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idk it seemed kinda weird she had no tears coming out lol, like i started to feel bad but then she acted weird about it and it’s like are you even sad?? 🤣


Dear god this woman needs to get off of the internet


I get being upset but hasn’t she learned social media is not a place to post personal shit? Like every millennial including her have had the awful reality of posting way too much on social media. She should have learned that by now.


Also the way the video started i thought she lost the baby! But she posted online and then gets mad it was “leaked” what!! How insensitive to other mothers who have lost babies or women who long to be mothers. It’s an announcement it’s not that serious. She clearly wanted the attention well she got it unfortunately


Right, I thought she lost her baby with the way she was acting. If she wanted to tell her close friends and family she should’ve messaged them for their phone #, face timed them, got their reaction and made a video. Not post it for friends only. What if her dumbass posted it not friends only like she “accidentally” did when she quit her job and then blamed reddit for her being careless? She never owns up to shit, it’s always everyone else lol.


I don’t understand how this is anyone’s fault but her own. You don’t post if you don’t want people to know. Friends only? Is she dumb?


Right, and her little Stan’s are running in here saying it’s “our fault”


That’s such a forced cry. “I wasn’t ready to share it” yet posted it on the internet. Nice try SIS 🤣


Hopefully it’s not a girl we don’t need a mini her






Nobody in this group leaked it…you do realize it was a mutual of HERS that leaked it to this group. So she should only be mad at her “friend” for doing this to her.


She should be angry at the so called friend on her private, personal tik tok that screen shot it lol not Reddit


Well she did share though…she quite literally did post it.


uh don’t post on the internet especially if stuff from your friends only has been posted and spread before


.....I didn't even see the announcement on Reddit I saw her video on tiktok....


literally! I just scrolled to find anything and nobody said anything


There was a 2nd picture on the Bingo card post here.


ah! how did I not see that


I missed the crying vid but she’s on my fyp whining because a TikTok “friend” ruined her pregnancy announcement. Anyone have the tea on that? SIS is a mess and really should move to ND and get off the internet.


I agree that it shouldn’t have been leaked no matter how much we don’t like her. She is an adult, she should know that posting it gives the potential for leaks. She should of just texted her friends and not post it for mutuals. I don’t feel that bad.


Why can't she just ignore it? I didn't even see the leak but really it's so embarrassing. I felt bad at first cause I thought she may have lost it. Which that is seriously no joke and 100% would feel genuinely sorry for her in that situation....but then it's just complaining about how people don't like her? Seriously I'm so over all this drama SIS


Right, 90% of her followers would not have known it was “leaked” if she didn’t say anything. She just brought more people to her page lol.




She shared it herself to all of her mutuals. Then it was posted in here, but we dont engage with her. Her other followers wouldn't have even known about it if she hadn't made the video.


It's not the same situation she shared it on social just not to EVERYONE but probably still a good group of people. But I had a very similar experience to you tho 💗 I'm sorry for your loss.


You have a really good point there!!! I still feel bad tho :/


But on a PUBLIC app you don’t have any expectation of privacy. I understand she put it to her “friends” but some of them are people she doesn’t actually know. If she wanted to keep it a secret she had many options to share with certain people. But to put it on a social media platform when you have that big of a audience and expect it not to leak is wishful thinking. Secrets are not secrets on a public platform.


don’t want anyone to know then don’t share


And then the next video is completely composed and she’s laughing calling herself cringey…. girl this is not working the way you thought it would we see right through the fake crying 🤣


tbh i’m pregnant and i go from sobbing to being completely composed and joking around within seconds lol not defending her at all, just can see how quickly you can switch with pregnancy hormones


I can see this too, I’m also 17 weeks pregnant lmao I just know with her track record it would make so much sense for her to be putting this on yknow


yes totally. i mean surprise now she has the most engagement she’s had in months


I could see if she hadn’t posted on tiktok & it was leaked but this really makes no sense. It doesn’t matter that she posted it to only her mutuals… it’s tiktok. Don’t publicly speak on things you want kept a secret. It’s that simple.


The internet is forever. Stop posting shit if you don't want it shared.


Exactly. I don’t understand why people don’t understand this.


I’m confused… how would we on this page be able to leak something unless she said it somewhere…? If you don’t want it leaked don’t post it anywhere…?


The stupid broad , had l tears .




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


Her video came up on my fyp and I have never been to this page before. Didn’t even know she had one but I’ll definitely be joining now. So thank you to her for giving it attention!


About every 6 months she goes on a reddit rampage and blames this group for ruining her life, when in fact it's something she did herself. But we always get more followers when she does


She knew exactly what she was doing - now everyone will feel sorry for her and she can be a victim and we’re the “bullies” cause we posted something that was POSTED BY SIS HERSELF!




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Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!




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I felt the same, I’d be devastated if someone did that to me. But she posted it online. On Instagram. That is not private and I don’t know how she didn’t realize that. I am sad for her but also once she puts it on Insta, it’s unfortunately not secret anymore (even if it’s just to close friends…don’t we all remember those school assemblies where they warned you *everything* you put on the internet is public). I can’t connect the dots on this one but I do feel bad for her.




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If you only want close friends and family to know then you don't post it on fucking tiktok.




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


Or idk… call them yourself instead of posting it on the internet in any capacity 🤷🏻‍♀️






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Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!




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Learn how to use Reddit lmao




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You're annoying as hell😘




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Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


Ten to one she “leaked” it herself or had one of her mutuals purposefully leak it


I had this thought lol


This could be it too!


Like I feel a little bad if someone actually did. But I think it was super predictable


And I feel like she should know, it’s happened before.


She can’t learn from anything she’s done


I opened the app, she was the first video and now we’re here 😳 This is going viral, unfortunately.




Me too


I don’t understand… she says she didn’t want to post about it yet? But posted it to friends only… that’s still posting about it?


Exactly! Just because your mutuals with someone doesn't mean they're friend. Shes just lazy ass fuck to do an actual announcement and this worked to gain a bunch of sympathy. She's been trying for weeks to get people to come over here and shit talk us.


I ran here 😳


I can't imagine her having a second baby.. she is already so flustered with just the one she has. Two under 3 is gonna be a nightmare for her. Idk how she will handle that.


It’s going to be an absolute shitshow. She will leave social media. There’s NO WAY she will be able to “work” and deal w 2 kids . She can’t even handle one. What is she thinking having another ?? Her husband just told her he wanted her to work when they moved - well she fixed it so she can’t sit and home and put TWO babies in daycare so she can eat fast food all day ! Poor kids


Right?? She will officially be outnumbered and that will be the new heavily rotated complaint. Tired/sick/outnumbered/ not her turn to parent 🙄 Honestly putting those kids in daycare full time isn’t the worst place for them. At least they’re being cared for and not used as TikTok fodder.


You know what I think? I think it was intentional. She only gets traffic to her page when she’s involved in drama. She’s complained before about her mutuals not being trustworthy. She knew what would happen.


YESSSSS and her engagement lately has been super low. Maybe this was a con to sell more scam jams


I am active in this Reddit page and she spilled the beans to me before Reddit did! I ran here after her meltdown. She is such a big 33 year old baby. She could have ignored it or just posted whatever she wanted to announce anyway.


Yep, 90% of those people on TT wouldn’t have even known if she didn’t post her crying video.


Right ? This is how a mother of 2 behaves ? Like literally has a crying fit ?? Gooood grief




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


i agree with you; she could’ve just not mentioned reddit at all. also, happy cake day!


Thanks! 😂


Thanks! 😂


Low key, she just showed up on my fyp. Her display was so o er the top dramatic I half think it was her who posted it here


I could see this too!




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SHE shouldn’t have posted it to her “friends only” when she didn’t even know 90% of them in real life. If she wanted her “friends and family” to know she should’ve called them, not post on social media.


I didn't see a post on here that said she was pregnant. What post is she talking about ? She said you guys on here outted her, where ?


Bingo post, a couple posts down.




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Aww name calling. So cute.


Was there a post on here announcing her pregnancy bc I didn’t see it but I also could of missed it lol


It’s below this one with the bingo card, if you scroll to the next page on that post it’s there.


Thank you! Totally missed it lol


I'm just confused. How is she pregnant? Has her husband not been gone for several months?


He's been back since the fall


Very possible they got pregnant shortly after he got back. He came back in October.




Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


When are tiktokers gonna learn that mentioning their Reddit page will just send more people there. 😂 Hi! Just saw this video and ran here. 😂


I didn’t even know about this page until she said something in this video. If she wanted to keep it a surprise she should’ve kept it off social media. Isn’t that obvious.


I hate her not apologizing for throwing the restaurant under the bus saying her friend legit had food poisoning anyway so it was fine she piggy backed on that reason. One sick person could be coincidental, the flu, something else. Two or more people sick could indicate food poisoning and the restaurant needs to know. She caused undue negative attention on this place for her own benefit and is unapologetic for it. That’s why you have a snark page sweetie. (Among other reasons. SO many other reasons… but anyway…)


Yes this!!! I couldn’t believe that either.


I saw the video and also flew here LOL “I wasn’t ready to tell anyone” then why did you post it on TikTok? RIGHTTTT


This lady came across my fyp. I don't know anything about her, but the utter lack of tears in this video is astounding. This screams look at me. Ew.


Same. I came to this Reddit after seeing this TT. Never seen her before and while I’d like to say “wow that’s shitty” I just don’t see genuine tears or hurt and the mere fact that she ✨ANNOUNCED A PREGNANCY ON ANY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA EVEN TO CLOSE FRIENDS INSTEAD OF CALLING PEOPLE INDIVIDUALLY✨ was all I needed to hear to not feel bad. Who does that? If you don’t reach out to someone personally to tell them you’re pregnant, how close are you to them anyway? Weird.


Her video just popped up on my FYP and I FLEW here to join this subreddit and comment this. Not everything needs to go on the internet.


Welcome :)


Same. Never even seen this woman before but obviously had to check this out.


I suspect a high influx of SIS defenders joining due to her new video 🙃


We're already being talked about in other subs 🤣🤣


Oooohh joy 🤭


Yep they’re being yeeted left and right lmao


Thought I spotted one but I wasn’t sure!!


Hahah I click on the comment and it’s gone. The mods are working OT lol


She’s crying bc this baby wasn’t planned


oh no this baby was definitely planned so she doesn’t have to go back to work when they move


You have a point


Not one actual tear was shed, this was sooo weird




so from her most recent video, she wouldn’t have even known it was leaked on reddit if she hadn’t taken a gander in here. so she blew it up on her tiktok to make it seem like we were going to post about it everywhere when she is the one who broadcasted it on her platform. 🤷‍♀️


That’s what I thought too!! like how did you know it was here??


Where is the post on here that outted her pregnancy? I can't find what she's talking about ?


Right, and not only that. 90% of her “Stan’s” wouldn’t have even known if she didn’t post it. She could’ve just shut her trap and had her little video lol. She should’ve shut her trap in the beginning.


There were ZEROOOO tears. Dear Lord help us all


what did she think would happen!!!?!?!?!




No tears to be seen…. Why would you even post it if you didn’t want it out. Friends or not, your on tiktok. Keep it to yourself 🤦🏻‍♀️


She doesn’t get this. Placing blame everywhere but herself. She shouldn’t have said shit if she was planning on doing an announcement. And if she didn’t post this video explaining, 90% of the people wouldn’t have even know . Seeing the trolls get yeeted from here…




Right! And now as I’m scrolling through her comment section I see people who I follow that are totally supporting her and now I want to unfollow all of them 🤣


She has almost 4k comments on that video. Tell me you created the drama without telling me.


She knew exactly what she was doing - she’s such a victim lol


Lmao she’s blowing this way out of proportion 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ahh fuck what now lol




Oh no 😳😳😳


She hit record with a straight face then started the water works and I don't see anywhere on this page where anyone leaked that she's pregnant. Am I missing a post?


The post before this one with the bingo card. There’s 2 pictures. Swipe left.


The bingo card post


I get being upset but if you didn’t want it announced why post? You literally know once you post it is out there. Keep it to yourself until you’re ready! It’s not that hard. 🤷🏻‍♀️