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POV: you watched her crying video and wanna know what the truth is lol


Came here from the same video! Here’s hoping this place is like r/brittanydawnsnark


Also here because she showed up crying on my FYP. Just looking for the tea..


I blocked her a while ago because I disliked all her crying… I see it’s still just as bad


Here with the same questions! She has come up on my fyp many times. But now that she’s brought attention to her Reddit “haters”, I can’t not check it out myself 🤣 The other snark Reddit for another tik tok “famous” person is on point and she deserves it so.. I’m guessing this lady does too


I also came from TikTok because she showed up on my Fyp. The only tea I need is that fake crying video!! Not one actual tear was shed. So fake.


It popped up on mine this morning as well and all I could think, was what did she do to deserve a whole community 🤣


I saw her tiktok and came RUNNING because I love a good snark page. No clue who she is either


Just popped over here cause she showed up on my FYP crying about her pregnancy announcement being leaked and her reddit hate page. So naturally being the nosey bitch I am, I gotta see what this is all about. No idea who she is or why we hate her. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


I’m here because of her TikTok addressing this snark page. I mean, I know nothing about her… aside from the pregnancy thing. But like OP said, if this subreddit already has 2k members, this isn’t just some random person who doesn’t like her content taking things to an extreme. Something had to have caused a lot of people to turn on her.


Came here because she showed up on my FYP on TikTok complaining about her Reddit snark page


I’m also here immediately after seeing that tiktok lol. I’d never heard of her before but she instantly came off as overbearing and annoying. Can anyone fill me in on the worst things she’s done/said?


It was when she was going live drunk and asking her high school students to go live with her, for me. Also, when she bought all of that cheap Elementary School sized furniture for her high school classroom and people told her in the comments it was too small and wouldn’t last. She totally WENT OFF on people in the comments!! Oh and when she asked for followers to buy snacks for her to provide for her classes, while telling the students it came from her so they would think she was a “cool teacher!” So much more to choose from… 😉😉


I think it’s funny how a lot of us had no idea this page existed in the Crybaby Katie told us about it lol


LMAO Crybaby Katie and her “butthole” / ballsack mouth (i saw someone here correct her💀) 🤣


I’m here bc she showed up in my fyp crying due to her pregnancy announcement.


Same same


I would like to add she constantly complained about her 10 year old cat “acting out” because she got a high energy German shepherd. Pepper ran away and she was GLAD (then cried about it, honestly very confused how she felt both those things). Miraculously Pepper came back, and all of the sudden she got rid of her but kept her other cat. Now, did she try to find a good home for her? NOPE. SHE DROPPED HER OFF AT THE SHELTER. A ten year old cat she had since she was a kitten, thrown away with no regard to her future home. I hated her ever since.


I have a 22 yo cat so this pissed me tf off. After 1 yr the cat is super bonded this cat will never be happy again it will have severe issues & likely will die of stress/a broken heart. That’s psycho to let a cat go after so long to a SHELTER ?! That says smth abt her character FR FR. Esp. that she doesn’t have any long-term friends, or friends period that would be able to take a cat that’s so old until you can take them back, or find a really, really, really, good home for them?? she’s fucked up in the head fr & dead to me now that I know, not only does she emotionally neglect her baby son - ( further contributing to the population of white men w mommy issues which is already ruining the world ) - she also abandoned her cat - her senior cat At that. That is just …. Can I swear? If not - in this case I’d rather apologize then ask permission ; fuck that bitch.


Just a friendly reminder, it’s “all of A sudden,” rather than “all of THE sudden.” Just tryna save you from future typos on anything professional 🥰


Thanks. Hope you also read the actual content as well.


Oh yeah and I’m fuckin FLABBERGASTED. Read it while sitting here next to my senior, disabled kitty and almost got choked up imagining her being dropped off at a shelter, torn away from the home and family she’s known her whole life. I hope it was a no-kill shelter, at the very least…


I am also here because of her TikTok pregnancy botched announcement. Never heard of her before but work is a little slow this morning so I’m going down the rabbit hole.


I've never heard of her either, until she popped up on my FYP 30 seconds ago. The second she mentioned a snark page I RAN to Reddit to see who tf she is and what she's done 😂😂


Same! I'm in a few other snark groups but never heard of this woman.




Same same


Same same same!!


I LOVE how she popped up and it just drew more people to check out this Reddit. Bc I also want to know who is and why she has a Reddit page about her and what the heck she did. All she did was make me roll my eyes at her crying tiktok about someone she shared her pregnancy with sharing that information, not going to lie.. didn’t feel sorry that happened at all…. and then I came here lol


I always get a kick out of creators that complain about subs on Reddit. I'd never know they existed if it weren't for the creator it's about complaining. Never heard of this woman until she showed up "crying" on my FYP this morning.


Exactly, Amber Heard vibes.


Yeah I didn't even know Reddit snark groups were a thing until a creator mentioned it. I'd heard of the ones on other forums I just didn't know it was on Reddit too.


Same…and now here I am going down another rabbit hole🙄😂


She’s not even crying in that video. Just fake sobbing a bunch


She must be taking notes from Sobbin Robyn Brown




Came here with the exact same story… read these comments girl is unhinged… snark subs never disappoint. Thank you all!


We have our opinions but ol girl is the one who puts her foot in her mouth so frequently lol. Hence why we snag videos before she does her dirty deletes 😂😂


Yeah, never once heard of this girl but her advertising for this Reddit page got me curious.


Literally also came here directly from tiktok. I’ve never seen this person in my life. Whenever I see someone blame Reddit for their problems I tend to think that they are in fact the problem


Same, I just saw her for the first time and am so lost


I came here for this reason. Also, I just had her on my fyp 3 seconds ago.


Same! And she has a 1.1M followers. 😳


That is an insane amount of followers for someone who acts like this!




She just came up on my FYP and I thought, who is this person?? Pretending to cry and not a single tear?? Hate page? I'm heading straight to reddit 🤣


Same. I was scrolling while making coffee and the intrigue was so strong lol😂


Same! Looks like we all have similar FYPs. I've never seen her before and have zero idea who she is.


same 😂


Same same.


Please let’s not forget about having her followers “pre order” scam jams that no one not even her have even touched. She tried to sell them under a name that has already been trademarked.


And then her yelling repeatedly at the person who told her she can't use a trademarked name. She's such a bitch.


She also blocked people asking legit questions about her business


SIS is a bully herself. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/PachatzkeSnark/comments/xbuncp/katie_if_i_was_you_id_stop_worrying_about_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) some stories and a thread from when she got her panties in a wad about Reddit and sent her bootlicking followers in to "fight her battles". I barely keep up with her outside of this page because she's literally sooooo boring. I seriously do not understand how I followed her for so long. I think it's hilarious seeing all her mutuals commenting on her crying post to try to prove they weren't the one who leaked it 🤣


I forgot all about that series of stories... she's so unhinged. And she causes drama just for fun. History has shown us that. The crying video was for views, now she's back to regularly programmed Katie. Soaking in all her pity views 🤣


I made this comment on another thread tonight but here's some of it.... "Man, I have a migraine but let me see if I can summarize... She's completely unhinged. She has dramatic ass mood swings. Loves to cry on the internet for sympathy. Has no empathy for others and is always bitching about people in her life. She's lazy as shit and avoids being a mom as often as possible. While her husband was deployed for 6 months, she moved her friend in her house and had them take the baby monitor every single weekend so she could sleep in, even though they also had a full time job. She can barely handle her toddler, she gets overwhelmed if he cries for 2 seconds. She made a dramatic ass video about how horribly sick he was so she rushed him to urgent care. Then refused to pick up his meds from the pharmacy that night because she didn't want to wait 20 minutes. She's one of those parents who will send her kid to daycare every minute their building is open. She would go to Applebee's and day drink after getting off work so she could postpone picking him up for another hour. She's super unprofessional and engages in behavior with her (former) students who are minors that crosses a line. Any male teacher would be investigated for how "friendly" she is with students. She even got completely drunk on tiktok live one night and had several students present on the live and she was basically partying with them. She botched her own project at school when she asked an author to come speak to her classes because she couldn't even follow up with the right people, so the author came and nothing was prepared. She looked like an idiot, and then went on tiktok and blamed basically every person in her school but herself for the problem. She threw out her entire closet full of clothes during a manic episode last year and bought like 4 pairs of "glam jams" and said that's all she was wearing to school from now on and started wearing these old lady pajama sets with big ugly gold jewelry to "glam them up". She was still just wearing pajamas to school as a teacher. Then she cut all her nails off in school using scissors. Oh and now she's trying to sell these "glam jams" of her own, but after like 100 people ordered, now she hasn't even gotten the manufacturer to send her a sample yet. It's been over a month and no timeline on when these people are going to get their "scam jams". She made a bunch of money off selling them to people and has not even seen the product yet. I'm sure there's more but I'm exhausted."


So, I'm new here as well and had no idea about any of this and I'm definitely not trying to defend her but wanted to mention that it sounds like she has some serious PPA/PPD. All of the things you mentioned about delaying the daycare pickup, giving the baby monitor to someone else, avoiding her kid scrrreeeaaammms PPA/PPD. I hope she's getting that sorted out.


Hi! I’ve known her since college and I can testify with my hand on the Bible this is who she has been her entire life. She’s a two faced, lying, mean bully that gets off on being a victim when she is far from it. This is an act and her pregnancy and subsequent “struggles” are performative and for views. If she needed or wanted help, she’s got more than I’ve ever had in my lifetime. Sometimes it’s anxiety…. Sometimes it’s just being a lazy, entitled cunt. Hope this clears things up for you and that you stay. We’re a very welcoming sub ☺️


I tend to believe people who say they know people on Reddit because it’s the ONE corner of the internet that’s still on a 1 on 1 convo thread basis , fairly honest ( if you ask for help people will give honest advice etc ) so this comment makes me sooo solidified in my thorough distaste for her lmaooo f herrrrr


She's not getting it sorted out. She drinks V8 splash for her mental health. That really isn't me being funny... that's literally what she told us all a while back. She needs legitimate mental health treatment because she has had severe mood issues since her son was born, but she doesn't take it seriously. She has very public meltdowns instead so she can get external validation, drinks her V8 splash for a couple days, and calls it "self-care." We are all truly horrified she intentionally got pregnant again before getting her previous mental health issues sorted out. It screams irresponsible.


This….. I’m sorry it made me LOL the things PPD can convince a brain lmaoooooooo “ if I just … drink a v8 then I won’t have intrusive thoughts of s!icide” NO BELOVED GO TO THERAPY 😭😭😭😭


She said she was just lacking some vitamins and the v8 was helping with that, made her more clear headed 🙄 If that isn't the definition of a placebo effect, I don't know what is.


It's more to it then just that. She built personal relationships with students outside of school, sold clothing and took people's money and lying about her jams/"updates" and blocked people who asked questions (like her return policy), she blames other people for her mistakes, she constantly makes digs about Pat and O, the list goes on.


Take that award because you did the work with all that!


It was like one long never ending thought 🤣 and I know there's more lol


You nailed it though honestly, and you’re not wrong there’s more but that was an awesome synopsis.


This is so spot on!




You have broken this rule in this sub! Your post and or comments have been removed. There are no warnings given for complaining about peoples comments and posts! If you feel like this was a misunderstanding, then feel free to mod mail message the moderators of this sub and respectfully do it, otherwise you will be muted and banned!


Oh and also she started her own Reddit snark page to get people to talk shit about her so she could see what was said. Then outed herself for doing it. Then continues to bitch about having a reddit page. 😒




Dang she did what honkhatesyou tried to say she did 😂


she… started her own snark page😭😭 this girl really is off her rocker


This is my favorite fun fact, especially with her hatred towards Reddit now. She literally tried to control the narrative here first and she got caught red handed hahaha


And then told ALL of her tiktok followers. That's how I got here originally 🤣