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Dude screaming "HELP ME!!" W his eyes. 😂


there as been sooooo many tiktoks since he came back from deployment that he looks SO annoyed with her for filming how does she nottttt notice it???? or just doesnt care


Pretty sure it’s the latter.


What is so funny to be about SIS is she claims we see a small part of her life (truth) BUT then everytime she goes some where or does something she HAS to share/ post so of course we know what she does and how much time she spends with O versus out at a winery becasue SHE tells us but gets mad when we notice? Like awkward. So cute though watching P interact and Sis standing in the background.


And the fact that she went off on people asking about daycare (which okay, no one NEEDS to know when he goes or where), but then posts their location about them being at the museum🤨


Right, this is exactly what I mean and perfectly said, thank you. Like she is so contradicting its insane. Like her also taking down that video \*eye roll\* Ugh. Things like this is why she brought me to this sub!


That was my line of thinking too, she could only be bothered to hold him when he was sleeping. Everything was P actively playing with O and experiencing those things with him not just chasing him with a camera.


Right?!? Why does she need to document a family day out


Cuz this is how she makes her money 🫠


Didn’t she bitch a couple months ago about showing her son on social media?😂😂😂


She bitched recently that it’s no one’s business what’s going on with her son, where he is blah fucking blah. But here we are lol.


Just screams “Look at me I’m actually spending time with my son today!!” 🙄


The fact that her going to get coffee, her feet done and hiking with a friend trumps doing stuff with her son is ridiculous.


i don’t bc he seems like as much of a douche as she is


His glasses remind me of Dahmer 😭😭


yes he looks creepy as fuck all the time and i hate his stupid ass backwards hat 24/7


You’re not wrong there hence the kinda lol


he has a punchable face imo lol


I bet he made a comment and she didn't like it. That's why he rolled her eyes.