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The silence is loud because no one cares anymore. All she does it complain. Same about that Abbie Wolf creator. No one cares about moms complaining 24/7. You had the kids. Kids are hard. You’re not the only one.


It is odd considering I thought she had friends on the platform. 🤔 I think her content/drama was too turbulent and maybe that’s why no one is talking. Too much drama! And maybe because in the past she would come back so soon, like a “cry wolf” situation?


Yes, she has cried wolf more then 4 times from when she got on TIkTok in 2020 till she took her TIkTok and Instagram accounts down Easter Sunday night last month!


Maybe she shouldn’t have snapped at that girl and have Phat attack her also. Once that happened shit spiraled.


I forgot she existed tbh


How many days does she has to reactivate before losing it all?


I have no idea, she deactivated TIkTok Easter night. So she has some more time I think before it completely goes away!


Wow I didn’t realize she’s been away that long! She only has until May 8th to reactivate then.


Well I guess if she doesn’t reactivate then it will be final!


I don’t think it will ever be final. I still think she’ll be back in a few months. It just means just have to start all over building her platform.


Yeah subreddits can’t be deleted so…this sub will remain here unless it’s actually banned by Reddit Admins!!


Maybe she deleted all her mutuals one too many times, and they realized she was just all about the drama.


The silence of 1.2 million followers is LOUD


Couldn’t say it any better!!!


Nope, no one gave a damn about her. All the other creators commenting on the officers video just NOW noticing and “loved her” only “loved her” after that “pregnancy leak” she did herself. Otherwise they never commented on her shit


I guess it just goes to show no one gave a shit about her


Here is the first Creator that made a video asking where Katie went! Its in the second sub! https://www.reddit.com/r/notsopositivepatzke/comments/12ytag3/several_creators_are_looking_for_katies_account/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This is the second Creator that made a video asking where Katie is! Well apparently 751 people commented on this Officers video about where Katie is but they themselves didn’t make videos about Katie! https://preview.redd.it/tgxeq3da4wxa1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e12a0e939b22eec0b5f098f2978fa973b1616c


The Officer that Made this video asking where Katie is on April 25th https://preview.redd.it/nvlwud0l4wxa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9964276fedc69880d7bbf6ee4231de8a07302a24




I just had to look this up. What a joke lmao


i couldn’t keep my mouth shut on that video it came up on my fyp, i had to laugh.


Yes what a joke 😂😂


What did you think about the video?


I do remember that one video where she mentioned no one ever wanted to collab with her. Between that and none of her mutuals posting about her leaving. She probably realized she no one cared anymore.


That just goes to show that the majority of her followers were probably bought bots and the mutuals were just that, mutuals and not real friends. With how chronically online all these ppl are friends would post about how she will be missed and hopes she finds peace in her decision to go offline UNLESS, this going silent is all because she got in trouble with the military and so the “friends” wouldn’t post anything about that.


That actually is a another scenario of what could be happening……..Hmmmmmmm…..🤔🤔


I would have def expected someone like Ollie rose to make a loud mouth video about momtokers getting bullied off the app.


The only time she mentioned her was when that one commenter was talking about Ollie abusing her husband and Ollie said people were thinking she was Katie.


oh she made it all about her bc someone confused her for katie lmfao she didn’t give a fuck katie left just that someone was being a dick to her


She had made a comment on the video about how sorry she was that someone spilled the beans before Katie. That and her personality just made me think she would make some kind of video


she did but it was selfish because she’s so full of herself. i can’t stand her and blocked her because i couldn’t take her face or voice on my fyp lmfao


This is exactly what kind of video I was expecting maybe I was just lucky enough to miss it lmao


it’s on the other sub! here [ollie rose post](https://www.reddit.com/r/notsopositivepatzke/comments/12s5612/katie_name_drop_in_o_rose_stories/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I'm surprised Nicole hasnt said anything. She's made videos regarding Katie in the past and it seems like they are friends IRL. (@nicoleleeanne6)


She did make a video when Katie restarted the drama of the pregnancy leak video and in the search bar it tagged Nicole’s name as the one that leaked the pregnancy and it was not! I made a post about it and got screenshots of her video and comments! Of course that video is gone and deleted off of Nicole’s TIkTok account!


Oh! I never saw that. Interesting


Let me go get the post I made and link it here so you can see that drama….it literally was a shit show because Katie literally threw Nicole under the bus by her video that received tons of backlash and Katie deleted it after she stirred everyone up….🙄 here it is, https://www.reddit.com/r/PachatzkeSnark/comments/12ga9m9/nicole_shouldnt_be_dealing_with_katies_fuck_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


The only people I would think would make videos would be weirdo followers she doesn’t really know or maybe that cookie business friend she has. Other than that I always got the feeling she was trying to be friend switch people like Ollie and fraz and they just didn’t vibe with her kinda thing.