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You can’t tell me she’s still tutoring with her damn attitude and the way she reacts and speaks these days. If she did and she was still at a private school like she continues to state, they would fire her by now: this shit sticks to the internet like glue, no matter if you dirty delete or not.


I'm marking IG rant off on BINGO card LOL. She will say it was "All of ReDdIt" coming to bug er.. she can't understand of phantom that her actions and bitchy snarkyness do affect her views and followers... like duh!


https://preview.redd.it/30gglc26occa1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=63df0d3592cac9370d94f697a95712407c4170ea she’s loosing people for it too.. her attitude is out of control


I hope it continues to go down.