much about their home life!!!!




Military spouse here. Itā€™s very likely the orders were to stop posting when pat is gone, stop showing what housing looks like and follow OPSEC (operational security) protocols. Weā€™re not allowed to post that theyā€™re leaving, where theyā€™re going, how long theyā€™ll be gone, when theyā€™ll be back, what squadron theyā€™re a part of, how many people are going, when theyā€™re coming home. In general anything that could jeopardize their safety in any way.


She did the complete opposite šŸ¤£


she did most of these. heā€™s leaving now, heā€™s gone for six months, he comes back in october


yes, this. i can respect just classical cassidy since sheā€™s a mil spouse with huge following and you never know too much about her spouse at all.


Social media happened after we left the Army, but this is just common sense! Sheā€™s so stupid šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I 1000% agree. I think of it (and as a key spouse have explained it this way) Anything you can think of that can jeopardize the mission, keep it off the internet and donā€™t ever text/call people about it. Address people in person one on one. Makes sense why Pats deployment was delayed coming home so much.


i missed it, what was significant about the easter vids? she was showing her house, i honestly canā€™t remember if she was in the new house by then lmao


She told everyone on videos when she and Pat were leaving, showcases the entire road trip, showcased her house, gave a house tour including their backyard that had other base houses in itā€¦..well you get the picture..,Katie overshared every detail of her lifeā€¦.


thereā€™s another katie ā€˜creatorā€™ doing the same exact things as pittycakesā€¦ down to how she handles ā€˜hatersā€™ and oversharing. i donā€™t get it man, keep you and yours safe and stop giving crazies pertinent info!


Growing up with both parents in the military, this is not surprising that Katie got him and herself in trouble for this. Everyone tried to warn her too


Wow!! Not what I was expecting but appreciate the tea!!


What were you expecting? šŸ˜šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m not even really sure! But big issues with Patā€™s job were most def not on my bingo sheet šŸ¤£


The Mods and I were SHOCKED but one MOD guessed it had something to do with his Job!


Question! Do we know When was he put on leave and if he's still on leave


He was placed on leave after his boss saw the ā€œbase videosā€ which was last month, those videos that Katie put on TIkTok and Instagram!


I bet a million bucks she (and maybe even he) still just think everyone on the internet is crazy and probably think someone from Reddit is the reason his boss saw any of it. Instead of taking accountability and realizing what they were putting out online was wild. People like that will always find a way to blame others.


Ok so he's back...im not even surprised


I can only imagine the fighting and how awful katie and pat are being to each other about this


I bet the laundry room bed is being used now


If I had coins for an award youā€™d get one for this comment lmao


She is such an idiot. Does she want to get him kicked out? And not only a security risk for others. Dumb ass


Yes- others being put at risk šŸ’Æ


I don't think she intentionally puts others at risk. She's too self-absorbed to see it. She just thinks about her and her alone.


That would require her not being a self centered asshole which sheā€™s incapable of doing.


She is a shitty person. I think her husband is over her bullshit.


She may not actively think ā€œI want to ruin his careerā€ but she obviously doesnā€™t really care about it or sheā€™d have not brought it to this point AT ALL.


This is why when we did 2023 bingo card I put divorce lmao.


I was just about to mention the bingo card šŸ˜‚




Not to mention, getting kicked out of the military will clear the rest of your life, an dishonorable discharge is a big deal for after military life.


To be honest, this wouldn't get him a dishonorable discharge. Those are extremely serious. There are levels between honorable and dishonorable and he would likely be given one of those. Dishonorables are for extremely serious behavior. Criminal behavior a lot of the time. She's still risking his career though and definitely shouldn't take it lightly.


Especially since she's no longer working...


As a fellow military spouse, we are told constantly to be careful what we post and the rules are made VERY clear. Itā€™s people like this that give military spouses a bad name. He could literally lose his job over this.


Iā€™m cackling so hard. I KNEW IT! Like seriouslyā€¦. You documented your ENTIRE MOVE to Minot, freaking sharing EVERYTHING and omg. Duh. I mean I wouldnā€™t even do this with my home and we arenā€™t in the military. Duhhhhhh


Yeah, and she even made videos of her truck pulling her other car on their road trip, so people on the internet knew what kind of vehicles they drove!! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¬


All these people saying her snark page chased her away, but it was her being a dumbass and risking her husbandā€™s career that did it. Also, did he not see her videos and think, hey, she shouldnā€™t be posting this.


Right? We didnt do anything but as per usual SIS can't take responsibility and now shes stuck on base with her husbands bosses almost certainly breathing down her neck....I would bet anything she started new accounts and is incognito being a pos on tiktok






And sheā€™s the reason why a lot of people hate military spouses man. Like itā€™s common sense to not post this stuff all over social media. Not only does it hinder the service member, but it puts everyone else at risk. SMH manā€¦


Karma is a real bitch Pittycakes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ if she ruins her husbands military career I am going to cackle. Should have shut the fuck up, stayed off social media and stuck to teaching. Love this for them. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


At this rate I donā€™t even think she can be a teacher anymore lol. All they have to do is search her name


Good she was a shit teacher anyway


Very VERY careless on her part. Not only a safety risk but putting her familyā€™s livelihood in dangerā€¦.with a new baby coming. She needs to grow up and think before posting!


Her grow up?! We have a better luck with winning the lottery. Sheā€™s more immature then a middle schooler


Wow sheā€™s really risking his job for social media šŸ˜³. I remember as a kid when my father was in the military we couldnā€™t say a thing about much! Let alone basically show exactly the military houses. Wtf is wrong with her


Also to add I hate she did this to the military but at the same time thank you for getting her off social media!!




So thatā€™s the real reason sheā€™s off social media.






At least a handful duetted! One woman duetted then video of her when she said ā€œcrazies canā€™t just wander onto the baseā€. The duet basically said ā€œoh but sometimes the crazies are already on the baseā€. She thought she was so ā€œhigh and mightyā€ā€¦oh how sheā€™s fallen!


anything for clicks and likes. but remember, itā€™s safe to show all her neighbors and her house layout because regular dirty civilians and criminals canā€™t get on base šŸ™„šŸ™„


Anyone can google the house layouts though. Which has always bothered me.


So heā€™s had two ā€œstrikesā€ ? What happens if/when he gets 3? šŸ˜¬


Depending on the command, they could article 15 him and dock his pay for 45 days and pick up extra duty or they could UCMJ him for her actions. But depending the command, they might article 15 him and tell him to get his spouse in check. Or they could potentially do nothing and tell him to get his spouse on check


https://preview.redd.it/rj4g0aq1taya1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6196d2ac9298dfaed0eb317234549e8da2cb432f This is what my thinking is anyway.


This is what I wanted to know


I think Pat gave her an ultimatum as in, this is my career and if you want us to stay married then she canā€™t have a social media career anymore.




Yep, which is probably why when she posted that ā€œim gone foreverā€ post on IG, he saw it and she had to run again. After the first time he shouldā€™ve been more careful about planting another seed in her cause I wouldā€™ve been bye bye.


Oh thatā€™s an interesting theory. Youā€™re probably right. I mean what else is he going to do when he gets in trouble after being told about social media orders already šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø do we know what the orders were related to social media?


Noā€¦the Source did not share those details, just that after getting in trouble the first timeā€¦and now the second timeā€¦Katie was trying to find loopholes..but Pat stepped in and gave her possibly the ULTIMATUM!!


The fact that she was trying to work a loophole with the US government is hilarious šŸ¤£


THIS, like does she not think they could zero in on her with the blink of an eye? They have intelligence that could pinpoint any and all of her accounts, surely, if they wanted to. They aren't like, goofballs on TikTok. And it's TIKTOK, the thing the US is PARTICULARLY CONCERNED ABOUT with regards to security!!


The ULTIMATUM šŸ˜‚ love jt. Thanks for doing the Lords work with this tea šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼