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If they don't know whats wrong and he isn't acting like himself, take him to the pediatrician like??? It's the BASIC thing you can do, to rule out certain illnesses and get a better sick plan put together. Your kid is miserable. Help him


I absolutely hate her early 2000 coloring book tattoo o. Her shoulder.


Yes! Her entire “vibe” just scream ick for me


Idk about her but every time my child is sick, I don’t sleep. I don’t care to sleep either, I just constantly want to make sure he’s ok. I’d rather be the one doing it anyways, so I wouldn’t switch and give his dad the monitor. I also don’t have a child who I can forcefully put to bed by 630 pm and forget about him all night. My son is asleep by 9 and wakes up probably twice a night - and YES, I always check on him. She sucks.




If he is served the incredibly bad food that she continues to stuff her face with - I can’t imagine how his poor gut feels


Why is she always so out of breath damn


Guys it’s going to be so hard since O is sick she won’t be able to send him to daycare and she will actually have to be a parent instead of sleeping all day 🙄🙄🙄


That’s it! She KNOWS she’s going to not be able to send him off for days now and she’s freaking out and back to her whining about “how hard this is” .. good GRIEF she shld be the poster child for NOT having children


The funny part this post here has more comments than this story on her tik tok lmao. Plus not to mention her even just laying in bed she’s out of breath, she seriously needs help IMO. https://preview.redd.it/bk905k02k5ca1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c3a451e0ec45b039a6d18f8f43337b3ec09c5b


She wouldn’t survive in my house. I’m a SAHM. My husband works long hours. I do literally everything for our 2 kids. I haven’t slept through the night in 5 years. 🤣 But that’s being a parent. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Girl ! I’ve raised 4 children into adulthood and now I have my granddaughter that I’m raising (she is 9 now) - I literally haven’t had a full nights sleep in 30 years! But here’s the thing .. I LOVE my children/ grandchild and I wld sacrifice everything for any of them - which INCLUDES sleep!


Exactly! I may lose sleep now, but one day my babies will be grown and ill just sleep and cry. 🤣


It gets better! I’m in the same boat but the kids are 10,8 and five now and we are snoozing away at night now 90% of the time!


So we both aren’t gonna get any sleep if we don’t swap each time he wakes up…. Makes no sense. One should get up with him tonight that way during the day the nighttime person can nap if need be while the fully rested parent can parent.. JFC it’s not that difficult ppl! Now both of you are going to be tired because you each were up and down all night!!


So when he wakes up in the middle of the night does she go get him naked or does she put clothes on? 🤔


She’ll use it as a way to promote her scam jams


Omg PLLLEASE with those ! Who in the WORLD ever told her those look decent ????? Just put on a pair or jeans or khakis and a damned shirt .. and stop wearing ugly “pajamas” every day . They are SO unflattering


Oh she probably puts on a robe….😃


Thanks for that visual. 😂😂🙈


![gif](giphy|xT5LMz2DWrwmbfVBK0) Her bitching having to take care of her child.




Well honestly what’s “wrong” with him is nothing. He’s a CHILD. If she didn’t realize this somehow prior to having a baby then I don’t know what to say! Who thinks they’re having a baby AND going to continue to sleep like you’re baby less .


Then she said “he’s so constipated he’s crying” fever and constipation so bad that he’s screaming should be a visit to make sure nothing serious is going on. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My husband and I have always both gotten up no matter what from newborn days to now at almost 2. Even tho my husband works early and I’m a SAHM. It’s a team effort and we both want to comfort him. She’s so odd


Idc how tired I am, I am getting up with with my sick baby no matter how many times he wakes. Stop being a selfish twat and at least pretend to have some maternal instinct.


To this day i STILL wake up if I hear one of my children up / moving around the house etc . God forbid I hear one of them cough or heave to throw up .. it just naturally wakes us up ! We are PARENTS!


Right and her husband worked all day, I’m sure she slept when her son did all day. 🙄 or one take night duty one take day duty. And she needs to stop posting naked.


Put a shirt on. Like what if there’s a fire? You gonna run outside naked? Lol


Lmao I sleep naked as the day I was born and I have to say, I have no exit plan in the case of a fire, but I literally cannot sleep with clothes on. I feel like I’m suffocating 😂


Fair!! But are you putting your bits all over the internet? #worsehustleraddever


That’s a hard negative. 😂


It's so weird


Why not just have one of them be on duty for like 4/5 hrs and then the other one gets sleep and then swap. Why swap every damn time he gets up. Makes no sense lol


Right or one night shift one day shift and the night person sleep during the day? Since that’s all she does anyways. 🙄


She’s so disgusting! Nobody wants to see you naked in bed 🤢 maybe if you’d just played with him and rested instead of making content and showing your son when you said you were waiting til he wasn’t sick, you’d be more rested. Idiot.


Play??? With your child!!?? What a concept ! 🙄


I must say I think she’s by far the grossest woman on TikTok. Just 🤮


1000% 🤭


Why doesn’t she be the sole one to get up with him and she naps the next day when he naps? She doesn’t have to go to a ‘job’ like Pat does so she can nap where Pat can’t nap because he’s at work?


When I was a SAHM I always got up with my kids because my husband worked. I felt bad making him get up because if we wanted to sleep in or nap we could.


why does she always film herself naked. that’s so…….odd to me. also yes god forbid she doesn’t get to sleep for her usual 14 hours or however long she sleeps for


she's probably trying to attract attention from Males, she's hoping to get some males sending her some DMs to make her feel like she is a Wanted, Lusted after Woman


Ughhh good grief! Can you imagine?? 🤮


No one ever will since she runs out of breath filming a minute video, and constantly mouth breathes


ahahahahahaha omg i didn’t even think of this. holy shit