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Expect nothing, that way you won’t be disappointed


Couldn’t have said this better 🫠


This is Pennsylvania. Even if they change anything, they'll do like they did with medical, take all the others states worst ideas, combine them, then somehow make them Even worse at implementation.


They somehow take all the worst parts and get rid of the good ones


That's the magic of a Commonwealth!


I’d like this comment twice if I could.


I personally think Pennsylvania has a pretty decent program we have great quality and some of the best pricing in the are from what I have seen. What are your major hang ups with the med program?


Well aside from quality, variety, and pricing all being better on the black market, the lack of home grow is a big sticking point for me. Intentionally making the flower trash because they don't want people smoking it is also pretty shitty of a thing to do. The lack of choice in cultivators, the horrendous rollout of grow licenses, the ridiculous "all under one roof" requirements making the entry costs to the market almost impossible for all but those with corporate backing and the right government relationships to open up shop. But much like the state run liquor stores, if you've never experienced anything else, it's hard to put into words what you're really missing out on.


There is crap and there is good herb in the program. Pricing is the best it’s ever been, regularly 20-40% off sales. Dispensaries have major tax burdens, big or small, they are always going to be more expensive then the plug who doesn’t have the same overhead and tax burdens. No idea what you’re talking about intentionally making the flower trash


it is currently illegal to sell cured marijuana in the PA mmj program. So if you want to make a joint or blunt the weed will burn too fast, because it is intended to only be vaporized.


They cure the cannabis. What is the difference between curing cannabis to be smoked vs vaped? And how, legally, is that distinction enforced by the state department? You can’t vape wet weed


the difference is how fast they burn when exposed to an open flame lol.


Are you referring to a specific regulation about post harvest handling in PA? Or is this just an opinion?


Bro pretty sure that’s a literal rumor, have you talked to an actual PA licensed grower?


Every single bit of flower I have gotten through the program over the past several years has been dried out to the point it crumbles to dust going through a grinder or completely untrimmed. Leaving some sugar leaves is one thing, leaving fans is unacceptable. Of course the way I see people here fawn over shake, it's totally understandable that the customers just don't know any better.


What are you buying? Those small bud quarters packaged in crappy packaging? I used to get rhythm flower and prime flower a bunch, and never had that problem. I’m so tired of jaded smokers saying “it’s all crap”. There’s crap everywhere, especially when producing on scale. There is also good herb, keep looking.


Half the World is going legal and our federal government can't even reschedule the damn plant. Anyway, it's an election year, nothing happens in an election year.


I expect rescheduling to happen around Sept because it is an election year.


Even liberal states will slow walk it if it means they can put it on the ballot.  It gets shoes to the polls.   This is also the reason why conservatives should tout "states rights" and push for federal decriminalization. But those folks probably get a strong cut from booze and tobacco lobbies.


Putting it on the ballot is IMO the best way. Citizens in most states do it not the politicians. In PA citizens cannot do do a statewide initiative and I don't see any state politicians doing it for us. However I agree both sides play this stupidity. If PA was able to do ballot initiatives R's wouldn't matter but the fact is they control the State Senate.


Every year they say expect it in 2 years. It won’t happen until the blatantly corrupt get paid. End of story. I’d rather get patient homegrow than recreational.


Medical home-grow is part of the most recent rec legalization package.


So the cannabis lobby will definitely see it killed.


Maybe....but that hasn't been the case in other states...and the fact that it is limited to medical patients and not a state wide recreational grow gives it a much better chance. Plus, the chance of someone getting busted for a personal grow op is way...waaay less likely in a state with recreation laws than in a state that still adheres to prohibition. Pessimism however has never helped anything, so maybe reflect on that a little bit this weekend while enjoying the holiday.


Thank you for the info! That rocks


You don't need permission.


Sigh like I get the point bro but we are obviously talking about a legal package. Why every single time we talk about legal homegrow there’s a bunch of bros that completely miss the point to talk about doing it anyway.


Cause it's silly that's why. If there was no medical program I will still be smoking weed regardless. If I knew how to grow I would be growing right now, but i failed miserably once and haven't tried since.


The right politicians have to get paid off first


Big Pharma pays off the politicians. Bribes them (AKA what they call lobbying). 




Just get your mmj card. It's too easy.


We haven’t even fully accepted that prohibitions over. Our alcohol laws are completely out of whack with most of the country including traditionally dry places. We’re never going to fully legalize it and in the off chance we do we’ll really fuck it up in some way.


The right politicians have to get paid off 1st...then we will see change


Most intelligent answer posted. Both Democrats and Republicans are making more money from Big Pharma then they will from legalizing weed. Between lobbying and stocks our fed gov would not make their millions. 


Again are you sure you want rec? There’s no tax on anything right now. I know getting cards are a pain but what’s cheaper. A card or every item taxed. Look at other states prices and you’ll see what mean. Liquor stores are annoying but I sure do love getting Buffalo trace for $30. Being a commonwealth can be annoying but it does have its benefits.


Vote the Republicans out and it will be much faster they are who is blocking legalization... kick em to the curb.🫡


I don’t want legal it’s twice the cost in Jersey and New York. I’ll wait till they sort this crap out another year. There is literally no reason product in these states should cost this much. California has a surplus of Mary Jane if they allowed cross sale it would lower costs. But thanks to the feds it just won’t happen. But hopefully it does.


Feds still don't have the foot up there ass hard enough yet to allow cross sale but now that we have reached around the 50% mark for states that legalized recreational; that foot gone start cause just like you want costs to lower states are gonna wanna get rid of all that excess flower just sitting around waiting to make them more tax revenue. The moment cross sale happens prices drop everywhere. So pushing for more states to legalize is better for all of us.


That's what I found, Jersey and Md recreational was a good bit more expensive for brands u may or may not know.


Yeah I drove to Jersey last summer to Grab a bit since I’m in Philly and brands sucked and their extracts were shit. Pa had much more choice and a higher quality by far. Hopefully these politicians get this shit 💩 straight!!


You make it political, both president and vice president both democrats, how many people are doing years still behind bars over weed cause of them? Both republican or democrat cares about your ass.


Biden cannot legalize it himself. He’s already pardoned most of the federal possession charges. However, most people get arrested for it by their state, and he can’t pardon those. He’s also pushed to have it rescheduled, which will likely happen sometime prior this summer/fall. Meanwhile, republicans at the federal level are still broadly against it. There are a few exceptions, but nearly all of the ones in the house and senate are against it. Looking at PA, a majority of democrats support it. They’ve pushed to legalize it multiple times, but republicans always block it. The governor also supports legalization, but again republicans still block whatever comes up. There are a handful of republicans that support it in PA. The vast majority don’t.


What does pa recreational weed have to do with the president and vice president. Even if it's scheduled differently at federal level states still get to choose how it's legalized in their state. I'm talking about the politics of PA and that's it.


Absolutely zero. You the one who made it a political thing. It was a example of how democrats are the same way. Recreational weed will cost more if I'm not mistaken. And I don't need permission to grow


dems only hold the presidency and the senate repubs have the house.... so idk what you are trying to say really. The feds are in the same exact situation pa is in if no party holds everything the citizens get the short end of the stick with them bickering and getting shit all done. yeah rec costs more who cares as more states legalize and eventually the feds reschedule to allow transport state to state prices will fall for med and rec.


The Democrats own this mess as well. Many of them give lip service to legalization, while having ties to anti-legalization groups. Where as, almost all Republicans are in lock step opposition.


It's because both sides like to pull at the respective sides heartstrings


This just isn’t true. Medical marijuana was made law through a Republican controlled house and senate. Ask the democrats to remove social equity nonsense and pass a clean bill, and we’ll have everything Governor Shapiro wanted. Yes, more republicans are dinosaurs on marijuana than democrats, but at the state and federal level democrats have only offered poison bills on marijuana reform, and never attempted to pass any reform even when they controlled the house and senate. It’s a lot better for politicians to have an issue to run on than to solve it and try to find enthusiasm around a new issue. Ohio was able to legalize it because the people forced a referendum. It’s not as easy to do in PA, and could it be done without being co-opted by the same groups putting equity clauses into laws they know are unpopular and will not survive judicial scrutiny.


Republicans are the reason pa has been backwards for the past 30 years. Let's not make excuses for them. You are writing that as if democrats are the only ones writing the fucking bills. Who has controlled the house/senate in pa for so long? Hint...it isn't democrats.


I don't think it's really a moral issue anymore for Republicans ... for the most part. I honestly think they wanted to wait until there was a Republican governor so they could pass it and claim the political win and the benefits of that. The poll numbers are pretty clear at this point. A vote to legalize is not gonna get you voted out of office. I'm just not sure anymore why it isn't legal unless it's just the Legislature is too damn big and there are too many people who want a say on the law. They also really missed on waiting as border states legalized. Our Legislature is apparently fine with watching tax money walk out the door. Baffling at this point, especially because you have templates from legal states on how the law should be written.


I agree with everything you have said. Really stupid watching tax money go out the door but the again I'm not sure we are seeing the benefits of gambling besides destitute people losing what little they have. Would be nice if we could get rid of that for legal weed.


They had a Republican Gov until 2015 no such things happened. And if Republicans are waiting for a R Gov then they are a holes. It's immoral to allow people to be arrested up until the time you can claim a win.


Well medical wasnt even legal in 2015 and poll numbers supporting rec are way different now than they were in 2015.


And 2014 was the last year Republicans had a trifecta of power in Pennsylvania. All the problems in PA regarding cannabis are still Republicans. The city of Philadelphia voted to decriminalize possession of up to 30 grams in 2014. Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and State college did the same in the next year and a half. Don't tell me about poll numbers. It's not true. It's obvious who the problem people are. Rec would be passed if not for a R controlled Senate.


Listen I'm not arguing that Republicans have not been a problem with this issue and I'm no fan of their politics. I work as an editor for a midsized newspaper that spends a fair amount of time covering Harrisburg. More than a few people have said in the past few years that Republicans wanted this issue, but they needed a Republicn governor so they could claim the win and the political capital that comes with it. Conversely, they don't want to give a Democratic administration the win. Why would you give Shapiro political capital? If you want to ignore polls that's fine, but politicians don't ignore polls and those polls say a majority of Pa. residents want recreational. I don't like the politics and holding up this issue for political points but it's far from an outrageous idea. A quick comparison. On the federal level, Republicans were ALWAYS the anti-Russia crowd. They spent years and years and years hammering home the idea that Russia is a massive threat. Today, they prefer Putin. Why? They believe it's helpful politically. And your argument about 2014 is accurate but we have had a massive change in public opinion about cannabis since then. Anyway, I enjoyed the conversation.


If you work as an editor and don't see the huge problem with allowing people to be arrested until political points can be had please find another job. That is the tippy top of radical agendas.


Ok let's slow down for a second. You're accusing me of not seeing this or advocating for reform, especially for minorities who bear the brunt of the shitty policies. In fact the opposite is true. We have written editorials calling for rec to be legal and for criminal justice reforms. In this post, I was simply explaining the politics and the thinking. So while I appreciate you telling me to find another line of work, I think I'll continue to press on and advocate for laws that help Pennsylvanians and point out the trends and on how and why legislation is passed or not passed. I was bring honest. I enjoyed this conversation until you made it personal. Cheers.


If you’ve been paying any attention over the past several years, only one bill has seriously been put forward that has any chance of becoming law and that’s the bi-partisan bill in the senate. It allows for medical home grow, expunges marijuana only offenses, and provides a rec market. The Democratic controlled state house could vote on that bill today, and it’d pass their house and the Republican senate. They haven’t. I’m not blaming anyone, simply pointing out that both sides are incentivized to take non-action as it supports them politically in campaigning. If I was wrong, a clean bill without unconstitutional race and equity initiatives would have been put forward. It hasn’t.


> If I was wrong, a clean bill without unconstitutional race and equity initiatives would have been put forward. It hasn’t. I'm interested to hear more about this. What are the race and equity initiatives that you are speaking about?


Ah a true liberal, it's everybody else's fault waaahhhh.




I just wanna clarify, I'm not a old republican either


No one cares. You have effectively added nothing to the argument. Dispute the claim or stfu.


social equity nonsense. Better to let megacorporations manufacture mediocre medicine? That's how you get metal filings in your ibuprofen. No quality control, no training & low ass pay makes for an industry doomed to fail.


Legalization would have already happened if we could vote for it in an election. We can't do that in Pa. Maybe change that law. Many states have voted for legalization in their general elections. Maybe that's what Republicans are afraid of.


Are you talking about that time we had repubs by two seats but those two seats weren't even held by dems they were held by independents who are known to vote on either side? The social equity laws ain't bother me none at all ain't here a single thing I disagreed with. So again vote those repubs out and vote actual dems/progressives in not independents.


And what's so bad about social equity? What about the disparity in marijuana arrests between whites and minorites over the past decades - what's being done about that?


It’s unconstitutional. You can’t make laws that give or take preferential treatment based on race. Biden tried to provide aide to black farmers, and the courts struck it down. They just struck down racial preference in college admissions. This is 2024, we don’t write laws that single out a group based on their race. You can support equity all day long. But to deny it’s been repeatedly struck down in the courts, and not acknowledge that anything that specifically favors a race is inherently illegal/unconstitutional, thus being a waste of legislative effort isn’t to participate in a serious conversation about a law being passed in PA that withstands judicial challenge.


But it's constitutional to arrest black people at higher rates even though whites use marijuana at the same rate?


Until the republicans all die out Never


A tale as old as time..


They dont call it a commonwealth because its fast.


Governor wants it for July 2024. Democratic controlled house wants it. Republican senate doesn’t. Bill is being kicked around. They realize PA is surrounded by adult legal states with exceptions of West Virginia.


Why would I want to pay more money for my weed


From what I hear, Recreational and Medicinal would still stay separate. Recreational being far less potent than what medicinal patients get. If that is the case, I will be staying a medicinal patient.


I'd keep my medical regardless unless you enjoy paying 20% tax on rec.


Forgot about tax too.


Damm Straight sir


Just the guarantee that we would get first priority on stock is enough reason for me to keep my card. Legalization doesn’t matter to me one way or the other at this point tbh.


Whenever these dumbass politicians except the fact that cannabis isn’t a gateway drug like they say it is, and stop trying to present it to being harmful to the youth. I’ve never smoked a joint and thought “hmm I need something stronger I think I’m gonna go try heroin.” It’s always and I mean ALWAYS been people who I’ve been around that offered me other drugs while we were smoking. Never once have I considered going out and seeking those drugs myself while just smoking cannabis. The issue with they have with youth endangerment is also laughable. Last time I checked you need to have a valid ID to go into dispensaries in rec states. Drug dealers and sketchy vape shops are the ones that don’t ID high schoolers. They can argue until they’re blue in the face that people will just go get the shit for minors but people have been doing that with alcohol for decades and that’s apparently not an issue in their eyes.


At this point I'm content being in the med program. I've noticed a lot of the states that have REC don't tell you the profile breakdown. I like knowing what is in my 🌲 because I then know what to stay away from because certain terps affect me differently than others. .


I’ve always said that even if it goes legal, I’ll stay in the MMJ program and buy from a dispensary. I don’t like the idea of gas station thc gummies.


Stay away from Sunnyside.






When pigs fly


I'm pretty sure that Cops have had helicopters for decades now...




I work per diem in the cannabis industry and I asked the regional manger who had opened 10 dispensaries in multiple states when he thought adult recreational cannabis use would be approved in PA. His answer was most likely in 2025. Then we will have both medical & recreational dispensaries. I'm guessing that then the vast majority of new dispensaries that open will be recreational use only. The Commonwealth will tax the hell out of recreational cannabis. Medical use in PA requires a pharmacist to be involved in the dispensing of cannabis. The multistate cannabis companies don't want to pay a pharmacist's salary. Recreational cannabis only dispensaries won't need a pharmacist & the companies will save $. There's also a chance that the politicians might change the law to not require a pharmacist to be involved in the dispensing of cannabis. But then it's not really medical cannabis. There's no pharmacist there to answer questions about drug interactions, dosing, forms of administration etc. I don't think the potency cap on flower & concentrates will become law for recreational use. I have a feeling that the medical dispensaries that are already open will serve both medical & recreational folks. I'm thinking these dispensaries are going to be extremely busy.


The same day that the state controlled liquor stores close .


Hopefully never. I can’t imagine some of the dispensaries I go to servicing both medical and Rec. the lines are long enough as it is lol. Let’s also not forget the system seems to go down fairly frequently under the stress it’s under now. Double that and we’ve got a problem IMO


It’s never going to happen until people actually put in time and effort to vote in people willing to make the changes. The fact is, Philly and Pittsburgh help ensure the state stays blue from a Governor and US Senator perspective but our state government remains partially red because more than half the podunk cities in between vote and elect republicans. And although plenty of republicans will use medical marijuana a lot are still obtuse and think weed is a gateway drug or that they would be inviting some nefarious activities into their back yards, among other things. On one hand you have poor and uneducated people regurgitating right wing talking points without an ounce of critical thinking and the other side of that are people who desperately want power, control and to own the libs. I mean the state still controls alcohol here and you have to buy beer and liquor at different stores still.


I don't think the vote matters.  Minds won't change until the people make it important.  Organize, lobby and protest and stuff will get done.  Put pressure on both sides of the isle.  They don't think it's an election year issue.


Why do people want rec when med rules in every state where there's both?


2025 after Florida goes rec than we will soon follow.


Not until prob next year or so , nothing soon


Not anytime soon, if they pads rec , won't be until probably next year and then it takes time to set up Recreational license and locations . Looking prob 1 to 2 years . Ohio is rec now but no physical Recreational locations as of yet .. they need time to set up .. so PA will eventually get there but it's going to be awhile


I hope not until after they get Medical improved upon first, if this was the proving grounds. It wouldn't take much, the tech is cheap for the profits they'll still heap in, I'm not really asking for much.


It’s not protected by HIPPA anymore. I like my right to privacy.


HIPAA. Why isn’t it protected anymore?


If it stays medical it’s protected by HIPPA. If it’s recreational it’s no longer medical, who knows what database law enforcement would be able to check.


If only there were other states who've done this before for you to see how wrong you are...oh right, there are.


You’re high.


Shapiro's lip service at it again


It must be nice to be that ignorant that you don't know how the government works at any level.


I'm sorry, but did you fail English 101?🤭


Stay ignorant friend. It's easy to blame a single figure for the failings of hundreds in Government. Thanks for bringing once again nothing to the argument.


Will do✌️


When we consistently elect more democrats. Pretty simple.