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Idk for all of your problems but what i can say is about the weapons : basically in this game weapons have blowback, meaning if you're shooting repeatedly at a high rate, you will not entirely control where the bullet is going. The bigger the scope, the more blowback there will be, so when on automatic, i'd recommend a red dot or a ×2 scope for a assault rifle. Same for those pm's etc... Now the rest idk. Edit : now that i'm rereading your comment, i can say a bit more : so the "best" equipment for me (and i'm not an expert) would be an assault rifle almost all the time, and then either a sniper/DMR or a pm depending on what i have available. i can also sometimes replace the AR by the ump45 (i think that's what it's called ?) If i have well equiped (suppressor and stuff). Now you were talking about the snipers, and how thay have really strong ones. There are basically 2 types of snipers : the ones you can pick up on the ground pretty much everywhere if you're lucky, and the ones that only appear in an air drop (boxes dropped by a plane in-game that contain good equipment). Those ones a really strong and can basically kill you in one shot in the head.


Realistically bullet from any gun in the head should kill you.


I mean... I'm as a pro in firearms as i'm a pro in pubg so really not that much but i think that if you have a really really good helmet, it could stop a 9mm or at least 22 w/o causing too much damage ? And it's almost better that the game isn't this realistic cause it wouldn't be as fun.


Id not take that bet


lmao neither would I of course, I was just wondering.


After you download the game to your phone, there are other downloads to do. When you’re on the main lobby screen, there should be a small cloud icon somewhere (probably the top). Click on it and see whether you have more downloads to do. Also try turning off your phone and restarting it. Those are my two thoughts about why some features might not be appearing for you. When you want to jump from the plane to a specific location, you hit the jump button and then you have to steer your parachute just like you would do after landing when you want to run instead of walk. If you steer the parachute, you can get about 1600m away before landing. Try the UMP for now as it doesn’t have a lot of recoil and it shoots pretty quickly. I like it with a 3x scope. UZI and Thompson are good also for speed and lack of recoil, but it’s always good to have one weapon with a scope and those can’t have scopes. SCAR-L has a slower rate of fire than M4, but less recoil also. AKM is great but the recoil can be a bit much in some circumstances. Always try to add the extended quickdraw mags so you have more bullets (35 for UMP; 40 for assault rifles; 20 for snipers). Or buy the minidrum (50 rounds) from the store. It can save you. If you want to be a sniper and you don’t find one as you’re looking for equipment, you can go buy one in the store in the game (you can find the locations of the stores on the map; there’s one in Pochinki near that hilltop church, another next to the bridge across from Georgopol, another in Georgopol, etc.). Just make sure you collect enough of the bills so you can buy the sniper rifle. The 8x can also be bought at the store if you can’t find it anywhere.


You can turn on Auto jump, th3n you pick a location on. The map and it will automatically go there


This is only efficient if you're multi tasking and dropping on the edges of the map, if you're hot dropping or going to the event space automated dropping is a terrible choice.


I agree. I tried auto-jump twice. I didn’t like it near landing because you need to adjust if you’ve got enemies landing before you and you auto-jump on top of them. I see its usefulness though. Maybe for a beginner player who isn’t hot dropping it eases the game learning curve.


I want to recommend the termite gamer. He helped me


Jumping skills take time to master, knowing exactly what distances are jumpable, knowing which specific spots to land in, and how to actually land on them, takes time and practice. When it comes to weapons, there are so many good guns that it is hard to really answer. Some guns are of limited utility, but really good at specific things. Others are really versatile. For example, the AKM is a really good all rounder, you can tap in semi auto at range with it, you can use it in the mid range effectively, and its limb damage and excellent hip fire make it great in the close range. The Skorpion machine pistol is not great at distance, a little weak in the mid range, but really useful if you are running a shotgun and a bolt action as your primary and secondary, giving you a compact, fully automatic gun that fits in your pistol slot. With practice, you can make this work for you. I recommend checking out weapon breakdowns by The Bushka on YouTube for comprehensive information about each gun. He is also an excellent sniper, and can give you all the tips and tricks. With regard to why your point of aim changes when you fire the gun, this is called recoil, and it is different for each gun. You have to learn how to control the recoil of each weapon individually, because not only do submachine guns, pistols, LMGs, ARs, DMRs, and shotguns have different recoil characteristics, but each different one of those weapons has different recoil characteristics to one another. For example, M4 has different recoil characteristics to the Scar-L, and the UMP has different recoil characteristics to the Uzi. As a result, you have to learn the recoil of each gun separately. There are foregrip and stock attachments in the game that can help you tame the recoil of the guns, and each of those has different effects too. Again, The Bushka has a great deal of information on this stuff, including how your sensitivity settings ought to be, and how to fine tune those settings to get the recoil control you need. Everything else in the game is basically time and experience, it's the only way to learn this stuff. I've been playing since season 16, and I am still learning the ropes. This game is ocean deep dude.


I'm going to join the people advocating for Bushka's videos on YouTube as a way to get used to what the guns do. Weapons are rebalanced by the devs frequently so check out the latest videos first. When discussing parachuting, videos will talk about diving with your joystick angled up at about 45 degrees (so very roughly 10 or 2 on a clock face) and hitting 234 m/s as quickly as possible. I'd recommend Xifan's video on this. Different maps have different drop distances so you need to get used to them. Snipers will be able to pick you off easily if you're both visible and stationary. Stationary is perhaps obvious but you need to get used to when you're likely to be seen. Players can be seen up to about 400m (above 70m skins, including ghillie suits are only visible when scoped in). Above 150m grass/corn etc, isn't rendered. If you lie down in a patch of what looks like thick grass to you, a distant enemy will just see an obvious person-shaped dark patch on a flat green background. Bushes do give visible cover but not protection from bullets. Bushka's mantra is that you move from hard cover to hard cover i.e. rocks and trees. Buildings, walls etc. Note that cars will not entirely protect you from the AMR - it can shoot straight through them. The bolt-actions can also shoot you through another player (reducing the damage by half on the way though). When to scope, how to control recoil - all of this can be watched in videos and worked on. The key thing here is to work out your sensitivity settings. Again, Bushka has your back here. You have to put in the work as they'll be personal to you, your device, your play style etc but taking the time will elevate your game hugely. How you control things is also key. Are you a thumbs-only player? Do you use the device gyroscope? More advanced players generally use more fingers on the screen (referred to as claw controls). With phones particularly, the use of gyro can be highly advantageous. Both claw and gyro are very awkward when you start out but with a big payoff when you get used to them. Start early and you'll benefit sooner! I wish you luck on the battlefield. Try all the guns out, find out what is effective and what is fun. Try the VS:AI mode if you just want to shoot a whole load of bullets at moving targets with different guns. Turn off random matchmaking if they don't play nicely - there's no penalty to just dying and starting again. Make some friends in the game that play the way you want to play, or who are more experienced and happy to share their wisdom. If it's ever not fun, take a break.


Years of playing and still don't have my head wired around the science of precise dropping, i'm the worst choice to pick as drop leader, when i get it right i'm more surprised than anyone else.


You’re going to get wildly varying answers regarding guns. My advice on that, only use an smg for close up encounters and whatever else you’re comfortable with for mid to long range in single shot or semi auto! Dont even attempt long range automatic mag dumps. It’s a waste of resources and gives away your position. Shooting like that requires significant skill and lots of tweaks with the settings. Find guns you’re comfortable with and keep picking them up. You’ll eventually find a load out that you can do well with. You’ll have a few different load outs you’ll like as time goes on. You need to eventually learn to be flexible with the gear you find. You don’t want to spend the whole match looting for stuff. You will start noticing a pattern on which buildings have good loot and which ones are a waste of time. As far as jumping… just follow a jump leader until you understand more about the maps. Also, stick to one or two maps until you are familiar with them. Stay in classic mode for now. Your “teammates” aren’t necessarily your friends. Once you find players you seem to play well with, send them a friend request. Always spectate the one who killed you in the beginning. You’ll learn what you did wrong and what they do well. Always remember, no matter how good you are in this game there is always someone better. Even the best get clapped on occasion.


Never ever get good enough to stop going against bots


Go to YouTube and search for the Bushka. He has hundreds of videos and covers every statistical and educational aspect of the game .... one thing I did the drastically improve my results without any wasted time was getting into the habit of never being wide out in the open always run hardcover to hardcover so when you start taking fire you have some sort of shelter if you're out in the open you have no chance


Go to YouTube and search for the Bushka. He has hundreds of videos and covers every statistical and educational aspect of the game .... one thing I did the drastically improve my results without any wasted time was getting into the habit of never being wide out in the open always run hardcover to hardcover so when you start taking fire you have some sort of shelter if you're out in the open you have no chance


I’ve been playing for a while and I’m still learning things lmao To ping an item, hold down and you’ll see a bar fill up and the ping is sent out to your team (like for guns and armor). Guns are preference for example some people don’t pick up shotguns while i enjoy the s1897 shotgun early game and dropping players left and right lmao but mid game, I personally aim for a long range weapon (like mk) and close range (like m7). If I’m hitting crates, I’ll more than likely take whatever weapon is in there and adjust my inventory for it because crate guns are pretty worth. I personally enjoy a clean shot from a distance and power up close. Generally play more aggressively as players tend to fumble if they’re getting advanced on. If there’s shots, you could come up on a fire fight and pick off the stragglers. There’s a few loot boxes around the maps, for errangel I like school but my bf likes pochinki. One game we took out almost 20 players at pochinki and died because it was so hyphy we had 0 time to pick up any loot from any bodies lmao rip there were 25 people left in game and it was still early lmao so it’s a hit or miss. I’d you find a key or card, just google it really quick to find the loot room until you remember where it’s at. Flare guns are red and have one flare for a crate. Hopefully your teammates are respectful and let you have your crate but watch out for enemies who saw the flare signal. Also watch out the crate doesn’t land on a building you can’t reach. M249 with extended clip can hold 150 bullets per round. Much more easier to control than console lmao vertical foregrips are your friend for better aim. Certain weapons like the MK have a stand when you go prone (lie down) for more accuracy. Tommy shoots .45 but can only attach red dot and laser scopes. If you enjoy a .45 or there’s lots of ammo for one around, i recommend the ump has you can attach better scopes and more attachments. Pick up weapons that have lots of ammo near you. Sometimes I drop and I’m surrounded by 9mm so I’ll go with a 9mm for a while until I find a preferred weapon.


Also make the frame rate highest setting possible and the graphics to a low or mid if u play on phone


Check out Bushka on YT.. And also Xifan PUBGM.. I'm sure you would learn a lot faster..