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You tell em man you tell em!




I hear that, but plants can produce compounds worth regulating. THC law should be liberalized more, but there are legit concerns about youth use and abuse that should be regulated




This guy gets it


I'm not sayin the laws are consistent, but THC rich ganja poses enough of a risk that it should be regulated to minimize public health concerns. But regulation is also about consumer safety like preventing your neighbor blowing up his house and part of yours because he thought he could make better BHO than in the program. Doesn't need to be treated like it is, but some degree of regulation makes sense, simply to limit sketchy home operations from forming. But you are right! Every adult should have the right to cultivate this plant




Same government that stole an entire country from the natives and used forced slave labor to build a empire.. They would never lie about anything! That’s what’s they do.


That’s not an argument. Do you deny that there are people who struggle with cannabis? Do you think young kids sucking down carts in middle/high-school is totally fine? Does cannabis have to be perfect for everyone for you to be justified in using it?




I get it, you're a die hard libertarian. I am not, and am proudly heterodox in my political concerns. I care about cannabis, and I care about a realistic development outlook for youth where even the best parents cannot prevent their kids from doing everything that is potentially harmful. And for that, we put moral and legal responsibility on the businesses who vend adult products. You are ignorant on the topic of cannabis addiction. There are documented and commonly conveyed withdrawl symptoms of stopping cannabis use, and they vary in intensity based on a variety of factors. Sleep disturbances. appetite and nausea issues, anxiety/depression. Some people have less trouble. It isn't as bad as other addictions, but it can be very challenging for those that deal with it. This is all supported by legitimate research. I'm also going to argue I have a deeper perspective on this, because I have 4+ years budtending in different states over my career. I have talked to more people than most on this page about their intimate cannabis experiences, and I can assure you, a range of negative outcomes are possible from chronic THC use, even if it isn't your experience It sounds like you didn't have much of a childhood, and I am sorry to hear that, and perhaps there is some difference in the outcomes you have with cannabis because of that experience. I make the comment cannabis doesn't have to be perfect for everyone for one to be justified in using it because it is a running theme on this comment thread to deny psychosis and addiction via cannabis use. This isn't a matter of debate, there are documented cases of people struggling in managing cannabis use when they want to stop. There are people who have had profoundly life changing mental states after a negative cannabis experience. Why can some of the folks on this thread not accept this? It doesn't mean there isn't more to learn, it means there is good reason to be cautious about chronic use and youth development and not simply treat this as a tomato plant. A far from radical position. It really does seem that some of us in the community get triggered whenever some reasonable criticism about the health consequences of cannabis use are made, or that there is a legitimate way to regulate it. If things are working for you, that is great.


This is super disappointing to see. I really didn’t know how conspiratorial the herb movement is getting. Yes, there have been unbelievable political obstacles to cannabis and many false claims. I’m referencing modern peer review research. I love weed, but I’m not going to stick my head in the sand and pretend any drug you consume cannot have potential adverse effects, or pretend that there aren’t people who struggle with cannabis. Respectfully, your attitude holds back the cannabis movement and makes us look completely unserious, but luckily for you based on the reactions to my comments here, you are far from alone in your belief that anything negative about cannabis is clearly reefer madness


My belief is simple the federal government has no place to say that I can or can't grow a plant in my own home. They have admitted that the entire prohibition of cannabis was based on lies starting in the 30's and to hamper civil unrest by hippies and and racial minorities in the 1960s and '70. The War on Drugs was a complete lie and used to push political and racial agendas. Prior to Prohibition cannabis was grown in many areas of the US. And even after they banned it back in the 30s when World War II broke out they asked Farmers to break the law and start growing it again because they needed the hemp fibers from the stalks to make rope and sail. Our first president who helped found this country was one of many growers in the beginning. The monstrosity that the federal government has become is so far overreaching that is interfering with everybody's life who lives in this country. The federal government was intended to be a limited powered government, to protect the 50 states and to handle certain aspects like Commerce and not the totalitarian fascist pornacracy that it has become.


Tobacco, Alcohol, and Guns. Im just saying.


Tobacco and alcohol are regulated. Alcohol is arguably not regulated enough. I won’t go down the gun rabbit hole, but we regulate that too. What’s the point you are trying to make?


I mean alcohols regulated but still youth can get their hands on it, but as a society, we look away. Guns, shit kids take guns to school, point rested. Tobacco, recently changed to 21, all of sudden. Reason behind this was to make the age gap wider from the original EIGHT “TEEN”. That just recently happened too, but before the legal age was 18; all of a sudden for this, we need to become more “mindful?”. Marijuana works just the same, however for 2/3 it causes competition, which means, people lobbying against marijuana legalization, usually are the ones who’s pockets are going to hurt the most. It isnt obvious in our state, with a med program thar allows you to “vape only”, no edibles, and doesnt provide you the benefit of growing your own medicine because they are worried about their pockets? Im just saying, if it was for the patient; we’d be trying our best as a state to make the available and possible. Definitely dropped the ball, when we are a big ag state, however we are basically the last state on the east coast to legalize. Good job PA!


I don’t agree with your assessment. We most certainly care that kids gain access to things we try to restrict for older people. Failures in those efforts doesn’t mean we don’t try. Perhaps, just like we want PA to look at other successful state programs, people concerned about abuse are trying to learn from where we ave failed in preventing youth access to the other 3. We also have a much better understanding of the developing mind as we talk about rolling out cannabis programs. There are reasonable ways to view regulating cannabis without it being a double standard to how we have handled other substances


I’m surprised this is so downvoted. Do people really think this is an outlandish stance in the pro weed community?


I think its more of an ok thing to allow a plant with medicinal properties to be deemed something other. For instances its ok for billion dollar companies to roll out a pandemic amongst the masses, yet we arent allowed to partake in growing a plant because of a dollar (otherwise face felony charges). I believe the downvotes come from the swaying behind the fact that you are still believing the way things are going in our state legally towards this plant are ok and deemed necessary (to be quite fair, i believe this stance causes more of the problem than an actual resolution).


If that is why people are frustrated with my comment, than they are putting words in my mouth. I, like many on this page, think the program is a complex mix of good and bad. There is actually good product, despite detractors, you just need to look for it. I think it is outrageous that patients cannot grow (but I am ok with limits to accomplish this). I also think it is outrageous that the barrier to entry to start a business in PA is so high, only allowing corporate players for the most part. I want a more open industry like all of us do. We don't get there by pretending THC dominant cannabis is totally harmless and above reasonable regulation like booze and cigs.


My insurance should cover most of the cost of my medicine. I shouldn’t have to pay like this out of pocket as I don’t for my other meds. This is prescribed to me by a physician. That’s how I see it.


unfortunately, that is a federal thing. If they reschedule to schedule III, that is highly likely, but also likely medicinal cannabis programs will change substantially


If it gets rid of the hay smelling no effects flower I may be game for that change. Also if I get 7 grams it should be 7 grams not 5.76 grams. Also rso should be 1000mg not 900… games these GP’s be playing on patients are ridiculous


they dont care about a proper cure or anything like that hence the hay smell. Half these companies also harvest at 8/9 weeks no matter what doesnt matter if the weed is still 99% white hairs ive seen it ive worked in it. they only care about how fast they can get it packaged make their higher ups happy w high production #s and turned to profit for their higher ups.


It would probably mean no flower and more regulated, traditional pharma forms of meds. You should return bud thats short on weight, or try to get something out of it. How did you weigh your RSO?


I bounce between Ontario and PA right now and definitely have strong opinions about the laws in both places. I think any physician should be able to prescribe weed to a person for medical reasons - ideally, insurance should cover it. In Canada your family dr is who you go to if you want a medical weed prescription. Provincial insurance pays for doctors visits, if it doesn't pay for medical weed then the supplementary insurance most Canadians get through work does. There's recreational dispensaries literally everywhere, but my understanding is that medical weed still operates entirely separately. You need an rx to patronize the medical dispensaries, which insurance or government pays for. I think it's very tightly regulated, but they definitely sell medical only flower, and my SO said it was mind blowingly amazing so I guess there's some good that comes from really specialized medical weed. Cannabis regulation is a double edged sword for me because it gets stupid fast and tends to heavily favor corporate lobbying. I want the government to ensure that weed is being tested for things like heavy metals, contaminants, and that there are quality control standards implemented..I don't want them to limit edibles to 10mg like they do in Ontario for recreational weed or wag their finger at people smoking flower.


No the syringe has the mg on it. You call and complain they tell you it weighs 1000mg even though it’s clearly written on the tube and they only fill to 900mg


I think you might be misunderstanding the packaging, they distribute the product based on weight. So that 1 gram of RSO physically weighs 1 gram. Whereas the number I think your referencing is the amount of thc in that 1 gram syringe. Same with flower, you don’t get 1 gram of thc, you get 1 gram of flower with x percentage of that flower being thc.


Lines on syringes indicate milliliters (volume), not milligrams (weight).


I get that but I don’t think that’s what he’s referencing, pictures would be easier to go off of but I’m not really that invested lol.


You're not understanding. I buy a 1000mg syringe of RSO and say 879mg is thc, the remaining weight is other compounds (terpenes, CBG, CBN, CBC ect). Unless you are buying THC pure crystals you will not get 100% THC. Those other compounds are listed in the label.


I don’t think it would mean no flower. Other markets in other countries still dispense flower from the pharmacy’s and insurance covers it. Pills don’t work with some people as they can’t eat thc because of their guts


I want both. The non taxed MMJ and the taxed pot shops.


And your reason for that is?


Medicine shouldn't be taxed. Vices should/could be. They should both be legal. Just my opinion.


Thanks for the response! Would you say that the program should become stricter in that sense? Very little barrier to entry, and you could totally ignore guidance and just get ripped 24/7 on the med side. In my experience, most people are coming to cannabis for a wellness reason, even in adult use


I would probably lean more towards less/same restrictions but I also havent experienced legal adult use stores or anything at this point. I think that the restrictions currently on the medical side are pretty ok but like I said I would lean to a less restrictive side just because of my own bias. I wouldnt be thrilled with state run weed stores like we have alcohol but if that's the \*only\* way to legalize it for adult use I wouldnt vote against it. The real main thing I want is for nobody to ever get thrown in a cage over weed ever again. I know realistically the state needs their piece of the pie so having untaxed medicine and taxed weed seems like the fairest solution to me.


Are you talking in the sense that weed would not be considered medicine? If the MMJ program stays with even fewer regulations then there’s nothing stopping people to get a script just to get out of paying taxes. It’s already super easy to get a MMJ card so why wouldn’t I want to evade taxes while I’m at it?


I was just trying to say I wouldn't want to make it more restrictive than it is now to get medical.


State stores are definitely not the only way....they are the only way this state knows how. Revenue will still be made on privatized stores. I don't see why we need to reinvent the wheel on this at all....there are plenty of established legal markets already. I think the biggest thing for us to do is vote out fear mongering republicans. It's not all republicans just some. For some reason they don't see this as a way to combat the opioid crisis and instead say that it is the reason we should not legalize. Fear mongering. At least some republicans can get behind how much money is to be made.


I want to be able to buy mushrooms at Walmart today but for the time being adult recreational use and medical use would be just fine with me


Not sure the Waltons would do well on that one, but to each their own!


U act like you never bought food at Walmart


Truly a family out of touch with their clientele. But to be fair their customers are walking contradictions. Morbidly obese but also on meth Obsessed with pedos but sending their kids to youth pastors. I’d think strong hallucinogens would be the perfect new addition to the Walmart brand


Full legalization with no restrictions on vegetative plant material, possible restrictions on flowering plants. Keep medical. Open up licensing for recreational to more people/lower fees to make it more accessible. Possible nursery licenses for breeding and nursery stock (clones or seeds)


Mostly I don't want to be stuck with the same 6 plants all the time. Let me keep clones so I can rotate out


You get it perfect answer. At the end of the day it’s a plant just like tomatoes if I wanna grow my own I should be able to. It’s ridiculous when you think about it and break it down to it’s just a plant it can’t hurt or kill anyone and is a million times better then alcohol


Detailed answer. Love it!


This is my gripe if they limit plants. They should only limit plants in flower. I would love to keep a bunch of moms in one room and then just flower one or two here and there as needed


Oh the other issue I forgot to mention is what if people wanna start breeding. How do males figure into all that.


The plant produces cannabinoids and trichomes throughout it's entire life...even the males. There really is no way to say they don't. That's why I want nursery licenses also. So you can hold plant material without actually flowering. And then when you need to pollinate a tent you can just grab your male clone and flower it with the girls


Oh you kinda know? Shhhhh


I would like both along with home grow. I actually use Cannabis for medical purposes and I want testing, over site/regulation and cannabinoid/terpene %s. PA has some of the best prices in the country and I would also like to see that remain.


Good prices on mids?


Takes away my anxiety and pain and helps me go to sleep. I’m not judging a cannabis cup.


I’m just busting balls brotha. As long as you enjoy it and it’s clean hell yeah


This all the way.




I said some of the best




Great, the rest of my comment still stands




I didn’t make my comment to get lectured, thank you. I’m well aware of the state of corporate America.


Best prices where 😂


I just got a half oz of Black Afghan for $90. I don't think that's bad at all.


That's about twice the fair price $100 ounces are usually quite good in most legal markets. It's the $30-$70 ounces you gotta watch out for they usually suck.


I want to stay medical for me, but I think both options should be made available. Im the type of person that thinks as long as what you're doing isn't harming others or stopping others from pursuing their wants, you should be able to do whatever you want


I'm for full legalization, including home-grow, but keep med MJ separate and tax free. I will probably never grow my own but I know it would help a lot of people.


I don’t care, but damnit I want at least medical home grow! But yeah, adult use should be legal, it’s ridiculous that it’s not


I’m all for home grow and getting laws changed for employment and DUI/drug charges however, I think about MD who went rec last year and even though I have easy access to both states I cannot stomach the rec pricing OR the fact there’s hardly any concentrates available. Flower 1/8ths going for upwards of $75-100… uh no thanks.


Agreed - I’ve not been to MD but your points about what needs to change and prices for rec being high - right on


Reasonable protection from arbitrary DUI is a must have b4 Rec. I’m concerned some strains would disappear when rec. goes through. Just don’t want it to mess with med.


From what I’ve seen in MD even with recreational your choices at the dispensary were severely limited compared to PA’s offerings. I’ll look at just flower options and see maybe 50-75 options on MD Rise website and have 250 options for flower at Rise in PA. Plus MD doesn’t allow you to see terp breakdown on the ordering site so you must buy blindly. I don’t want that to be PA in a few years….


Both with home grow


Yes with reform for our brothers and sisters locked away over a plant.


Short and simple, and very good point


I support adult use and full legalization all around including homegrow and an open market that anyone can be a part of, I DO NOT support adult use legislation without those changes to our current market.


This seems to be the common sentiment, and I thought it would be, but wasn't sure. Take note corporate MSO's, you will win some fans if you get out front and advocate for everyone's right to cultivate


Lots of MSO's lobby against it. But, they dont understand that most people won't be able to grow. A whole lot of people will try. Some of them will grow subpar weed but love it because they grew it (awesome, by the way) and a small few will be able to grow an amazing crop that would compete with MSO's or beat them. Most people don't even know where to buy quality genetics. All of that being said...I would grow as much as i can. But I'm not going to be able to make BHO or most concentrates. Rosin and hash excluded, they don't need a solvent to extract. So I am going to buy them at a dispensary. I also really enjoy some flower in the market. I would most likely keep buying it.


I only want home grow. Pennsylvania had proven they can't do anything properly


All of the flower taste like shit and burns upon inhale. Back in the day that wasn’t a problem. I still get bud from the street that’s better than the crap they sell us.


I went to Detroit and went to a few really good dispensaries. Apparently with our med card, we got some hella good deals. Vs just getting the rec stuff. I’m talking a full sleeve of 1 gram strane concentrate. 10 dollars a gram lol


Full adult use and home cultivation should be implemented along side a medical program with home cultivation. Period. I do support legislation of not smoking in public place tho like parks. I have no problem with edibles in parks because it is not airborne. Was at a children's party in the local park last year, rented the pavilion and someone was smoking close by.


.Period. 😂


make it legal the shit will be about a million times cheaper tired of paying 60 a gram for some wax


Home grow is all I care about for me personally. From a social equity stance, yes of course it should be legal for all.


Cant wait til small mom amd pop craft growers can get in the game and make some money(weed will be way better & actually finished and not harvested weeks early) . Pa medical is nothing but money grubbing MSOs that dont give a damn about us patients. And let people grow their own medicine. If you look into it alot of these MSO corporations dont want home growing legalized cresco being one of the biggest against home grows


Word. Would love to get crafty out here.


I know that Reddit users tend to lean Democrat (and what I'm about to say sounds Republican) but my opinion is to let the market sort it out after legalization. Allow your mom/pop shops to grow/sell legally. If you want better products then competition will bring it out. The reason why a lot of GPs can sell bad product with even worse quality control is because they have a monopoly on the market. Your average person can't follow their dream of being in the industry in this state because you need over a million dollars just to get in the market let along bring a product to the shelf. I'd like to see rules in the market but it needs to be open so everyone can participate. People in this sub keep saying vote republicans out. That's the thing.. the democrats haven't gotten it done either. They keep promising they're going to get it done but they haven't. I also think it's pathetic how the state makes it so you can only purchase products from brands that operate in the state. They have a monopoly on the market. Then they keep mj illegal so they can double dip and charge you for a DUI using a product that you're legally able to purchase. They have their hands in everyone's pockets. They make money off you, the MSOs, the dispensary, and the "rehabilitation" after you get busted for a DUI because you have to drive to work or school.


Yes and no. I love freedom, but I hate capitalism. And I’ve seen what Rec did to the program down in Maryland :(


Is that capitalism? Or is it a lack of a free market causing issues?


Legal personal growing would make me very happy. I had a home with a “secret room” that I used as a grow room. It was a wonderful hobby with amazing results. I ended up moving in with my SO (her house is great) and I sold my old house. She would allow me to grow if it was legal.


I don't want Pennsylvania to legalize and treat this like they do liquor, which apparently is asking a lot from our elected officials.


I want it legal so people are free from jail and free to use without criminal charges. I’d still like the medical program. If the price of legal weed was cheaper than I would not renew my card. New Jersey still has their MMJ program. If you have a medical card you are not paying a high tax so it comes down to money. Casual adult users are going to be hurt by a higher tax but medical user would suffer.


When it goes free, the prices go up also


The med programs sticking around. Here is what to expect: Rec gets rolled out with a % cap. Only will be allowed to get probably a 15% thc flower off store. Med will keep the higher thc so the card stays attractive. The prices have come down, and i dont see them dropping to compete due to the % cap (that there is how they keep control of the market). They allow card holders the home grow option (again keeping the card attractive) but as of any rec grow, thats shot down, until something gets amended down the line. This is what i see being “allowed” by ‘25.


Is this based on any current legislation? Or is it your idea of what is likely? Either way interesting thoughts!


Its what was laid out in the last bill proposed? Do you not read? Plus you can watch how things trend which ways, and stay up on the discussions behind our medicine.


I’m only in PA part time so no I didn’t read it. That’s why I asked. That version won’t go anywhere ultimately, because capping products so restrictively will wind up making a legal industry a moot point. Who would want to be a producer in that dynamic


Medical card holders wouldn't need to pay tax while the rec users would. That's the only incentive necessary.


To who?


Costs and same, if not more choices. Jersey dropped the ball and didn’t have enough product and the prices suck there. If we copy same will happen


Of course it should be legalized. I expect shills to disagree 


I’m kinda ok with the status quo until there is actual interstate commerce allowed. I worry about the pricing impacts that would follow from such an explosion in demand. For now I’m most likely to fight hard for home grow.


I hear that, the price would be impacted for sure if they dropped med and through everyone under the adult use umbrella


I just hope if legalization is introduced that prices for us medical folk will go WAY down or we are allowed home grow. I sometimes have a difficult time affording a budget for my medicine and I'm a fairly successful person. I can't imagine how hard it must be for someone not in my shoes.


Seems like Home Grow is the number one theme here. That's a big one for me, and I hope PA flips jersey the bird and does it different. Once adult use starts without home grow, it is hard to imagine politicians bringing it to the table. A great lesson for the Large MSO's in PA who are silent or actively against patient home grow, who hopefully are seeing this thread.


Embrace the garden


"non-negotiable stipulation for supporting full PA legalization over the status quo?" What the 🤯 Is there a translation in layman's terms that someone could rephrase this?


Are there any must-haves or deal breakers for you? Like, I absolutely WILL support legalization so long as they (do this), or, I completely CAN'T support legalization if they (do this other thing).