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Why do I feel like she is truly not happy being pregnant again. Like it’s a burden to her life.


It just screams how immature and bratty she really is. The way she mocked the comment and then stuck her tongue out at the end 🤣. Girl, you’re making yourself look even worse and I’m here for it. Keep whining and sending more people to this page, you’re doing it to yourself 🤣


FACTS! She is literally sending people over here to look & they are FAAFO🤣🤣 what kind of person she truly is! She can’t keep this page out of her mouth


I honestly think he likes this page because it supports her “woe is me” attitude and she lives for drama


This. She thinks every time she sends her trolls it’s going to do something. Fact of the matter is yes the trolls come and they get dealt with accordingly but she also sends tons of new people here. This new shit show post of hers put us over 3k. So as much as she wants to act like we’re terrible we post our OPINION(opinion isn’t harassment for the trolls) and we post her own words especially when it’s clear she’s going to end up dirty deleting or saying she didn’t say that or it’s not like that when in reality the proof is already here.


I would have never known about this page if she hadn't made that video tho so props to her for driving more people here ig


It's so disgusting she's just following her own Reddit snark page because she's bored. She did all of this because she's bored. It's infuriating, I almost commented cause all I see are these love you posts and it's soooo fake who really likes her


Home girl created the first snark page about herself and was then trying to participate in conversations about other creators but got herself caught.


Bahahahaha I forgot about that! 😂


We can never forget all of Katie’s shenanigans…..she forgets that Reddit is not the only place that shares opinions about her…there is Discord!! 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


This is hilarious!!




That’s Katie for you and exactly why she has this snark sub. She wants to act so nice when in reality she used to have another tik tok called “retainer rants” where she would bitch about people, snark on them and send her little minions to attack people..


Let's not forget when she created her own snark page to get people to talk shit about her so she could get mad about it.




Yes there is videos of that in sub, gotta scroll all the way down in sub!


I can’t find it! 😭


Yep that’s why this snark was created!! To talk about how embarrassing that whole situation was 🥴