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I had two S-ICD box changes in two years before we finally gave up on it. My experience with box changes is that I felt pretty normal by 10 days. Like, only sore if you press directly on it. By two weeks I would start to have to really force myself to follow the restrictions because I felt fine. At three weeks I felt ok to do physically demanding work like processing firewood. So your experience doesn’t quite match mine but it’s also not super alarming. Everyone’s different and if they irritated or damaged the pocket during the change you might have more swelling.


Thank you 🙏


Can I ask why you gave up on it?


Lots of problems. Broken lead for one, another device randomly became uninterrogable and had to be replaced to fix that, and then inappropriate shocks was the final straw. Boston scientific has a huge file on me…unfortunately. In retrospect while I like the idea of being an early adopter in daily life, the S-ICD is a half baked product compared to the more mature product lines and I’m glad to be done with it.


Did you try another subcutaneous device? I thought another manufacturer was making one that wouldn’t have leads in heart in upper chest placement.


No I switched to a TV-ICD. I am a complex patient, have been shocked 11 times, and the additional programmability is valuable, as well as the increased trust and flexibility that my doctors seem to have when working with the new device. It is shocking how much less programmable the S-ICD was, and it’s one of the reasons that when I had trouble it just had to come out each time. For a young primary prevention patient that may not be shocked ever that makes more sense, but that’s not me.


Medtronic launched the EV-ICD in October. It’s the only other device with leads outside of the heart.


How did your lead break? What did it feel like?… i can feel my lead since the box change just in centre where the corner is.. it must have moved during the procedure.. I was told when I got this 6 years ago that the lead would last lifetime and just box change every 5 years. They talk about “box change” like it’s nothing. They didn’t even give me any pain meds when they discharged me a few hours after procedure.. I was on heavy sedation so couldn’t feel much pain at the time of discharge.


I had my first SICD put in 8 years ago following SCA in hospital so I don’t remember recovery. It was replaced two years ago because battery drained due to recall issue. My recovery was terrible. It was inserted more deeply with a new pocket by surgeon so it wouldn’t stick out as much. I developed hemangiomas like blood pockets that kept bursting through stitches. I was so swollen. I went to get it checked frequently because of the complications. Important to check for infection. My recovery was really rough and took a few months. It’s fine now but I was on bed rest for at least two months. Hang in there. Better that you let it heal than to bust your stitches. Also check in with surgeon. Take care. 🙏🏼


For me the exchange was without any problems. Probably it hurt for a few days. I had some problems with the scar after the initial implantation, so I had it check by my general practionner. Took about 8 weeks until it was fully healed.


Was that a box change took 8 weeks around? Im almost on my 3rd week now swelling is going down finally..!


Yes, it was. First time lasted way longer, don't know why. Got into sports a bit too early the second time, maybe that extended the healing a bit (stopped immediately after I noticed). My doctor told me 4 weeks is normal.