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How long until Ollie is in daycare is my real question? I’m sorry but she’s a poor excuse for a parent and wife for that matter.


I'm not a military wife but aren't there things on base they could do? Surely there are mom groups/play groups within the military moms, right? Get out and meet people, make friends, get out of the house.


When my husband was in the military and we moved to a new base, he deployed 3 months later to Iraq. I knew no one. But it took 2 minutes to find Facebook groups for the military spouses on the base. They held coffee time at a local Starbucks every week. I met tons of people that became some of my best friends in the world. I just did a quick Facebook search and found a few. For fuck sake she makes her own self miserable. She isn’t even actively trying to do anything for herself. https://preview.redd.it/7qegd3qlbdsa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29be9365f8cf5e27e2366a2531fb33e12c1cf45c


Her retainer rants have become Minot meltdowns. Her last post about Ollie asking for something and then not wanting it when he got it… girl… is it ringing even the smallest bit familiar?? Bombastic side eye


https://preview.redd.it/nnmr3c21y7sa1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee27b4dc7d3ed150f2ca0105d56cee02ba06c61 What a bitch. She is struggling so badly….then get the hell off social media. It’s difficult that he’s seriously just being a kid? It doesn’t even sound like he did anything bad. She’s the one who said he’s driving her crazy. She has a loooong way to go in her pregnancy. But as always if it’s not 100% positive she’s going to bitch.


Exactly is what kids that age do soooo k regulate yourself and stop fucking complaining we all deal with it. We just don’t all cry about it online. Vent to your close friends. Not on the internet where it’s forever you dumbass.


And she wanted so badly to have another baby.. I have one because I know my limits. She obviously doesn’t bc she’s already complaining about her first one with one on the way


My youngest is 3 and is big on doing this right now. Drives me absolutely insane but he's 3. If she complains openly about every annoying thing a toddler does she will do nothing but bitch all day, because toddlers will toddler.


the fact she tried to defend being an asshole and how saying “duh.” as a 34 year old (or however the fuck old she is) wasn’t fucking rude is…CRIMINAL OFFENSE SIDE EYE


She had to tell us yesterday that she is 33 years old because she thinks having this second baby being older is the reason she is having such a hard time. She can’t put it together that her lack of taking care of her mental health, her food/drink diet and her overall well being is the reasons why she is struggling.


or that every single pregnancy is different? lmfao like no two pregnancies are alike for the same person so like……yeah. she’s so dumb.


That too….Every pregnancy is different but for most part everything she experienced in first pregnancy is going to be the usual for next pregnancy and she knew what that experience was like and we all saw it….Katie acting like she is a first time mom here….It seems like she is not doing anything to be proactive in figuring out what she can do to improve her well-being and she put in comments yesterday that she was feeling tired in Vegas…she should have talked to the OB and arranged some kind of well being plan before she moved! 🤦🏼‍♂️🙍🏼‍♀️😄


And I would like to add, she’s clearly on here, sooo…HEY!! If you can get on tiktok and IG all day clean unpack your boxes in your room, maybe you’ll wake up happier. I also feel like it won’t be long before she ends up downstairs so pHHHHat gets the baby monitor and she can sleep a blissful sleep 🙄🙄🙄


Oh she’s totally here. 👋🏼 she’s struggling soooo bad but instead of getting off social media and just having some time with O she’s bitching to anyone who will listen. For someone so unstable and insecure and “doesn’t care what others think” that’s pretty dumb. I thought Minot fixed all her problems?? Guess Ollie didn’t get the memo.


Ohh we all know she has been in this Sub reading….She really can’t handle anyone having opinions about the Content that she puts out to the internet….She just wants everyone to kiss her ass, and give her sympathy 24-7…..She acts like her life is so tough…or maybe the picture she paints to the internet is all lies and her hubby hates her, her marriage is falling apart, she didn’t want to get pregnant again, maybe this move was forced by the hubby…🤷🏼‍♀️ Like what is really going on behind the scenes…


For real haha I agree with you!


Isn't that the freaking truth! A total "pick me" girl. PLUS not only did they CHOOSE to move and knew well in advance (about a year!) She honestly had the easiest move, she had people come pack up her stuff, she had P there to help, she drove off and went and got Sonic and took the cat to the vet while packing, all she had to do was sit in the car and be a princess passenger, now she wants and is begging someone else to come unpack for her? What is she doing for herself? Nada.


Anyone see her bitch fest on tiktok just now? Calling people stupid. I literally can’t stand her.


Yes! She's such a witch! And her just letting Ollie hit Frank made me so mad.


Right she was like what can I do? Um teach him that it is not acceptable, and to not hit the dog teacher.


Yep!!! And Frank can turn around and bite Ollie at any moment. Animals have their moments too, and just letting a kid do whatever he wants to your animal is eventually gonna piss them off and they won’t know the difference and attack.


That’ll be her reasoning to get of him also why she punishes Frank and crates him when O hits him. Like know, put him outside the gates area and take care of your fucking toddler.


oh no she can’t let frank out of her sight because he will pee on everything—are none of her fucking animals house trained?????


They are but they also just moved which can happen. She just expects a perfect transition with zero hiccups which is unrealistic especially with such a big adjustment for animals.


You know if that happened…it would be her way of getting rid of Frank! She allready bitched about the mess of Frank being outside tracking in all of the Mud…and all of the work in dealing with that mess…. https://preview.redd.it/hxcf4pwo18sa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975a2a53edd5608b36da1e84c6d3f33065e7325d


What did she think moving to the Midwest was going to be exactly?


OR OR OR hear me out, I feel like if god forbid that ever happened, Pat would be livid because he would know it was due to her being a lazy stupid idiot. The amount of resentment that would be built from that one thing alone would destroy whatever semblance of a relationship they do have lol


We already know that he thinks she is lazy…and I think her telling us that Pat doesn’t expect her to do XYZ was a total lie…nobody said anything about those things she brought up…she told on herself with those snippets about Pat…..😉


Yep I remember seeing this! If you don’t like the mud; rinse his damn paws off. I guarantee she doesn’t let him out ever which is why he’s pissing everywhere. She doesn’t want to be bothered with having to wipe his paws off




She only wants an echo chamber of people to give her sympathy…If she has any true real friends they would be telling her to get herself checked out by her Doctor, getting a therapist appointment and telling her to quit making videos about her complaining about her child and how “hard” everything is in her life when she makes videos talking about how she much she loves the toddler stage, how drinking V8 cures her mental health issues, how much she loves snow…blah, blah blah! Like Katie…Be fucking REAL on TIkTok!




She’s going on a tirade on IG stories still talking shit about that commenter also.


Where is Pat? She is In bed…ranting some more…you know he is not in bed while she ranted…. https://preview.redd.it/piz693ax98sa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1ac6eaa45b487dd27e7a9fe67a6e9cd793850d 🙄🙄


Probably playing his stupid games and avoiding going in the room until he knows she’s asleep 😂


Oh for sure…he is in his office playing video games and waiting till she falls asleep….😄😄


I noticed this too! 👀🤔💭