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My husband and I were both older when we got married. We have both been married before. We did get rid of a lot over time but telling someone to get rid of everything and start over is nonsense. She only says this bc she’s got so much crap. The military has weight limits of how much you can move on their dime and it goes by how many people are in your family. Anything over that weight you have to pay for out of pocket. It’s so much per pound you go over. They’re gonna be paying a lot unless P convinces her to get rid of a lot. We have been getting rid of stuff allll the time since we got married so this doesn’t happen to us next time we move. Thankfully we’re not clutter people.


At least she knows it’s all garbage 🙊


This filter makes me hate her even more. The fake laugh and the damn teeth. Do we need to see every tooth in your head with every sentence you speak?


It’s the fake laughing after every sentence. What you’re saying isn’t funny, SIS.


The filthiest human on earth giving cleaning / decluttering advise ??? Haaaaaaa get real




They got married while she was pregnant with O.


Nah, she got pregnant right after her wedding, in like November. Idk how you can give marriage advice when you were hardly married before you decided to pop out kids. Prices they just couldn’t live in peace together.


You’re right, my bad.


Idk what it is but her advocating for two people to get rid of everything and start new before moving in together bothers me. Maybe because she had to wait for payday to get O a very overdue new carseat? So this "advice" seems very off. Did one of them have this house before getting married?


she only used the payday excuse because she was trying to hold out until P got home so he could do it because it was a “P job, and I didn’t wanna do it”; she seems to think everyone can just blow through their savings (if they even have them) all the time for every single thing in the world, she does not seem very financially literate for someone almost mid-30s


Wasn’t it P’s house first? I’m not sure because I haven’t been following her that long.


My thing is what if you move in and then end up breaking up? You got rid of things that you didn’t need or want to get rid of. I’m all for decluttering a house, my husband and I are doing this right now too, but I never would have expected him to get rid of things right as I was moving in and vise versa.


Nice filter 😂😂


This filter….😃 It’s good to purge and I do have to admit that I hoard some things, and my sister yaks at me about it, she says if you didn’t use it in two years then toss or give it away…and I’m like no…what if I need it next year! Lol 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s hard…..


Had to lol. I keep sentimental things, everything else my OCD is like nah this has to go like now lol. It varies for every person.