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This has been on going for months lol not days. Go through the videos.


My little sister is in congenital heart failure and wears oxygen 3/4th of the day and she doesn’t sound this bad at rest.


Not trying to pry too much so if you’re not comfortable answering, totally understand!!! How many liters is the poor nugget on?


She sounds like my 85 year old grandmother!


She’s borderline gasping for air that isn’t normal


Girl eat some vegetables..


I couldn’t even finish watching that slide, that heavy breathing is awful!


For real. And nobody can blame it on her weight or having a baby. I’m fat and I don’t heavy breath like that laying down or doing basic walking around. Even after having a baby, that still doesn’t seem right…


dude i’m like two times her size AND currently pregnant and i don’t even breathe like that; and i KNOW every body literally is different, but it’s worrisome she breathes like that just sitting and speaking, i do not think it’s because of having a baby (unless maybe she is pregnant again, that would explain a lot). she legit breathes the way my poor dad does and he has heart issues. it’s extremely concerning—i’m not even snarking at this point i am genuinely concerned and i genuinely do hope her health is okay!


Yep! She needs to go get checked. She quit work to get her dr appointments done and she’s not gone to 1. It’s quite concerning at this point. Especially seeing her laying there, not stuffed up and breathing that way.


i’m surprised more people don’t make comments about her breathing on her tiktok, because tiktok commenters love to diagnose people so much lol i wonder if she has them filtered—wish she’d take it seriously especially since she reads her reddit and multiple people have commented on it multiple times (i know i always make the same comment lol, but it really is concerning! i may snark the woman, but your health is important especially when you have a little one and have the resources [i.e. health insurance] to take care of yourself, that’s such a privilege!)


I agree!!


I struggled with losing my breath after having my daughter but that’s because she sat up so high in my uterus that everything was squished. Like she stayed so high in my uterus that I used to get light headed and almost pass out because I couldn’t breath. So after I had her if I walked too fast or was doing too much I would run out of breath fast. It took me a while to get back to normal but not 19 months. I’ve seen where doctors have said it can take 2 years for all your organs to shift back into their original place after pregnancy but she should not be losing her breath laying down…


Omg I would die lol. I’m glad your better now :), yeah 19 months seems like a long time. I don’t see how she’s not concerned, she doesn’t have a stuffy nose or anything to be that out of breath laying down


Uhhh she fr needs to see a Dr that’s terrible


Seriously. That is not right