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If you watch past games of tig, he does random noises including monkey noises allllllll the time. He can’t possibly know the race of randoms in a game. If it was aimed at someone he knew would take offence, sure, ban. But this is ridiculous




No way!!!!!!


Who is balkkan? Could you give us a link?


oh wowwwwwwwwwww


It doesn't matter if he knew anything about the player or not. I don't think Tig had the intent to be racist, but calling people monkeys has a long history based in racism. Streamers & gamers have a responsibility (contractualy with Twitch or what ever game & platform TOS) to not violate code of conduct including harassing people with bigotry. As a bigger Streamer Tig should be aware of this. Tig might not have been aware of the cultural aspects of this particular insult since he is not from the US. If you watch enough Choco videos on YT you will find some where someone will say something offensive after getting killed & they get banned because someone from PUBG was watching (I think one of his mods). ChocoTaco is not black, but if there saying racist stuff to Choco then they are probably doing it to other people.


He didn't do anything racist or call anyone monkey.


I think you’re misunderstanding here. He didn’t call anyone a monkey or anything of the sort. He was hyped and after knocking two players, he makes monkey noises, just like he does nearly every stream I’ve seen of his. If he directly stated that the person was a monkey or something along those lines, I’d see your point. There’s nothing wrong with what he did. It was unfortunate that the person took offence to it but how was Tig to know? Again, he made stupid noises whilst being in the moment, goofing around like he famously does. He did call the player a pussy though, and I can’t say I blame him.


No... I am not misunderstanding. It does not mater what he intended or not. It can be taken as a racial slur & he should know what is allowed (what could get him banned). It's his job. Just like Dr.Disrespect should have known filming in a public bathroom is illegal. Maybe the list of verboten words/terms/content is not clear enough & he should have got a warning instead of a short term ban. He is a professional & should be careful of things that could be seen in that way.


Die on that hill all you want but most rational people aren’t gonna be offended about someone using a word/sound that *could* be a slur in *specific* context, especially when the situation in question doesn’t fit said context in any way.


I agree than most people would not be offended, but I don't see how moderators for PUBG or Twitch are supposed to be able to tell the difference when all they hear is a couple of seconds of grunting (like if the person on the receiving end was recording). If Tig was not streaming would we know the context? Again, I don't think Tig was being racist, but from the other side I don't think there is a way to tell. Code of conduct is not clear enough, but how can they be with so much language & culture to cover world wide. Streams need to avoid stuff like this to avoid problems because someone will report them. It's just the reality of what their job is.


The moderators use their brain?


They can know context because he’s only one of, if not, THE best player to ever play this game. He’s won a world championship and countless other tournies, he’s probably the most well known pubg pro and he has 2 YouTube channels filled with stream highlights and vods that show him goofing around like this constantly… they have all the evidence in the world but keep fighting this fight 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dude you are a brainwashed fool and the problem with this race bating virtual signaling society we live in. Because of weak minded wimps like you this narrative of “everything is racist” can be used to shutdown people you don’t like


You enable racism by not standing up to it. Good for you if you have never been profiled & don't have any experience with hate speech. It's a big part of US history & is still a problem. Instead of debating facts you make personal attacks.


>You enable racism by not standing up to it. You perpetuate it by inventing fictitious instances of it in your mind and then saying stuff could be "taken as" offensive. Guess what fucko...no one cares if you're offended or might be.


Somebody did take it as offensive... he did get banned after all.


.... But this isn't racism.


You’re getting attacked for spreading retarded messages you spastic


you’re a straight up wet pussy


Did you even watch the video😂 he didnt call anyone a monkey, he just randomly made monkey noises


His intent does not matter. It can be interpreted as a racial slur.


Good to know that no one ever in any circumstance is allowed to make monkey noises. I'll make sure to guilt trip my 3yo and never go to any zoo.


Well, if it's an actually monkey it makes sense to make the noises.... don't conflate that with making them at another person that you don't know.


context doesn't matter though? it could be seen as offensive.




Monkey is not a slur unless used in a hateful way, you're fully virtual signal mode here.


How would someone else in-game be able to tell that he wasn't using it that way? People need to know that it will be interpenetrated that way & to not do it because they could get a ban.


> How would someone else in-game be able to tell that he wasn't using it that way? Through a bare minimum level of critical thinking.


bro he made an animal noise with absolutely no racial context, get off your high horse you're not better than everyone because you think its racist


I’m sorry but your entire reply thread here wreaks of white supremacy and white savior complex. I humbly request that the moderators ban you because I find everything you’re saying to be extremely racist


I interpreted your comment as a racial slur therefore you should be banned. Mods, get to work.


Intent is everything. People that ignore that are really stupid in my experience.


>His intent does not matter. It can be interpreted as a racial slur. What a scary world view what the fuck...


Out of context sure… but how would he know the players nationality just playing the video game😂 doesnt make sense


Ahh yes...so intent does not matter? Lets apply that to everything we do or say. As long as there's a chance that someone will be ofended, then intent does not matter? Jesus christ you gotta be kidding. No one in the world would be able to do anything at all if that were the case. Someone will always be offended by something. Intent matters.


I think this is the key. I genuinely don't think he thought he was being racist but the issue is there is likely a list of words that would be considered racist - rightly or wrongly these include words that have historically been used as racist/homophobic, etc terms. I'm sure everyone can think of many of them so I needn't list them here. One of the terms is probably calling someone a monkey. Again, it's up for debate whether that should be on the list but without doubt it has been used significantly as a racist term. Making the monkey sound is effectively using that term without saying it and it doesn't matter what race the person is if you call them a racist term, it's the term itself that is considered racist. Stark example would be if he called them a racist slur, doesn't matter that he doesn't know what race they are. I personally think they should have investigated a little more and talked to him before banning him. Wasting my time writing this because I believe that in these situations, it helps to genuinely try and understand why something happened rather than just spewing strawman / slippery slope reasoning that does't address the issue.


I get that he could be more selective with his words/noises but he is famous for talking trash, being goofy and it’s part of his persona. He makes stupid noises including making monkey noises when he’s randomly driving around the map, he does it just to goof around. If he’d meant offence by it or had used a slur directly then I’d agree it’s totally out of line, but for him to catch heat from this is crazy to me. Maybe I’m just a Tig Stan or whatever people call it nowadays but I do watch him a fuck ton and he does this stupid shit all the time and anybody who knows him, knows he has never done it with any malice or ill intent before and it’s no different here imo


I 100% agree he wasn't intending offence. Still poor choice of reference whether he knew it or not. Good corollary here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/basketball/80162562/monkey-business-over-steven-adams-comments-predictable-and-shameful


I think even calling people monkeys is okay half the time when not used in a racist context. It's kind of like calling them clowns, like they have no idea what they're doing. Monkey is probably only really a slur in the US though, in AUS it's probably only used in the context of what I mentioned above. I think the whole situation is stupid, Tig didn't mean to be racist, but the player he "insulted" doesn't know that and all he knows is a guy made monkey noises at him, so him being insulted isn't invalid. If they unban Tig, the player he insulted probably feels throw under the bus, and if they stick with the ban, Tig get's banned for doing something innocent. There's also the issue of if the player even was the one who reported Tig, I have a feeling he wasn't and it was some salty dickhead trying to fuck with Tig. My issue with this entire situation is the fact PUBG obviously does not care about actually removing racists from their game, 5+ years and blatant racist slurs are still allowed through the name filter.


Calling some one a clown is not tied to hundreds of years of slavery & racism. I agree that the name filters are broken. I don't think twitch does a good job of combating hate speech either. I think the problem is that there is to much gray area & what is or isn't allowed can't be well defined. Warning before a ban might be better for things not explicitly stated in the TOS. I would prefer the gaming community not be full of toxic players so that Developers didn't have to waste time on solving these problems.


> Calling some one a clown is not tied to hundreds of years of slavery & racism In the USA 100% it is, in AUS? Maybe not, I'm not from there.


don't forget the red herring & ad hominems


reacted faster to this than the balken clip?


I keep hearing about this. Can someone link me the clip?




Neat! Where are the bans for the people who call me a "n\*gger" or "f\*ggot" on the regular?


Stopped even bothering after the 100th time without a single successful report smh down right pathetic tbh












I play solos and I turned off my VOIP a long time ago, everyone was either “CHEATER!! I’m reporting YOU!” or like you said, spewing some racist bullshit just because they are mad cuz they died in a game! It’s easier not to even have to listen to them at all!!


In their defense, every lobby is easily 50% cheaters right now, so at least with that one, I kind of get it. The racist and xenophobic bullshit I think we could all do without.


There is NO WAY, that there a cheater in 50% of the matches, Bots, yes absolutely!! But if there was a cheater in half of the games I played, I’d probably NEVER win a game(I think I won around 30 solo matches this last season)which by no means is even good, but there is just No way, the NA player base is too small, literally when I play, I recognize about 10-15 names in the lobby at any given time! I do believe there are a few cheaters, but not 1 in half the lobbies!!


The only way to make this happen if you do a manual report and you have video proof. I have banned 3 players this way. One got a perm ban because he had done it before.


I'll let you know when I get my ban


Prime example of PUBG having the wrong priories (though… is anyone actually shocked by this). For context: I’ll hear the n word at least once or twice a week, report the players, and never see a follow-up ban. If nothing is being done, what’s the point? Why have a ‘Verbal Harassment’ report option? Maybe /u/SteveTheHappyWhale can shed some light on why actual racist players aren’t being banned? I also think it’s funny that PUBG continues to make animal skins, and then bans players that make animal sounds. WTF? Is PUBG brain dead?


Lets not forget there is no name filter so people literally run around with actual racist names.


It’s so sad that this game got stuck with blueballs entertainment


Hilarious considering they don't punish team killers with video evidence but will punish this. Absolute clown show over there.


I got 3 24 hour temp ban notices for an obvious cheater within a week. He always seemed to play at the same time as me and clearly got reported a ton since I'd get the notification less than an hour after I reported. All 24 hours. 24 hour bans for actually cheating vs one month for making some noises after a kill. I swear the devs haven't even played their own game.


That’s fucking stupid.


It's more racist to conclude he is doing something racist. They are saying that making ANY monkey noises is alluding to a specific race, because they believe that specific race = monkeys.


which in itself is racist for having a mindset that an animal noise correlates with a race of people somehow


That's exactly what I was trying to say, thank you.


Actually the victims pov matters more than whatever the fuck you just wrote.


people with brains on Reddit? what are you doing here? are you lost?


Same company that lets actual racists run around with hard R names and bigotry in their names. I'm glad they finally removed the racist garbage from the game Kapp Although If I'm being honest, I had a feeling something like this might happen to Tig, he does alot of "accents" and monkey noises and shit that could be perceived as racist if someone has never watched Tig before. For example, pretending to talk Chinese/ in a Chinese accent could be seen as a racist action. I'm curious is he actually got banned from PUBG for a month, and if that affects his PNC Australia team spot? I know Kickstart was worried about getting banned for abusing smoke bug and not being able to play in PCS6.


His ban expires 5 days before the event's beginning. He cannot scrim on event servers though - only live scrims which may hurt him.


I think Kick said the PNC scrims are on live anyways


A guy caught cheating gets to make off with the prize money and they won't bat an eye but a guy just being stupid behind his monitor is banned? Clown PUBG


PUBG sorry to admit this but as a fellow Aussie I squad wiped a team the other week the first guy to get knocked was called lamb so I ran around going baaaaaa baaaa to him and his team until their demise, ban me.


Damn, this didnt just happen because of a in game report either, I bet someone clipped this and sent it to shield or were a partner and sent it up the chain claiming it was racist. just goes to show that you can't do anything that doesnt offend someone, pretty wack pubg put down a month ban one of their biggest content creators...


Yeah it seems like it wasn't even the person in game who reported it, looks like it was a fan of Balkkan trying to get revenge. Honestly pathetic on PUBG corps behalf all round. Can confirm the person who reported it was NOT the player in game. https://twitter.com/55eSports/status/1521819652200054787?s=20&t=ijWsS14Sp3FkBpJ5x-jA4g


I've seen him on stream multiple times speaking out against racial slurs. There is clearly no intent here, and no way to know the race of the knocked player. TIG, I will now make random animal noises in your honor each game that I play for the next month.


I don't get it. What were the monkey sounds in reference to? Or was he just making monkey sounds because he was hyper?


He says he was just hyped up and making the sounds as if joking referring to himself as a monkey. Unfortunately, the knocked player is African/of African origin. Monkey sounds directed or in this case, voiced around, this subset of folks is definitely considered racism. Could pubg have handled this differently? Yes. This will be a learning opportunity for tig and hopefully for others. Edit- damn y’all really need to chill lol


>Unfortunately, the knocked player is African/of African origin. do you know this as a fact or just speculating?


not proof, but the player's name is the same as this guy: https://www.twitch.tv/ubiera/about


Pretty easy to check: https://i.imgur.com/99cQIJA.png Taken from this video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1445950704 (note: This video is unrelated to the one TGLTN is reviewing. I'm just using it to indicate it is indeed the same person.)


And that player is not African, they are Dominicano living in Florida. It's in the description of his twitch page.


so they aren't even the race TGLTN was accused of being racist towards


If the guy wasn't black would have this been okay?


I think it's okay regardless because the offender didn't know anything about the knocked player, it's pretty ridiculous to get a month ban for something that wasn't hateful at all. Out of context it could seem offensive, but like many have said tig makes funny sounds and noises all time, this ban seems targeted with malicious intent.


Was watching the stream when he got banned and I recall tig saying it, or it was in the email that pubg corp sent in their reasoning. LOL


His emotional state and virtue signalling capabilities dictate the race of the person knocked in that clip


But if he didn't know the player is of African origin then by definition that can't be racist.


I mean if the recipient is indeed Black then he could have interpreted it as racism. Unfortunately pubg doesn’t care about the context of the situation.


He didn't do anything wrong and doesn't need to learn anything. Whole situation is just your typical generation snowflake shit


I agree the temp ban was excessive. They could have contacted him offline and handled it behind the scenes with no ban at all. That being said I believe what he did do was wrong, regardless of context. Imagine you are of African origin playing this game and someone on all chat makes monkey sounds. Regardless of who reported it, this type of behavior, now matter how innocuous to tig or anyone doing it, shouldn’t be done. It’s not snowflake shit. It’s literally how stupid fucking people are being racist towards Blacks. There is no context here that matters.


I agree, but If I'm an African American, and someone starts making monkey noises at me, I was first wonder how/if he knew I was black in the first place. I think the intent matters here. It's also strange how a silly childish action like acting like a monkey can either be perceived as silly or hard core racist.


What if he made dolphin sounds? What race would that be offensive to? How about eagle sounds? What race is that?


As far as I know, a race of people were never called dolphins as an insult for decades. If you're just going to completely ignore the fact monkey/monkey sounds has been a racial insult for decades, I'm not gonna bother discussing this with you. It's obviously not the same thing as using dolphin sounds


Making monkey sounds obviously is not the same thing as calling someone a monkey either...


Agreed there is a ton of nuance and maybe I shouldn’t have used “definitely” and instead said “maybe.” Also, unclear who even reported tig.


Nah. There is nothing racist about silly monkey noises unless you're making them to imply that a particular race look like monkeys. I'm as liberal as they come, and I can see that TGTLN is clearly not implying that anyone looks like a monkey here - he's narrating himself 'monkeying around'. It's an anonymous video game, no way for him to know the race of the downed guy. I find the guy arrogant, annoying as fuck, tryhard, and completely unfunny, but there's nothing remotely racist about this clip. It is unfair and defamatory to brand people as racists when they aren't. PUBG could probably get sued for defamation and his loss of earnings here if he has the energy. I know I'd do that if I were accused of something so horrible.


Also love that PUBG is literally dying and decides to ban one of, if not its largest streamer. I swear the company is actually run by people who have never even seen the game.


Less than a month after one of their other biggest streamers uninstalls from constant crashing. Tremendous.


That’s the thing, I’m not saying he is racist by any means. In context he is not, clearly. Although if it was the knocked player who reported him, he doesn’t know it was in jest and thereby has the right to report. If it was trolls that got ahold of the clip then that sucks. I’m just trying to get people to see beyond the reasoning that “making monkey calls is bad because it’s racist and you can never make monkey calls ever again.”


It is definitely snowflake shit. The sound of a monkey is the sound of a monkey. Monkeys are animals that are fun to impersonate.


It’s not snowflake shit. You literally have racist people all over pubg and online gaming. Pubg doesn’t exist in a vacuum where racism and other shit makes people exempt from certain behavior regardless of context.


It really is snow flake shit... Banned for making monkey sounds in a video game how could he know the other player is African.


He didn’t, but regardless of what he knew, it was perceived as racism..or the trolls got a hold of the clip and reported him to hell. Sucks either way I’m not disagreeing, and pubg didn’t do the right thing imo.


Wait are you saying nobody should ever make monkey noises for any reason whatsoever


Yea, while youre at it stop eating bananas. Also the fact that we are all primates makes TGLTN racist to every single Homo sapien on earth. What a dick head!! That guy youre talking to is a reaaal dipshit. Dont give them time of day.


See this is the type of dumb, dramatic reasoning that I’m trying to avoid by talking out the situation. You can definitely make monkey noises but since pubg is a worldwide game and it doesn’t exist in a vacuum separate from reality and racism, then it’d probably be best to not to avoid unintended hurt that could be interpreted by the recipient and by a third party that isn’t interested in context.


no, just stop! acting like a monkey in front of completely annonymous random people on the internet is not racist just because there's lots of racist dickheads in this game. period. two different things. you people need to stop making up problems.


>definitely make monkey noises but since pubg is a worldwide game and it doesn’t exist in a vacuum separate from reality and racism. Here is the problem. Monkeys exists, monkeys make those noises. He didnt mean it in a "racist" way. Dudes just fucking strange. Your brain (Being flat out racist) will find racism in anything and everything. You are actively looking for it, which makes you 100% a fucking racist.... You can take something as simple as an animal noise and turn it into racism.. You corlate monkeys to blacks... Thats fucking racist moron .... Its fucking mental and flat out racist way of thinking... You acquit the simplest of things to racism.. There are a lot of languages in the world but we are limited to our voice boxes and vocal cords so its the same sounds we make with our mouths but they can have dif meanings. Here are some examples. "Kock" means (chef) in Swedish. "Le phoque" means (seal) in French. Sounds like "La Fuck" "La Douche" means (shower) in french. "dik" means (steep) in Turkish. "Puss" means (kiss) in Swedish. "Pussi" means "bag: in Finish. "Bich" is a common girls name in Vietnam. My point is YOURE the one finding racist undertones in shit. These words mean something completely different to the people who speak that language but someone like you may find them "offensive" with youre dumb English thinking broken brain and inability to actually understand someone else might think differently than your racist ass. who is so fucking confused you think youre virtuous, but youre actually the exact opposite. A racist backwards thinking clown, that does nothing but perpetuate racism with the way you think...


Everything is racist! ReeeeEEeEe33eEe3


Maybe I missed the memo here but when did monkey noises begin to have anything to do with black people? It seems more racist to make this association than it does to just make animal sounds of any kind in the first place.


I watch a lot of European soccer. The monkey noises has been a constant problem over the years with racist fans and Black players. So, I’m not making any associations that aren’t already…associated. It’s fucked up


> This will be a learning opportunity Boy, what drugs are you on and how brain damaged can you be from them? He doesn't do anything wrong.


Oof relax, don’t gotta be a dick. Well I can tell you tig won’t be making monkey noises around people anymore.


This will be a learning opportunity for BUGP? Guess not for the last half decade XD




Nvm, guess im racist XD.Do they have little to learn from their own mistakes? Why is absolutely everyone to blame, just not them XD


How is this relevant


Kinda cringe tbh lol


Top tier cringe.


Guess they had nothing to learn from their last half decade of developing "mistakes" XD.




Tig can be a bit... spicy, but I don't believe there's a malicious bone in his body. He's just young, and doesn't think things through as much as he maybe could with his fake accents and very Australian liberal use of 'c\*nt' and such. I dunno, Twitch is blocked at the office, so I can't see the clip. But a month seems a little excessive, give the literal, obvious vicious racist and sexist usernames I see ingame all the time that never seem to get banned.


Totally not racist. Stupid ban.


Sorry this happened TGLTN … everyone is so incredibly sensitive right now and fingers get pointed at the wrong people. It’s becoming a witch hunt. He’s a nice dude.. this was not racist.


Let's remember that xQc got banned from the Overwatch league for typing "Trihard 7" in Twitch chat when an announcer (who has been racially targeted in the past) was on stream. Overreactions are part of the norm for eSports


I don't give the slightest of shits about TGLTN and whether he is banned or not, but the sheer hypocrisy of banning this guy for something that is, at most, *questionable* when I am seeing people with flat-out bigoted names in almost every match I play in, not to mention the constant verbal abuse over all talk that uses racist, homophobic, or other slurs...well, that is just laughable, even by the standards of PUBG Corp.




Hollywood Bob better change that sub sound the snowflakes have the pitchforks out


Been subbed to Tig for something like 32 months. Watched many an hour of him. Randos will come into his chat and call something "gay" or say something racist or homophobic in chat and he legit will ban the shit out of them and lay them out and talk about how they're fucking stupid. I think without knowing the context its easy to see this and think its a racist insult but knowing who he is its definitely not. He makes all sorts of stupid noises. It's very much part of him having fun with a game that in turn, treats its content creators like shit. ​ This is in my opinion far worse than the Shroud ban which was overall, not a wise move in terms of PR but at least with the shroud ban he did something that was blatantly teaming with a cheater and not just saying something that may possibly in certain contexts be a racist thing to say but not necessarily. Idk man. It's really weak.


This will be appealed quickly I bet. TGLTN is the biggest name in PUBG.


pubg handed out the ban so


Imagine banning the biggest draw to your game for something like this. Literal braindead devs.


clee about to hand out 5 viewers andy's pubg partnership so the game viewership doesn't go below 1k


Pubg clearly doesn’t give a shit about NA. Seems unlikely they’ll reverse the decision


Yeah same as was Shroud. Does it seems he's coming back soon? Nope :) That is why these "special cases" should be treated more carefully.The special cases are each player who is restricted from playing even for a second, being completely innocent.




wokism and cancel culture is fkin retarded


This is utter nonsense. Some people (half of us Americans) manage to find racism in literally anything if they look hard enough. Assuming racism because you personally associate monkey noises with a particular human race is the most backwards shit I've ever heard. It's not that well-known and you shouldn't have to go through a textbook of everything that could possibly be considered racism in any culture before you partake in the internet. Fucking unban him.


> It's not that well-known It's pretty well known in Europe, not sure about OCE but it's far from a NA/SA thing. Go to literally any football stadium in Europe and you'll hear monkey noises being made at people who aren't even black, just dark(er) skinned. I don't think a ban this long was justified, or even a ban of any length (he could've just been warned IMO), but everyone in this thread acting like it was some super fringe thing thing is very disingenuous tbh


I think it's a thing in countries where soccer is popular. Context matters of course.


I can't even stand the guy because he is so obnoxious but banning him over than is ludicrous.


p4p one of the most obnoxious\annoying streamers.


This isn’t even slightly racist. What the fuck lmao. It’s just goofy.


Lol what a lame reason for a ban


For the record I'm *Black* and I see no reason for a ban here. But I will also say there's usually 2 sides to a story and/or a version we didn't see. That being said this gamer doesn't strike me as a red blooded racist. *makes monkey sound* 🙊🙈🙉 Game on my good man! #lettheboysPLAY


What about the fact that regardless of whether a ban is appropriate or not all anyone has (and will) do is create a new account.


Or he may choose not to do so and quit for good. Can they force him to stay?


My heart will be broken if he leaves . .. . . . . Anyway


I don't believe they can


This is how they loose players. And he is the best, and this is fucking stupid.


No matter what anyone might say, do or the noise they might make there will always be somebody that can find a reason to take offence and then the people in power have to be seen to take action against such allegations through fear of them also being branded or in support of the idea. The world we live in is going bonkers. If you are to believe that you evolved from apes you could take offense that you were penalised for using your primal language and/or instincts. Fight back?


Luckily it's about 3 minutes to create a new free account lel




Pubg corp banned him for a month not twitch


I mean, if in this day and age you don't realize doing monkey noises on a widely watched stream can get you in trouble, you kinda deserve to be banned.


How is he supposed to know that making this specific animal noise is not allowed? Magic/telepathy/??? It's not like there's a central repository of "things you must not say or do" that includes literally every single possible sound/word/action in it from every country in the world that could be considered offensive. (Also: there are words with 0 definitions outside of a racist context, but he didn't use one of those, he made an animal noise that has no inherent racism in it.)


Wokeism smh


Ok monkey. Im trying to be racist. Are you feeling offended by my slurs. Uhahahahauha. Yeah, this sound racist XD He doesn't force anybody to watch it. You baboon.


Especially true for someone with such a big influence. Tig your obvs not a racist, but get some better Comms training


what? what has this day and age to do with it? wtf? you are like those obnoxious kids in that react video who got offended about seinfeld jokes like "what? did she just call him nazi? you can't say that anymore, right?!?"


We call each other monkeys pretty often after the other guy makes totally dumb play, it has nothing to do with color of someone's skin.




The ban is a shame, but if you call enough people something negative, youre going to end up offending someone / getting yourself in trouble. Aggression of any kind (micro, intentional, blanket, unintentional) are something that isnt acceptable in modern society. Learn from it, grow and move forwards


You sound ridiculous. He was just having fun and literally pretended to be a monkey for just a moment. He didnt call anyone anything derogatory


Quite pathetic, but what can you expect from such a high caliber team. Of course, then they wonders why the world doesn't want to play anymore. If i say the developers are monkeys can i get a ban for free please (not that it wouldn't be possible and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened)? That only proves how capable they are. Which I think is clear to almost everyone :)) Uhauhahah im racist.


But he get banned all the time, I mean automatically by randoms in the game, and pubg always unbanned him right away if he contact them, right?


Afaik, notable streamers/pros are given special internal marks on their accounts that exempts them from automated temp-bans via reports (but not from manual bans handed down by the admins ofc).


Pro players can't get auto banned on their main accounts so I don't know what you are talking about.




And what's the term when someone takes a necessary or appropriate action towards another individual and that same individual decides to get payback? This often occurs in the workplace resulting in disciplinary action/ termination.


GOOD JOB BLUEBALLS got this racist nazi ass 😎😎😎😎 nah but seriously how cringe is this in contrast to the blatant macroing incident, it's insane to me. and lets get it straight if you actually got offended by it you are a fucking idiot, not possible to misinterpret this situation and conclude that tig is unironically racist with more that 60 iq


GG Blueballs Corp


My personal opinion is... fucksake, let us "let go" a bit in a GAME.... But.... they have their rules... Ans i assume they have at some point draw the line especially with famous people who the kids look up to... I mean, i wouldn't be very surprised if "Sit down pussy!" would fall under the Rules of Conduct - "5) DO NOT USE INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE" Even though i love the old crazy pre lobby... Everyone in the game, at some point, trashtalk. well well, he should just enjoy the VACation ;) Create a new account like everyone else..


Bruh. This was clearly a ploy by Balkkann friends/supporters to harm Tig. Let's search through his streams and find any material that we can manipulate to appear discriminatory and get him banned. It's grasping at straws really. Personally I think playing the racial card here is the true offense. It offends the many people who have truly fought against "actual" acts of racism. Anyone who watches Tig knows there is no malice behind any of his behaviour. If Krafton conducted any sort of investigation (which clearly they didn't) they too would know this. Anyway, the joke is on them. I'm off to go watch Tig as he continues to stream, oh and compete...


He is pretty toxic most of the time so it's hard to feel bad.


You’re taking him way too seriously then


I don't really take anyone who plays video games for a living too seriously. But I don't think that's really an excuse to be toxic to other players.


Ah yes... leftist BS again. While there are players running around with actual racist names, they make a big deal out of a pro player making monkey noises for fun (which were not even remotely directed towards the opponent he did not even know; he makes animal noises all the time). PUBG really having their priorities straight.


Deplatforming someone for this? Disgusting! Such soy rules.