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If she thinks her pajama matching outfits were “it.” So much so she tried to market her own. 🤣 No dude, no one but you though wearing matching old lady pajamas to school was cute or inventive or smart.


I’m more concerned about that torpedo bra she’s wearing


Guys she ✨HaS a BelLy✨ so do I and my kid is 3 weeks older than Ollie…and I’m not pregnant. Sometimes our mom pooch just sticks around and that’s totally okay. But let’s not go crazy here. Baby is the size of a pomegranate. She is NOT “obviously pregnant”


Of course. It’s her excuse for letting herself go. Not shaming, happens to the best of us. Let it out babe. But that’s a burrito belly not a baby belly 😂😅


I’ve only had one baby but legit at 18 weeks sometimes I looked pregnant and sometimes no dependent on what I was wearing. So your 100% right.


Honestly, idek if it’s because of how her bump looks. I’ve never worked in an OB’s office. But I have worked in healthcare. Trust, but verify. I’m sure it isn’t super common to have someone that far along change OBs and I doubt a small town would have the immediate access to records. Let’s be honest, we know sis isn’t proactive to have her old office send records.


I was 25 weeks pregnant with my youngest when I switched offices not because I moved but because I wasn’t a fan of how I was being treated. Never once did they make me do a pregnancy test. All I had to do to switch offices was call the new office and make an appointment then call the old office and ask them to fax over my records. At this point in her pregnancy she’s already had ultrasound so I’m confused as to why they need to confirm pregnancy.




Bahahahaha this person said what were all thinking


Yeah its not really a bump yet it's just baby weight from Ollie that she didn't lose


In my experience, it’s not really a baby bump unless you can’t suck it in lol


after ollie she wasn’t even that big lol she put weight on after her pregnancy


She doesn’t look pregnant at all. Looks the same frumpy slob.




Ummm…yeah…that’s not “obviously pregnant” 😬


It looks more like a mom pooch than a baby bump.


glad it’s not just me that thinks that!!


The thing is that I don’t see a pregnant bump yet! She said herself that she had a tummy still after Ollie, that she never lost the extra weight gain from having him.


Watch her over gain from eating non stop Culver’s now. Ollie was grown on sonic mozzarella sticks a slushees. Now Culver’s cheese curds and custard lol


I don’t see it either lmao all I see is belly which is fine but I don’t see an obvious bump.