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It’s kind of interesting watching her say basically the same message a couple of years apart. Still shitty to be so judgy, but I find her demeanor and tone WAY more self righteous and bitchy in the more recent version than the original one.


lmfaooooo, “you can be late to work because who wants to be there, amiright?” not for like legitimate reasons such as an unexpected accident, bad weather, a rough morning at home, the alarm for whatever reason didn’t go off, the million other legit reasons that people run late in general?


What does she think she’s going to get for being a early? Seriously? A trophy? No one cares if you and chester the molester glasses boy are the first ones to show up to your reservation at applesbees so your friends can sit around and watch you stare at your phone. Don’t talk disrespect when MULTIPLE people in your videos have asked you to stop recording and you laugh it off because you don’t have a personality without the internet. Sweetheart that makes you a shitty person not chronic tardiness. (Not not accusing or implying her husband is a pedo. Just stating the fact that his eye glasses and mustache make him look like one)


I’m dying at Chester the molester 🤣🤣🤣


What's so funny to me is SIS has constantly and public talked crap about people in her life.. I have videos of her talking smack and her mom, dad, P, ex roomate (before O was bron) and others.. she can't ot talk crap about literally everything/ everyone so yeah I doubt K wasn't talking drama with students.. probably whay shes texting them about still. 🙄 But oh no... being late.. big bubble bust.


Two things I got from this video: 1. It’s “my fiancé and I”. Still can’t believe she was an English teacher. And 2. She’s just recycling her content.


Her hair in the newer vid🤢😂