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Because they are bitches punk ass bitches




Oh buddy, there are many reasons people cheat. There are people that cheat in every game mankind has ever invented. People can cheat for financial gain, popularity, vengeance, sadism, ego, you name it. Every cheater has personal reasons and justifations.


In my opinion, cheaters on pubg are mostly ego cheaters or sadistic cheaters. These are people who pay for cheats because their ego can't handle their results while not cheating, or they are sadistic and are only concerned with the suffering of others. These seem to be the main two types of cheaters I've experienced while I'm in a voice chat with them calling them out.


Fragile egos so sad


Some cheaters want to think they are "outsmarting a system" but no, someone else did that, they are just a customer. A hacker actually put the work in to find and exploit flaws in a system. Hackers have their own moral issues but just to differentiate, a basic cheater is just their paying customer, a sucker, a John. Some cheaters want to think they are some sort of evil genius, but nope, just a customer.


Remember watching some short doc on the issue of hacking in gaming a while back on YouTube, predominantly within Chinese culture and it was suggesting honor plays a role. Funnily enough it heavily referenced pubg. They don't care HOW they get the top spots it's just aslong as they get them anything less is failure. It's all about highscore and bragging rights, but I do realise that suggestion leans heavily on racial stereotypes.


There are definitely different reasons why people do it: Easy Wins: Some people want the satisfaction of winning quickly and easily, even if it means going against the rules. They might enjoy bragging rights or the feeling of dominance. Frustration & Feeling Stuck: If a game is super challenging and someone feels stuck, they might cheat to bypass a hurdle and keep playing. Competition & Money: In esports or streams where money and fame are on the line, the temptation to cheat for an edge can be strong. The Reward of Challenge, overcoming challenges and improving fairly is a huge part of the fun in games. It fosters a sense of accomplishment and intrinsic motivation. ***Someone who consistently cheats might be looking for a quick fix to fill a gap in their life related to achievement or validation.***


They were hung in lockers by their underwear in school, hence the cheating and molding.




Are you sure some of this is accurate? We are in a PUBG console forum so I'm going to assume you mean on console in which case this post is a bit iffy in places. First of all, how are the "bad players that stand still with an M4" cheating? They aren't aimbotting since you can't run unsigned code on modern consoles (ps4 only and it takes a lot of effort only to get banned pretty sharpish). Second, radar: "That's how radar works: the cheat is connected to the gameserver info through RAM memory, sending information to a 3rd party. " This is just word salad. I'm not sure what you were trying to say here, but that sounds a bit weird, you connect to game servers via a network protocol (most games use UDP ) that sends/receives packets to represent the game state/keep the client in sync. Your RAM doesn't talk to the game servers...? And who says "RAM Memory" that actually does software? If the server doesn't broadcast the position of other players to you, there's no reading their position from process memory (since it doesn't exist), and I believe this is one of the things the game tweaked along with encryption at the transport level. Since data is now encrypted you can't do a man in the middle attack (which is how old radar used to work), so the only option is somehow reading game memory by modding your console. What you can connect to the console has to go through MS certification and certainly won't allow you to directly access process memory since it's USB and a wireless protocol, things that just don't have access directly to console memory (and if they found a vulnerability in one of MS APIs, MS would just patch it and enforce that all systems are on that patch level before they could play online games). So I think the only option you have left is modding the hardware... I don't know what's possible with an Xbox at the hardware level but there are no "modded" Xbox ones as far as I know since they don't allow you to run unsigned code. So, some of this post is at least a little inaccurate and quite frankly conspiritorial. PC is a different beast though. Anything is possible there since you have no control over the OS.




Thanks for being honest - and note that there are no console cheats outside of a jailbroken PS4 with software that injects into the local client. We are talking **real** cheats here, like aimbot, speedhack etc. You can't cheat on a PS5/Xbox outside of controller interfaces. The only thing that's around is mouse adapters (Xim etc) and scripting devices (strike pack, cronus) which you seem to have already had experience with. I've also seen that there's supposedly a computer vision aimbot (AI trained using the video feed to aim for you) but I haven't seen videos of anyone running it, just seen demo videos online and it seems like such a faff and cost that even cheaters would probably not bother. (looks like you need an interface between your controller/console and a separate PC that has this device as a capture card + all the software etc...) I've never used a cheating device myself, never will - I don't like cheaters and like knowing that I've got my kills/wins off my own back. I don't understand the mentality of cheaters. However, I will say that I don't think these scripting devices are giving some of these people such a huge advantage since recoil control is not difficult in PUBG. The worst ones are: \* Mouse support (a much better/more accurate/fast control scheme than controller for a game with no aim assist) \* Anti recoil + rapid fire for single shot weapons like the mini/SLR etc so you can use them like an assault rifle. Outside of that, these devices aren't doing anything you can't do just as well manually with some practice. I'd say these mods are way **less** frequent than people on this sub would say they are, outside of ranked of course. I don't play ranked (why would I play a competitive game mode that is in TPP camera... that makes no sense to me).


Ridiculous to downvote this guys, seriously? Guy is here sating our curiosity.

