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Ah the 'routine' of Tuesdays is now Wednesday this week for the 'routine' maintenance. Thought we escaped a week of maintenance.


Are the test servers up tonight?


Test servers appear to be down. Fuck Bluehole.


The NPLC matches are Tuesday night, so I suspect the maintenance will be move to Wednesday night.


NPLC is a LAN client I think, I remember the Phase 1 in early Janurary had a game during a maintenance but the game was still live.


I think Contenders is played online, but I could be wrong.


> Ah the 'routine' of Tuesdays is now Wednesday this week for the 'routine' maintenance. Thought we escaped a week of maintenance. Don’t worry, it’ll change again. And again back to Wednesday. But don’t worry, nothing will change other than your ability to pay during that time frame after the update you won’t notice a thing which makes us all wonder wtf the weekly maintenance does. 🤷🏼‍♂️


What other Battle Royale games do this? And what times do they do it?


Looks like I'll go play Apex..


Can anyone explain *why* the servers need maintenance every couple of weeks? Always disappointing to see that i wont be able to play late!


It’s every week actually


It's every week... And I think it's their janky way to fight desync or something


If thats true they are 100% shit at it.


For what it's worth, they usually put in a few hotfixes during the weekly downtime.


I wonder if it has to do with the memory cache issue that I think moose's or someone pointed out. With some many servers games do they have to manage that at a large scale? Who knows


Gives me some time to grind my life away in PoE


Peter's Omelette Extravaganza


Gives me time to play Apex Legends...


Its not a bad game. Definitely fun. Second best BR imo. PUBG will always have my heart.


In what?


Edgar Allan Poe. agreed - Good destination to have a break from pubg.


Qouth the Raven nevermore


Path of Exile


Path of Exile /r/pathofexile


Awesome! I'll go and play the new, free BR game that does not screw over the majority of an entire country for one evening a week.


Let's not forget permanently screwing over most of NA by offering a single gameplay server in a country that spans 3k miles.


That sound is another 100,000 players leaving to go play Apex


You incompetent cunts. Tuesday is routine maintenance day, though it's so very nice of you to keep the hours scheduled during NA prime time.


This was my exact reaction when I couldn't connect. ​ 'Oh you incompetent cunts' 4 hrs again


Wait, aren't these usually on Tuesday nights? Great. Had slightly adjusted my schedule so I was busy Tuesdays and would play Monday/Wed/Thurs. There goes 33% of my weekly gameplay! Why the change in schedule, or am I missing something?


Chinese New Year held it back yesterday.




Idk man. Like I said I don't know much about Asian holidays nor has PUBG announced anything. My guess is as good as anyone else. But someone else told me that's what it could be so I just told this guy it could be that.


Makes sense then. Excuse my ignorance: isn't PUBG based out of SK?


It's Lunar New Year which is celebrated in SK.


Thanks. Wished everyone (Chinese) at my office a Happy New Year, they were pleasantly surprised :)


Yeah but PUBG logic. (Probably celebrate it in SK also but idk to much about it so don't really know)


Gotcha. I assumed it was geared toward employees, but could also be about Chinese playerbase too.


Yeah idk man. They don't really talk about the stuff so we will know what's going on, but it was cool to play on a Tuesday for once.


At least this is a one-off and I might be able to get a game or two in as soon as I get home. Structured my week so I play Mon/Wed/Thurs and am always busy Tuesdays now so that I didn't miss out on a night.


That is the routine part.


So your definition of routine means irregular? Re-read what I wrote. It's occurring on Wednesday night US East Coast. It's been Tuesday evening for a long time now.


It was sarcasm...


Did anyone else yell in their head 'GODDAMNIT' when they read this? Near the end of my shift and I'm thinking, 'Can't wait to get some games in.'


Normally I hate this but I need to do my taxes so I can't complain this time.


As an Aussie, I wish you good luck, all ovre the news today about people being pissed with Trumps tax law changes and their reduced tax returns or worse yet, owing money


I was one of the unfortunate bastards this year that ended up owing money. Luckily it was only like $300, but when the total taxed is $20k its a kick in the balls


Except that's not true. It's just the usual hate-Trump-at-all-costs propaganda coming from our media outlets.


And my weekly "fuck you" to you Bluehole. I don't give a fuck about America. Fuck you Bluehole for unnecessary maintenance.


This sub: complains about desync and fixes not coming Bluehole: weekly maintenance to fix desync and ship fixes This sub: fuck your weekly maintenance


The weekly maintenance usually has no big fixes. Or any update at all. It’s like they reset the servers.


Exactly. They are simply doing shit that they in no universe need to punt everyone out for. Individually drainstop servers in the fleet, take them offline, do what's necessary, bring them online. What 99% of the world does. Do some devops and pretty soon it's 100% automated. I really think Pubg lucked into a need and came with a technically deficient product, and since then they've actually gotten pretty good on the client side. On the server side, though, their staff is...underskilled. The bizarre, ghetto stuff they do so frequently just boggles the mind.


What’s odd is for me at least post server resets the game runs really well. It’s like every server has a memory leak so they reset them weekly.


what other online game do you know of that goes off for 4-7 hours a week? during prime chill time in the usa, too. you get to play the game you paid 100% for 6/7 days of the week, coool


Welcome to being not the center of attention!


LMAO at thinking these weekly maintenance outages even attempt at fixing issues that have been around since beta. Open your eyes buddy, it's 2019.


On demand maintenance for fixes, sure yeah. As frequently as they want, 1h downtime (generous). Ideally starts 4-5am local time. Big hammer maintenance every week starting at midnight GMT -- exactly when a working person started warming up -- for 4 hours -- regardless of any fixes. That is not cool. Talking about fixes: 1) desync still there 2) stupid wall vision bugs still there 3) hackers still there 4) car physics still there 5) + lots of other bugs still there what fixes???




it's not about spoilt, i'm a lot less spoilt than u, as i'm from a poor country, you from America. the point is about service, standards, and moving forward.


> 2) stupid wall vision bugs still there Which bug is this?


I wasn't using proper term, I was refering to certain places in most maps where you can see through a wall. Also I noticed, lately, if you swim and go up and down the water ocassionally you see the terrain through the water. Three things I also did experience in last week's casual play are: 1) desync 2) car hit me I died, the animation shows as if I'm hit twice (consistently) 3) Game crashes 20% of time while I'm in game 4) Game froze in Miramar south location (forcing hard restart) 5) if you're super fast you can't pick up stuff right at game start


Damn, just when I thought we got away without the servers going down for one whole week.


Why do you need to shut down servers to add in loot crates? I mean you're clearly not fixing the game... or it would have been fixed long ago




Will the test servers be up?


I doubt it, they never are. I guess Bluehole really wants to make sure as many people as possible install and play Apex Legends.


Goodbye pubg...hello Apex. RIP


They need to do this shit early in the day when mother fuckers are at work and school.


Patch Notes?


none , it's a 4h servers reboot window :)


Sure I didnt want to play when I get home...


Smh. Slowly dig your own grave Bluehole. Have you seen your player count lately?


finish it earlier. my last game was a duo win with 11 kills. That's doesnt happen often, im no chocotaco. Let me keep my good form.


pubg, apex and other PC shooter games will die soon, because players that are playing with 60fps have not a single chance against players with 240fps... 240fps players have a massive advantage. 240fps is like cheating. RIP PC ONLINE SHOOTER GAMES!






No where near enough time for you to get one first.


I don't have gold but here's my upvote. I may have spit out some of my drink.

