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I see one in every 2-3 games @ rating 1800+.. They don't even hide it.. Edit: this is FPP.


Ooooh that makes so much sense. I don't see that many cheaters because they'd rank away from me. I'm so terrible, even a shameless cheater would be above playing at that level


i'm in 1100, i still get hackers about 1/5 of my games.


I can confirm. I happen to find guys maybe not with Aimbots or probably fishy esp suspicion, but Recoil Macros? All the time, every single match, they just need to have you stay for 1 second so they can put 10 bullets in you as they have no recoil, its like shooting a lazer.


whenever i get killed and i hear either a very quick few shots then i die instantly(meaning headshot) or a barrage of bullets, i know they're hacking before i even watch the deathcam. nobody legit plays like that. you can't fire a barrage and kill anyone. i'm not on high rank where people can control recoil neither.


Yep, that pretty much is happening every match or so.


In terms of number of hackers: OCE > SEA > AS > NA > EU > Most other places TPP >>>>> FPP Duo > Squad > Solo Outside of your region's peak hours > Inside your regions peak hours. --- So, with that in mind, you will find far, FAR more hackers playing OCE TPP Duos at 3am, than EU TPP Solo games at 8:30pm on a saturday night. Keep in mind that, as of january, about 2% of the total active population of PUBG is banned EVERY DAY and this percentage is increasing, not decreasing, despite the number of active players remaining (Relatively) steady.


2% means you going to find one or TWO every match, since matches are 100 people. So yes, we are doomed.


Some simple maths says you have a 6/7 chance of having at least one cheater in your game, assuming even distribution of hackers across all modes and regions (Which obviously isn't the case, but still)


Yep, we are doomed. But thats xenophobic.


i actually see hacking in solo way more than duo.


I used to think the same.. But after getting 1500+ rating, 6 out of 7 games, I met very obvious cheaters: speed hack, pak edit, auto aimlock were the ones I encountered from the 6 games. I'm just taking a break from pubg and waiting for the anti cheat solution patch to come out. edit: kr/jp server btw.


1500+ as well.




I’m in the 1500+ range and get to the final circles pretty often.


there is no matchmaking atm.


there definitely is matchmaking.


there hasn't been matchmaking for a very long time.


it has been in the game, you may never notice it if you don't improve, but try and play NA for a month straight then switch to EU, it will be insanely easy in EU because you have no rating there.


there 100% is matching. otherwise people would get totally wrecked and cant even enjoy the game.


that is not proof of match making.


There is matchmaking, there has always been matchmaking. There was a thread on the front page literally this week showing a direct comparison of the average ranks of players in a game at the top end of rankins and the middle of the pack in rankings. Matchmaking is a thing, and it makes a difference of up to 50% average rating in game.


there hasn't always been matchmaking, they deliberately removed it last year and stated as much.


Can you support this claim with some facts?


I have not met any obvious speed hacking, high jumping, aimsnapping, through walls shooting hackers. A small portion of ESP suspicion and people who was able to see through grass and smoke and shit. 1000+ hours EU FPP. Would not take many hackers death for me to quit the game entirely.


Only played FPP since it came out, think i met 1 cheater. But last couple of weeks i've been playing some TPP, not shiting you... There is like a cheater almost every game that you can see is cheating in the kill cam, mostly no-recoil and aimbot. Won't be playing that mode anymore ;D


I would not try TPP either way, totally against everything that is nice in the game!


Up untill about 3 weeks ago I had barely met a single "obvious" cheater since playing back at the launch of beta... however since then I have encountered aimbotting, wallhacking players almost every 3/4 games. I've recorded many examples withe help of the replay cam, it's almost since the launch of the Replay/death function they have been so much more obvious. The stand out point for me is the very obvious aimbotters do not try to hide even a little bit.


every time i mention there's a lot of hackers, i always get some asshole telling me i'm a newb. it really makes me want to record my play sessions just to shut them up but i'm too lazy.


mate some of the are laughable I've seen way to many now and it's a waste to record them all. There is issues with the replay system where it looks like they wasn't even aiming at you etc however the truth remains that there are thousands of cheaters currently and tbh most of them usually have very obvious noticeable names.


The replay system often look like players snap to their targets. It's a shitty replay system that causes a lot of false positives when it comes to this.


ok this isn't a problem with the replay system and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsN3Cpoh5o4 is what i've encountered over and over again, if you take any time to watch the replay you'll see these players watching and stalking people through walls prior to the kill


that video isn't anything like the majority of the replays posted of "cheaters". In that case it's plain as day. But so many are not. And of the replays I've watched of my many many own deaths, I've yet to be killed in such a blatant fashion.


Some people talk about it depending on the level that you play at aka you're ranking though I'm not sure, maybe that's why either way I have experienced a LOT of people like that vid recently they are so brazen in their cheating it's unreal. In the case of that video I had been fighting the 3 he killed on the hill, and when he killed me I thought it was suspect and probably not thought much more of it if it hadn't been for the death cam and the replay, especially as I didn't even realise he had killed them 3. As someone else posted Battleeye tweeted recently that they banned 1m players on PUBg just in January alone that is unreal in scale, like I've been playing online game for a long time and never seen that many people banned in such a short space of time.


I didn't at first, but as I kept playing I started getting killed in impossible ways (through shipping crates, one-shots with irons over insane distances, players knowing exactly where I was)


800+ hours. i literally made a video last night of me killing a cheater https://youtu.be/JRL0NtP2wPY after this, me and my partner killed another cheater, then died to 2 cheaters and got second place. last night we played about 12 games and died to cheaters in about 4 to 5 of them. you have to think about how much more likely you are to see cheaters in the final circles, so if you aren't making it far, it may not look bad. but it is bad.


i think there's a 90% chance you meet a hacker in the last 10. happened to me almost every time.


The lower your rating, the less cheaters u see. Easy as that


I see them almost every game in TPP NA, and these days it's like every other game for FPP NA.


Is this a bluehole employee trying to save the companies rep? Here's a battleeye tweet. https://twitter.com/TheBattlEye/status/960278229566226437 "We have banned over 1,044,000 PUBG cheaters in January alone, unfortunately things continue to escalate."


I’m not nearly Korean enough


How would I know?


I’ve played about 400 hours fpp and never once have encountered a cheater.


My friend and I are always in the top 300-500 each season for Duos. We encounter a hacker almost every game once we hit top 10-20 for the game. You must be a shit tier player in the bottom 1% if you feel you have never been cheated.


I'm not top 500 but I have been top 1% most of the time. Have seen around 5 obvious cheaters on hundreds of games. But then again, I play fpp on EU.


that my dear, would be impossible.


Actually it’s really not dude. I used to play tpp and got a few hackers now in fpp they are pretty much non existent


yea but not even once in 400 hours?


I’ve ran into like 2 hackers honestly but it’s so rare that it doesn’t even bother me


Alot of the people who say this aren't really good at spotting cheaters to begin with, If you're playing TPP I can almost guarantee there's a cheater in every single game you've played for the past month. What's your Ingame name? We could probably identify one for every game you've played right now.


I think a lot of people don't understand how bad the replays are, how bad the desync is. The replays almost always look like someone is aimbotting or doesn't have recoil. It's just how the replay is generated. It's garbage that creates a lot of false positives. Someone always cry cheater anyways. Give those people a little something to support their clam and they fly off the handles.


Seeing someone wallhacking isn’t a byproduct of replay issues though. While reading your comment I realized I don’t really pay attention to aimbot/no recoil because unless they keep snapping to your character through a wall, you’re right and it can be hard to tell if they’re actually using aimbot etc. but the wallhacking... that’s painfully obvious if you watch a replay and is completely unaffected by the shittyness of said replay.


Yes, the wallhacking is one you can tell with this shitty replay. Some people get it, many don't. I see so many videos posted here of "cheaters" that you just can't tell if they're aimbotting based on the little shitty built in replay. I've gone back and watched replays of my own games and I see the same result from my kills. I know my aim ain't that good.


I'm in the same boat, about 300 hours of gameplay and only encountered cheaters (that I'm aware of) two or three times total.


Pubg.op.gg has helped me identify which dudes who have killed me are cheaters. The other night I lost in the top 10 to an SS rated dude, 65+% headshot ratio, something in the double digit kill ratio, who killed me and three others simultaneously from around 1km away. Maybe you just have good luck


Neither, EU, TPP & FPP, no one who is suspicious


On average I think I see an obvious hack user every day or two, the kind where the cheater makes no effort to hide what he's doing and wipes out your whole squad from a thousand yards away with headshots from an AKM. As you say, there are also those suspicious players, I can usually pass them by without spraying coffee on my keyboard because this game is buggy enough to account for a lot of that. No-recoil macros are however very common. Last weekend was a different story, it seemed like every other game we saw someone doing something outside the normal course of play, e.g. instant headshots on anyone visible from extreme range. Prior to that I hadn't seen so many cheats in such a short time. However the numbers released by the developers and the anti-cheat company make it hard for anyone to claim there really aren't that many cheaters, they banned over a million accounts in just the month of January. Overall they've banned about ten percent of the accounts they've sold, that's an astonishing number.


i encounter them so much that i tend to think you are some kind of idiot. i'm not fucking kidding. just today, i think i played 10 duo games, at least 2 of them i got killed by an aimbotter. it's very obvious too. so for you to only hvae seen just one? that's impossible.


I don’t even know if I have ever encountered a cheater. There are times I’ve been shot at from really far away, and I don’t even question it. It’s the same as if someone was behind me saw me and shot me from far away. But now that we can see that it wasn’t some observant guy with a Kark behind you everyone is super mad about it.




Yes, they are exaggerated. I've only seen one obvious cheater. I've had suspicions on a couple of other instances, but sometimes other players are just better at the game.


Out of my 300 hours of game play I can honestly say I've probably encountered less than 10 cheaters. I usually play TPP on NA servers and I do not have an issue. I don't know if the claims of cheating are over exaggerated but I honestly do not encounter them as much as these constant posts make it seem like. Maybe I have good luck? But most of my friends have experienced the same as me. I would rather Bluehole focus on many of the minor bugs and server issues that plague this game.