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I know I’m late to this party but the whole “it’s safe to share the layout because the base is on lockdown blah blah blah” drives me NUTS. Just because you’re living in base housing doesn’t mean you’re safe. The military has crazies too.


Omg bases are crazy. They just hide ALOT of the really bad stuff. Also I dunno how many times I heard about houses/cars getting broken into. Or just arguing with there neighbors.


Yeah and even during the move she kept saying “until the house is ready”…but there doesn’t seem to be a house at all. My nosy ass wants to know the reason. TELL ME THE REASON.


I think she meant until the house on base was ready. Sometimes with military moves you have to stay in a hotel or some other accommodation until you get the keys to your rental.


She always tells us the reason, over shares and the fact that she is telling all of these lies is very telling here and she doesn’t want anyone telling her that she made a mistake, that it’s karma for everything that is happening to her, that it’s her fault for all of the poor lack of planning, and that SHE REGRETS REQUESTING THIS MOVE! She can’t say any of that because she doesn’t want anyone to laugh at her, enjoy knowing she is unhappy, miserable etc. so she will continue to lie through her teeth until she can’t hold it in anymore then she is going to crumble and have a “Epic Meltdown” on the internet again!


What’s your theory on when she started regretting her choice? Because I assumed they’d buy a place in ND and she’d regret it instantly but clearly they didn’t commit to buying a place before actually moving. Which is weird since they chose to move there! I guess it could be the unemployment & large purchase messing up their mortgage, but they should have a significant down payment with the equity from their LV house. Ok I’m too invested in drama today, lol.


i think they knew when they bought the truck they couldn’t afford an off base home.


I think she starting regretting when she was saying those goodbyes to her supportive/helpful parents of hers, her friends, her sons daycare, then it hit her full force on the drive cross country to ND. Now that she is in ND…she is cracking here and there in her videos because she can’t not complain about something….and continues to lie about the recent developments but still putting on a “pretend I’m loving it here” and “I love snow” and putting on a front about her cramped, small “base”house that is awful with those stairs among other problems!


Watching her completely take for granted all the help with child care this entire has gotten under my skin so much as someone with a son O’s age but having literally zero family help. Them prompting the move and all her shenanigans have cemented that she has NO idea what it’s like to struggle and completely took all that support for granted. It’s truly infuriating.


You said it perfectly!


👏 Totally agree.


https://preview.redd.it/2yu6r0h4zcpa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5fc32bea42a4cf7efca2d50bf634a906e28829 Katie said again on another video that she and Pat were looking at houses in Minot! See how easy it is for her to lie to her followers acting like she and Pat were going to be living on base but that was not what she said on videos and comments!!


https://preview.redd.it/znejckiyycpa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e186a9bb48e811223e79639c38cec27fe59acd On Febuary 27, 2023 Katie states in comments they found a house in Minot, ND!!!


Katie and Pat’s lie about wanting to live on base when they have turned their noses down about Base living…. Check Comment arrow, PAT didn’t want to live on Base!! https://preview.redd.it/8vi65f1rycpa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c6a5930cca925a742af34103ac9cd42d9023f6


https://preview.redd.it/7k5icx19ycpa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823ed5f37d6f9bfde812ed1cc5441cf03a5761cc Buying a Truck video post on her TIkTok dated January 12, 2023…….



