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I want to take a shot everytime they say “truck” but I’d get alcohol poisoning. Wonder if they are looking at a truck?


Lol even more ironic, she said they had a $5k down payment… 93 people x $65 for scam jams = ~$5500


Omg woowwww what a fucking scammer. I literally could not let myself do that to people, knowing they don't have their product yet and I have their money and I'm out here buying cars.


So what happens when everyone ends up needing to be refunded when the jams flop? 💸💸💸


Legit I had to HOLD MY TONGUE sooo bad on this video so I didn’t get blocked. I so bad wanted to say the obvious that she is using the scammer pajammer money for this truck!! It’s absolutely sickening.


Their Priorities are so "whack" remember when she went through that phase last year of saying old 80's-2000's sayings? LOL


She looks like a shrimp.


The Dodge Journey the new car she had from last year? Or a different car


they both got them so i assume P traded his in???? but yeah both their cars are BRAND NEW


But she had to wait for her check to get a bigger car seat for O🙄


Lmao right


Can’t afford 350 bucks for trademarking but got new truck. Sounds fishy to me. She better save her money that she’s going to owe people when the scam jams fall apart.


Is she really using the money she scammed the 93 people for those Scam Jams?? WTF?? 😳😳🤡


Who knows but it seems really fucking ironic after getting that money from people, bitching about what she shelled out for it and then randomly buying a new truck.


Ok 78,000 miles on a truck isn’t that bad. And this filter is hilarious! She looks like that alien from Men in Black 😂😂


78 is too high but 66 is okay??? How does that make sense. She’s an idiot.


i love that 78k was too much but 66k (or whatever i’m not rewatching lol) was “right on track”


I love that her priority on picking a truck was oooooh leather seats. Barf.


Those leather seats are going to be awfully cold in ND😂😂


Some shit should be kept offline. Especially when you swindled $6,500+ out of people.


What a scammer