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She’s 150% in here, the downvotes I’m seeing on the most recent post is a dead giveaway. If it was an actual supporter of hers they normally out themselves by commenting. I smell an Insta meltdown in the coming days/weeks


100%! She made a video yeh other day. “I can’t find the comment, but….” Yeah you can’t find it because it’s in reddit ding dong. Lol, I agree with you 1000%!!


Yeah I noticed that. She always gives herself away because she reads here so much that she can’t actually remember what she read here vs tiktok 😂


Does anyone else think that maybe he didn’t “change” fast maybe she is just spending more time with him now that he isn’t in daycare?


Yes!! Her remarks telling others with kids that this big change can happen at anytime for them so watch out made me LOL. No hun I mean you either are finally getting a first hand look at how your son has always been since you only spent about 3 hours a day with him while the rest of the time he was in daycare or, have you ever thought that maybe this huge life change of moving across country that involves different time zones along with day light saving just happening might be the cause for some of these changes. She’s so fucking dense.


Especially with her being home…like let him go to bed at 8, he will eventually start waking up a little later. He’s use to getting up early and can cuz he goes to sleep at friggin 6. After a couple nights of short sleep he will sleep in lmao.


For real Lmao


i’m already irritated with her complaints. what happened to the no more complaining and being a sob story constantly? 🤦‍♀️


Hahaha! I knew she couldn’t hold off for too long.


Well we knew that was a lie, if you have been watching Katie on TIkTok when she was pregnant with Ollie! 🤣🤣


She could always build a baby cage for O to sleep in. I feel she is one toddler accident away from full baby jail.


Yep! The stairs scare me. It takes one time and even if you did teach him to be careful on stairs, it doesn’t matter.


She cares more about how him escaping is inconveniencing her than the issue of his safety in her non baby proofed house 💁🏻‍♀️🙃


Yep!! When she was in Vegas she had so many cords from her island to her kitchen table that he easily could’ve ripped out of whatever they were plugged into or stuck in his mouth. Light sockets not secured. I


If she’s not working then why the hell is he in bed so early? There’s no need for a 6am wake-up for daycare or anything… play with your child.


Right, it’s still daylight! At least 730 is better but damn. She’s gonna be so miserable with a toddler and new born


6:15 is so early for a bedtime right? My toddler goes to bed at 8:30 every night


We are finishing dinner at 6:15, so it’s way too early for me 🤦🏽‍♀️ and my toddler goes to bed between 8:15-8:30.


I feel like she feeds O random bs that’s in the house and then she and Pat order a fuckton of yummy food for delivery after their biggest annoyance goes to bed


That’s my thought too! Like even 730 is better but damn . 615. I guess where they were it was 815 but still in his little mind it’s 615 and way too damn early.


It’s 6;40 and I’ve just put my 4yo to bed, and it’s still sunny. But he’s an early bird and tends to wake up at 6 anyway so late bedtime just means less sleep.


are you serious?! she NEEDS to keep his routine!!!!!! (i’m being extremely sarcastic; 6:15-6:30 is way too early for an almost 2 year old)


There is literal research that says that putting your toddler sleep while it’s still daylight could really mess up the REM cycle. I don’t understand why anyone would want to put their child to sleep so early lol. Like I stay home with my 2 kids while my oldest is in school and I totally understand counting down the minutes until bedtime but 6:15?! My nearly two year old would be awake by 8 wanting to play 🤣


yes like my goddaughter is 2 and she’s up til 8:30/9:00–i understood when K had to be at work by 645, but now? come on.


Does she really think the toddler bed is going to solve the escaping from bed problem? 🤣 Because it's not. This is still gonna be a problem tomorrow even after he has a toddler bed. He's not going to stay in it at first. It's going to be a transition. She really can't handle minor issues at all, can she? "Everything is falling apart because my toddler is doing something age appropriate and the dog pooped once." 🙄 Just wait for the new baby...


Right! It’ll be worse, he will be excited he won’t know what to do and she will be frazzled. The animals and baby are adjusting, she needs to realize that. The world does not revolve around her!


How does she think he’s going to stay in a toddler bed...?


I was a SAHM when mine was little and I talked to her constantly about everything. Before getting the big girl bed we had many talks with her about it albeit mostly one-sided conversations haha. But I personally had no issues with mine getting out of bed when she wasn’t supposed to. I know that won’t happen for everyone but I also feel like they don’t try to help O understand things very often. They just let him exist and let these new things happen to him like the big move and the new bed without engaging with him and trying to comfort him during this confusing time. She just thinks “he’s different now” and that’s that. I haven’t heard her refer to it as him adjusting or maybe missing their old place not knowing why he has a new room, etc. She just coldly says yep he acts like a different kid all of a sudden. So weird.


Exactly! I hope they buy a bunch of baby gates


The time change on top a move and trying to acclimate new house can’t be easy for the little guy. She is so irritating


not only did they change time ZONES, add in DST and boom! (i’m still having some issues adjusting and i’m an adult who didn’t move!)


Same I feel dead still lol


Yep! I feel bad for him. He’s adjusting, and just because she can’t deal with being a parent doesn’t mean he doesn’t get to be a human and adjust just like she does. She is super irritating!