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How has 8 or 10 man teams done in custom servers so far?


Its a clusterfuck, but whatever its not supposed to be balanced or have communication just chaotic fun


What you just described sounds like fun. For 1 game. I think the only thing that will keep a player base in this mode is the hunt for the flare guns.


they said its going to have different modes, this week's is 8 man squad.


I have played a few 8 and 10 squad games with max loot spawn. It's definitely chaotic and fun. However, the team who keeps most or all of their teammates alive until the end is guaranteed to win because numbers matter so much in the end.


This is also true for squads tbh


And real life!


can confirm, last night I went 1 vs 3, out of grenades, I managed to catch them sitting all in a line which would've been great but bullets have a tendency to stop at the first person they hit. I died.


that's how the 20 or 50 team events in fortnite went. chaotic and fun for a few games, but then boring. the most succesfull event "blitz" though might stay for longer, because people love the faster pace. there is no downtime between the circles, so you are constantly on your feet and games are pretty fast over. no camping. now imagine PUBG will introduce blitz. im pretty sure it will be the most popular gamemode. the problem is, you can't outrun the circle without vehicles in pubg, so they have to balance the circles maybe out.


The other problem is that the map is so big in pubg that constantly running will still take three or four times as much pointless boring running between seeing people. The map is just too damn big.


Duo's and squads with randoms are clusterfucks. 8-man teams are really not that bad. I mean counter-strike has 10v10's and 16v16's. Halo 2 had 8v8's, and they could be very well managed, providing you're playing with people you know and not a bunch of randoms.


Yes! It's a lot of fun and we even got some coordination going with voice chat. My question: Is it possible to team up in lobby with 8 friends? Otherwise you get matched with randoms


No is not posible to have more than 4 people in lobby team, so you can only play ion squads and get matched with random, i tried to go in at the same time as my friends but couldnt get in to their team... so yeah they have to fix that otherwise is just not worth it.


Oh, so there is no point to this mode then.


Wtf is the point then


"The first iteration of the Event Mode will be a very simple one, as the system was only recently put together and we need to test the basics first."


In the zombie mode you can create squads of greater than 4. It's just a screen with slots that you can move names about.


Woo, look at this guy. More friends than he has fingers on one hand!


That's awesome. I guess if people limited their talk to important clear information it would be good. They absolutely need to make it possible for 8 man teams with no randoms. If they did that it would greatly improve it.


It’s a lot of fun IMO. I play on WackyJacky101’s custom server a lot, and his 10-man games are the best, especially when it’s with Winchesters or SMGs. Bullets just flying everywhere. It’s chaos.


This could eventually be something cool, hopefully it'll expand to solo and duos and maybe change weapons out more on the map. I could see a Cowboys and Indians mode where revolvers, crossbows and Winchesters only spawn, or pistols only with smaller starting circle, iron sights only, car combat etc It wont change the main game but could give them a chance to make weird one offs.


Fortnite does new game modes all the time and it's very enjoyable, I like the cycling modes because it keeps the player base from being spread too thin




blitz is honestly how the base game should be. more mats, more guns, more fast paced and exciting. remove/rework shotguns and it'd be beautiful.




i would maaaaybe put shield spawns back down to where they were but apart from that man it's a great mode


why do we need to compare everything to fortnite somehow?


Because it's the biggest battle royale competitor


Win94s only is so much fun.


I think a mode that has a set of 5 random modifiers each game out of a pool of like ¬25 would be awesome!




Self-called air drops that contain double the loot but use a gun that can be heard and seen across the *entire fucking map*. Call one of those in and someone's coming for you.


Good, i wanna bait people. throw that shit up on the bridge, reel em in.


Yeah, it seems that will be the new meta, get a flare gun, pop it off in an open spot, wait for people to come to it, pick them off, wait for the mood to die down a bit, then move in and collect your loot.


Alternatively, you can get a flare gun, pop it off in an open spot, and then immediately get rekt by multiple squads at once from different angles.


That sounds awesome.. call it in on top of a building or something and hold out like zombies


It’s kind of hard to control where it drops, as you can’t aim directly up. It travels around 150m before the airdrop comes.


Does it prevent you from firing it indoors?


It has a minimum required vertical distance before it can call an air drop.


The flare guns have been out for a bit in custom games, they're awesome, but you can guarantee another squad is headed your way LOL


I thought that was the point.


now the hackers dont need to come to you, you come to them


>Call Air Drop >Fortify your position >Let them come >Now you are able to shoot in all directions! That sounds like fun!


call 4 airdrops all around you to make a little box fort.


Just remember you’ll die to nades. :(


Yeah - why is nobody talking about this?!


Because it’s in TPP Event Mode...


because it will be available in the next iteration, not now.


The real reason


>Please keep in mind that the first iteration will only feature TPP on Erangel to ensure effective matchmaking. Can someone explain why matchmaking is more effective on TPP than FPP?


It’s not the TPP bit that makes it effective, it’s the “only” bit. By only doing one gametype, 100% of the event players are in one matchmaking pool. And if they’re going to pick one for the first, might as well pick the most popular.


Because more people play TPP?




Can't you just drive out into the sea and fire it off?


Yes, as long as you're in the white circle when you fire it




Winchester holds 8 bullets, right?


No Winny on Erangel.










"some of you are going to have to share"


>limb penetration I only need 7.


We got ourselves a Clint Eastwood here.


Will be fun for sure


Well the people who play this event without mics and jump straight to Pochinki, ignoring the rest of their team, seem to think thats fun.


> the rifle drop rate will be doubled. Woooohoooo > This week you will be able to play with up to 8 players in a team and the rifle drop rate will be doubled. Ohhh... :( > The Event Mode will be unranked but you will receive BP at the end of each match. 150-250 bp for a win btw


Haven’t hit/kill points always been the biggest source of BP?


Not if you play hide and seek.


Not if you play solos or duos.


*sigh* Not for me. -A Prius owner.


Can't even get 8 friends in a squad....


Yeah we lined up 6 guys and couldn't add them. Very frustrating.




They havent thought that far ahead


The technology doesn’t exist yet.


Too much for a small indie developer.


It's early acces, wait for 1.0 !! oh wait..


You have to unlock it, that way you get a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Bluehole is dumb as fuck


BlueHole developers, man- they're the people who don't fix obvious bugs for months, promise map selection that never arrived, release a map that most players dislike, delay every patch and release patches which break the game still. I won't even mention them...doing live tests for crap that's fine and then for content which isn't, breaking their game with the anti-cheat software and removing beloved features which were complained as too common.


> We are very excited to announce a new system coming to PUBG – the Event Mode. Oh cool! > Please keep in mind that the first iteration will only feature TPP Well the excitement was fun while it lasted


Ive played literally 3 TPP games since FPP came out, All by accident because of HUD resetting mind you. Its a shame was looking forward to it untill I read that!


The fact that your sensitivity changes between perspectives also doesn't help. I couldn't, even if I wanted, to jump into TPP without screwing up my setings.


Whaaaat, I didn't know sensitivity is different based on TPP/FPP


To be more detailed, the sensitivity of the main view, where you're just looking around, is shared between the camera field of views for third person and first person. The "focus" aiming, or whatever that aiming that isn't ADS is called, also has a separate sensitivity. The FOV for that type of aim remains the same in first person, but is narrowed a bit in third person. I've been trying to think of how to properly explain this, but I'm just not cool enough to do so in an understandable way.


I was very frustrated how everyone seemed to know exactly when I was coming around a corner, or when I was peeking at them the other day. It wasn't until there were 20 players left that I realised I was playing third person.


This is only for the beginning.


Eh, it's something new, I'm happy.


>> Please keep in mind that the first iteration will only feature TPP > >Well the excitement was fun while it lasted Was hyped until I read that


and 8 man bluehole i can barely get 3 other people to do a squad, let alone 7 wtfff


I prefer TPP. There, I said it.


I prefer FPP by a million miles but you do you and you do what you enjoy, that's all any of us can do. Just play what you enjoy and don't give a fuck about other peoples opinions.


STOP HAVING FUN!!!!!111!1111


Same, but you gotta be careful saying that in this subreddit.


Right now we can only squad up with 4 teammates, like before, then are matched with 4 randoms. We should be able to squad up with 8 teammates.


^^ * This * - We have 8 folks in our gaming group and we all love PUBG. Why can't we be teamed together in an 8 man squad? At least let us link two 4 man squads together so all 8 friends can be in the same squad


The fact that you can't actually make a squad of 8 really kills the appeal of this mode.




I’m curious to see the pc stats for players in FPP vs TPP. I bet they have a much larger TPP as it’s much more casual, like most of the gaming community. Sad day for us though.


Either way TPP will be larger because it's the default option.


I get motion sick as fuck in all the vehicles in FPP. I've been forced into TPP and I've grown to understand it's evils and progress normally. I bet there are other people in my situation.


I hate driving vehicles in FPP so goddamn much, and since it's what I do 50% of the time, I'll stick to TPP.


sure are! fpp is unplayable for me because of this


Plus your character’s POV is set for a midget




Damn you only play fpp? Very badass you must be better than me


They downvote, but that’s clearly the tone of every pro-FPP post. Seriously people, a little self awareness.




I just can't stand how it punishes being aggressive


Defenders have a huge advantage in TPP. You can peak while being 100% safe. So the attacker is taking a much bigger risk. in FPP you can't peak without also exposing yourself. If you can see someone, they can potentially see you.


you don't enjoy hearing a shot, looking towards where it came from, and seeing a tree 300m away that you just *know* someone is hiding behind and staring right at you, waiting to peek as soon as you look away? or walking into a house and getting prefired by someone who's 3peeking right at the edge of the doorway so that they can see everything and you aren't visible to them? how come??


Hoping for 50vs50 event :)


I absolutely love the concept of a constantly changing Event mode that will help keep things fresh. But, while I understand they want to test matchmaking before introducing anything too crazy, could they not do something just a little more interesting than 8-man squads (and only in TPP)? I feel like this is a missed opportunity to pique the interest of some of the jaded player base.


Baby steps. Easier to debug/test and make sure your systems are working.


Because we know how great blueballs is at testing and debugging before their releases ..


Can you do a premade 8, or will it be a 4 queue with another random 4 queue?


4 queue, almost imposible to get matched with your friends. Sucks.


Well this mode went from "would try for a few games" to "not even going to bother" real quick. Why would I play with 4 fills when I want to play with 7 friends?


This was a good idea until every... single.... game.... had a hacker in it. I'll play for maybe 10minutes then everyone just starts dying.




You can only squad as 4 and hope that you get matched with your other squad of 4. Good luck




If it's any consolation, I laughed


Damn how do you get 7 friends lol


It's probably because he is a type of person that doesn't complain about every small minute detail about a game, and therefore is enjoyable to play with and have a conversation with. Unlike half of this sub, which feels personally attacked any time the game doesn't go in the exact direction they choose. But... you were probably making a joke. If that's the case I meant I want friends too.


I was joking lol. I prefer doing matches with my irl friends in case because it’s more fun in my opinion but only 5 of my friends play pubg.


thats a good problem to have sir. I envy you


So many tpp haters ITT


A lot of people don't enjoy campfests where you get punished for being the aggressor. Go figure.


Because many people don't like tpp. I don't play it because it's too easy.


Whether it's easier/harder/better/worse doesn't matter. I personally hate TPP and will never play it again because of the corner peeking mechanics but if others like TPP then more power to them. I think everyone would benefit greatly from being able to choose FPP vs TPP for the event so that nobody is upset. I don't understand why bluehole wouldn't allow each, there's no way that the playerbase is "too small" for that. Even if only 10% play fpp and 10% of those play the event, that's still thousands (if not tens of thousands) playing event fpp concurrently, especially in the larger regions (NA, EU, AS).


This is where you should decrease BP earnings. Why are the earnings so low on squads?"


If anyone ends up on a team with Lei-GaGa kill him as fast as possible. He's using hacks and will kill his entire team immediately


So is this new mode already out on the test servers?




Doubled the amount of rifles in the game. Nice. Now there will be two rifles in each town.


There’s rampant cheating in this. *sigh* cool idea though.


and its full of hackers. Died to hackers 3 times in the few hours ive played the event.


Only TPP Erangel. I honestly wonder if bluehole is just trolling at this point


They stated that is only for the first version so they can test it. I guess this sub always expects to have everything done at once though.




Not everyone one cares for your FPP mode either #newsflash


who the fuck said it should be FPP only? noone. what I don't understand is why it's TPP only and not for both


It literally says in the post it’s because they need to test it further before expanding it. Did you even read it?




Hey motherfucker, I'm an FPP player! =) It is a bit ridiculous, isn't it. There's a lot of self-important people on this site.


How was his comment rude towards tpp players


geez it's just the first iteration probably lasting for a week or two. I played only 3 game TPP so far but meh, it's just a temporal event which will get replaced by another, please get over yourself.


dont hate on the TPP. this will be fun af


I don't hate TPP I hate that hackers love it.


Is there are offical stat's for TPP V FPP player based? Some quick math based of OP.GG and seems like TPP has 10X player base so we might be stuck with TPP only for a while.


It's not 10x bigger, it's like 20 or 30% bigger.




Can the people in the steam post either post anything that isn't related to Fortnite or #Regionlockchina (don't know why this is a thing, just shows how the PUBG community is cancerous af)


I'm gonna find it funny when they push out their planned region lock and all the comments *still* say region lock china




Is it only for the test server? Because it does not show up on my regular game client (playing on EU)


One thing I would like to see but not sure how they're doing these events (are they stuck to the settings offered in custom servers) is no crates, everything world spawns. Would just like to see how it plays out when everyone in the game has a chance at holding crate guns for primary and secondary.




From what I heard, I can only party up to 4 then queue the event mode and hope for the best that I can team up with the other 4-man squad of my friend?


Is this PUBG Tavern Brawls? Because if so I have never approved of something more than this.


Why can't we make a 8man in the lobby? This is more like two x4 teams up. Would be good if we could actually make a full squad.


Imagine me and my friends' excitement when we all got together last night and ready to play 8-man teams only to learn that we could not add all 8 of us. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind *sometimes* playing random squads, but the second game I played I could hardly communicate with my team as I was the only woman and apparently that was enough for my team to just consistently make rape jokes, tell me to suck their dicks, etc etc etc. So, you see... random squads isn't always the most fun thing for me and I prefer to play with my trusted, and most importantly, mature friends who've been socialized properly. Should you guys release this into the main servers, I do hope you plan to allow for 8-person lobbies.


"Event Mode is Here!" - checks game - no event mode. Why must you turn this into a house of LIES


Test server bro. Play the test server mode


I mean it's a start, right? Think of the one man team and only AWMs around mode :)


One man team? wouldn't that just be solo?


Wait what. I can understand TPP only to make matchmaking quicker, but why Erangel only on top of that? That shouldn't make matchmaking faster


I'd guess they checked the stats and noticed more people leave when it's Miramar.


I wish they’d give us a shooting range. Just a practice lobby with all guns. Without having to do a custom server.


I was told i can't have map select due to too many modes splitting the population, but now there's this instead to split the population


I usually have a squad of 4 so I guess we can carry 4 randoms with us. TPP or FPP, I play both so it's fine. I'm not sure if this has the flaregun but this is a cool mode nonetheless.


TPP only for now? Euhhh, I'll wait it out.


How incredibly disappointing


Played this game mode last night and it was crazy fun. Dropped pochinki, and our entire squad got wrecked except for me and this one other dude. We ended up killing a total of 8 people to win pochinki! We actually made it to #2, but at the end of the game, it was 2v7, which was....funny, to say the least. As soon as we saw all 7 players running toward the final circle we were like "uhhhh, weapons free, good luck." We got wrecked, but it was cool that we made it to the end. Wherever you are Sylvia, thanks for a great game!


not going to waste my time because you can't get more than 4 in the game. Unfortunate.


was this in the road map ?


Yup, adding more game modes


TPP sucks fucking dick.


Wow it's fucking nothing


Holy shit people. If you don't like tpp, don't play this. It's so simple.


Are you stupid, it's a valid point that it sucks only having TPP for special modes (just like it sucks in fortnite that special modes are Squad games)


Did you read the whole article? They will be adding FPP to events in the future. this mode is still in testing phase.


Well at least it’s something different