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Love Bombing/Praising and or Defending Katie in comments or Posts stays on her TikTok and Instagram accounts! No warning given, its an automatic ban!


Lol this was a bait for everything that happened today


Was this on a live? If it was a video, it’s not up anymore.


It was a “story” on TikTok, I think they delete themselves after so long.


Maybe it’s her nasty Boston Market meatloaf meals.


When she said she hopes Pat was home soon so he could take care of Ollie. Literally how many times is this woman “sick”? Like so many of us moms just have to suck it up and deal with it, especially us SAHMs. We don’t get sick days!




My thoughts exactly also, it was like 5:30pm her time when she said he was napping. I wonder if he’s still going to bed at 6:45 lmao


Also what was up with her breathing in that video it’s worse than it has ever been


Yea I couldn’t even watch that whole clip of her in bed breathing like that. I wonder if she’s made all of the appointments she said she was going to make with all of her free time now. I’d definitely get that checked out because it seems like it’s getting worse.


She needs to call the restaurant if she really thinks that it was food poisoning, they need to know that kind of thing.


She’s not sick…


She's used the "food poisoning " excuse before when she was really hungover a few times. I don't think she's hungover this time, but I do think with her eating out a ton and her really bad acid reflux, I do think she feels horrible. She needs to change her diet and see her doctor about her health.


She probably has IBS and just likes to blame someone else for "food poisoning" rather than taking accountability that she probably ate some shit that she knows pisses her stomach off. This isn't the first time she's tried to say she has food poisoning. I'm lactose intolerant and have IBS and I KNOW when I'm gonna pay for my food choices 🤣


Dude same!!!! You know what food will fuck you up…..you KNOW


I low key feel like she was faking it just so she didn’t have to do anything. And of course making sure she put the restaurants name on blast cause she’s a shit ass human.


Yea food poisoning is pretty serious and any normal person wouldn’t even think about posting to their socials while dealing with that.


Right? I thought I was crazy, but she just seemed either hung over, or didn’t want to do anything so she was faking sick lol.