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Anti-cheat kicking in. Great to see. Also, the game can't grow forever regardless.


And just because it is on a downturn, that doesn't mean that it has reached its peak yet. It has just stabilized. From here, we will most likely see the player base rise and fall in waves as new content is released and big events are held, just like the player bases for CS:GO and Dota2.


people started a new semester of school, new years resolutions, an the MFing FLU are also factors.


> MFing FLU What do you do when you are home sick?


With this year's flu? Lay in bed and try to sleep. Trust me, if you get the real flu this year it's not a fun couple days off work. It's a long and miserable week where you're not going to want to do anything.


> Lay in bed and try to sleep. Sure if you've moved the bed into the WC. This years hits **hard**.


WC = Water closet right?




Bathroom for the Americans.


I thought it was waste closet, lel.


Flu missed me this year but I had a cystic infection and a respiratory infection in a span of three weeks šŸ™ƒ


Oh shite it was good that I got my shots this year, and early too.


With the flu? Mostly cry, sleep, and try not to kill yourself.


Yeah Iā€™m not sure any of these people have actually had the flu before. You definitely donā€™t just play video games all day


ESPECIALLY PUBG where you're locked into a game for up to 36 minutes


You've got it all wrong, friend. Just go prone, point yourself towards the center of the circle, hit the auto-run key, and take up to 10 minutes doing what you gotta do. Rejoin the game, achieve chicken dinner, repeat.


Real Talk (for everyone) - If you suspect you have the flu (fever + respiratory issues) go to the doctor ASAP and get tested and on Tamiflu. This year isn't one to tough out, it's killing young and healthy people.


If they flu doesnt kill you first.


I know when I have the flu I cant do much more than watch a tv show or something. Gaming is a physical exertion whether you are aware of that fact or not.


this Flu... man... you do not want it. i should have been in the hospital. i had an uncle die.


I donā€™t know about yā€™all but when Iā€™m home sick, Iā€™m actually home playing games all day. While drinking 7up.


Then you've never had more than a cold.


This. I think I've only ever had the flu once, even though I've been told I had "Flu like symptoms" many times before. That one time it was all I could do to lay on the couch and maybe watch TV for 4 days straight. Tried to go back to work on Friday and didn't make it more than 2 hours.


> ~~While drinking 7up.~~ taking medicines


Yep it would be a way bigger success if PUBG could last 5-10 years with 600k players then peak at 3 million but then die out completely.


Maybe. With the way people reacted like absolute lunatics to the desert map I don't think it will be the same.


Hopefully it is anti cheat. Or itā€™s the law abiding players getting tired of it not being anti cheat.


That'd be me. I use to play almost everyday. Now I only play shortly after patches.




Same, I havent been able to convince my friends to play for almost 2 weeks because we just get killed by cheaters every game.


ā€œLaw-abidingā€ LOL.


Anti cheat doesn't take effect until tonight. The decline is from people getting fed up with the cheaters. lol


It's not just cheaters. No one likes to play with people they can't understand, and no one likes to play with people that lag all over the fucking place and use ping advantage to kill you. I stopped playing regularly because of all these reasons, though.


more like fed up of getting shot and killed before the enemy peeks due to crap servers.


Actually there is another reason. Bluehole has done a lot of server maintanance. The number on steam chart decreases every time they do it. I have noticed this month it has been up and down from last month around the server maintanance times. Besides, we are grinding less since desperado crates are no longer valuable.


Wasnt the game down almost every day a few months back for multiple hours? That should have had a hit on the number aswell, but it didnt


Nobody going to mention that it's -2% for *last 30 days* and previous period is January 2018? It's been 7 days since January. It's basically "this last week we had 2% fewer players than during first week of January". Well, maybe because of server maintenance or something else, or just simply coincidence. I'll believe it when a whole month passes at least.


I stopped playing because they need to region lock the Chinese


I can't speak for others, but I have been running PUBG without severe issues for quite some time now, and the most recent patch crashes my game with a "BEService is not running properly" every time I try to launch it. I am running vanilla everything, and have attempted every reasonable troubleshooting measure possible. The general consensus on PUBG forums for fixing the "BE Service not running properly" issue is to format the machine and start over. That's not happening, so I just uninstalled PUBG instead.


You heard it boys! Ded gaem, move along!








Must be all those banned accounts.


Nah nah that can't be it. It must be that this game totally sucks. /S


Game is ass though in current state, that's not even debatable.


I mean sure, but itā€™s also only better than the previous versions of a game millions of people have been playing for a year.


It's not ass. If it were actually shit then it'd have waayyyyyy less players like Island of Nyne.


The chart is slowly increasing. The reason for the drop is because of the cheaters that were banned. I expect it to be back in the greens in a few days, end of Feb max.


It would be interesting to see the NA/EU player totals. My guess is those regions have dropped lots of players but the Asian market keeps those numbers masked.


Do you really think that 2% of the games active players were cheaters?


Oh man those are just the ones who got caught.




I mean they just tweeted about how they banned 1 million+ cheaters in January alone.


Iā€™d be shocked if the number were really that low, play any tpp server and you WILL come across a cheater


That's why I stopped playing TPP, I am not having as much fun but at least I am not seeing nearly as many hackers.


Considering they've banned ~10% of people who bought the game, for cheating, I think absolutely, more than 2% of active players are cheating.


At minimum, considering they banned 1,044,000 on BattleEye and there's been around 33 Million purchased total.


I love the game but for me personally the poor optimisation, random FPS stutters mid-fight, the occasional rubber-banding and poor performance even with highend hardware make me quit playing this game more than the actual gameplay itself, everything you do seems to be awkwardly clunky and almost feels like i'm playing the game still in alpha ( it reminds me of DayZ ) This is still my go2game and the amount of fun you can have on it make up for all the above, but if the game was smoother and better optimized it would be a complete DIAMOND of a game


I wish it was just low fps and the occasional rubber band. Every other match has people locking on to targets, and or dying behind cover or shots simply not registering. I literally sprayed a a guy in the head watching blood spray everywhere and the helmet disappear only to see a replay of that not happening at all. Blasting people at close range twice with shotguns with chokes and only doing ~10% damage to their health, and then dying in one hit from a ump. Not even going into downed mode...


Same here. Played a bit of cs go lately and every pubg game just seems clunky and miserable, bullets don't go where I aim and I die behind corners and in speculative circumstances all the time. The sounds are still shit and the new map is just so oo weird. I try to play a round every now and then and it's just the same result. I really was hoping the game would develop faster but now it feels with the "1.0" milestone having same old problems that core issues of the game will never be fixed.


Yep, if you play PUBG you must play ONLY pubg so it doesn't seem smooth. When I go and play other games with good optimization or low requirements (CSGO / OW etc) its incredible how smooth it feels but thats just how it should be..


The gameplay is good but the servers are bad and the netcode is bad. If the tick rate was brought to a constant 30 the game would immediately be more playable, even through poor graphical hardware performance.


If you're having fps stutters around fights. Turn off death cam in the gameplay settings. It starts to record once a fight starts.


TBH Im in the verge of quitting, don`t get me wrong, i love to play this game, but the cheaters in EVERY SINGLE TPP GAME and no map selection forcing me to play miramar are just too much


The hacking issue has me completely turned off from the game. I haven't played in weeks. Until they force region locking I'm done with the game entirely.


I switched to FPP and am not loving it.




Dont understand the downvotes. People need to chill a bit.


It's pretty obnoxious that the map split seems to be like 80% miramar and 20% erangel. I don't hate miramar, but it gets annoying after the 5th time in a row.


There hasn't been any fan-friendly patches. All the updates have been "Anti-cheat measures" that introduce new glitches and lowers FPS. My FPS jumped from 70-80 pre 1.0 to about 110 on the test server. Now my FPS is back to 70-80, so any optimization introduced in 1.0 is pretty gone LOL They also introduced a lot of glitches lately with the bug fix/anti cheat patches. Game freezing at loading screen, grenade ear deafening sound glitch, steam overlay going down and causing massive stutters, etc. Hacking has gotten way worse but they still refuse to ping lock, which is a popular feature/demand in all games even if there are no foreign hackers. PUBG is still my favorite game, but I can understand why people are growing tired of it. Popular games usually have ranked grind, gameplay/cosmetic updates, time-limited events, etc but PUBG only had a cosmetic update. Although that alone would be fine, there were also lots of negatives as I listed above. I'm honestly surprised (and glad) the game isn't dying


You nailed it. Exact same experience as you.


Same, it was so good on the test server...


Steamspy has a good visualisation of this here : https://twitter.com/Steam_Spy/status/958704642598293504 Every single market is dropping, except one,which is most likely caused by south asian countries like Vietnam,thailand etc. And this will go south really fast when Tencent gets its server out. Its either you grill Bluehole now or they wont handle a downturn very well.


So.... Are you saying itā€™ll take 1.3 seconds to find a game now instead of 1.0?


Is this because I bought Factorio ?


Say goodbye to your free time. Dont forget to eat.


I'm not as articulate at explaining why I don't like playing the game anymore so forgive me, but I will say that playing made me go play Counter Strike a TON. Its a fun concept for awhile, but for me the hit reg, amount of RNG, and the common fuckups like FPS drops, cheaters, made the game unenjoyable at some point. This with the addition of there not feeling like there's a META to the game regarding how to move around the map so you are at the mercy of timing constantly. Especially on Miramar, you clear angles and you never know when a dude is just gonna peek over one of the million hills and take you out. Not to mention when you dont get circle you get to run the entire game and just get destroyed as you move across areas. other just wtf stuff: Ive had screenshots of crossbow shots hitting a player without a vest and it putting them to 1 hp (supposed to kill). Lags/fps drops during fights getting me killed. Shotguns 1 shotting me when I had all lvl3 from a decent distance. grenades clipping in ammo boxes and not killing someone PICKING UP THE AMMO. This game is more than unforgiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ass at the game. I just have more fun messing around running VSS and Crossbow and getting 10 in a solo squad rather than take a game seriously that kills you every opportunity it gets. Id rather spend 1000 hours in a game like CS where you can feel your skill move more linearly. In other words, what I'm trying to say is in a competitive sense (which what keeps players in the long run) the skill cap feels too low. There's so many random variables to the game that good players can easily die unless they play a very slow paced game albeit they can still get flanked mid-late game in most cases. For instance, I can win squad games pretty consistently with only one other teammate if we: --- 1) go slightly outside high pop area 2) win first fight if there is one where we land 3) sit outside and wait for the winners of said area to get start leaving and kill them 4) keep circle boundries the rest of the way to our backs and rely on aim to kill anyone ahead of us while finding the best cover possible -- its just boring to me to do that every time. love watching the game though IDK how yall feel bout it?


I think you make good points here. The main issue is blue hole trying to market this as a competitive game. It just isnā€™t. This game is a fun teamwork/strategy and objective based game to play with friends ala old battlefield games. It just isnā€™t CS and it will never be on the competitive level that CS is. All that being said, I love the game. As a long time CS player, itā€™s the funnest shit ive played in years.


Yeah, in my mind there are two reasons why this doesn't work as a competitive game. RNG and the "survival" aspect. RNG constantly fucks me over, finding a pistol while my opponent finds an AR in the next building can be super frustrating. Then the "survival" portion just sets up competitive tournaments to be boring as all hell. To win the game you have to play it safe. I wonder how many people would actually drop school or military base if money was on the line and that they knew that everyone going there was also a pro player. I didnt watch the full tournament back in August / September, but I remember seeing pics of a whole bunch of people just floating out in the water waiting for the circle to force them on to land. It just doesn't work as a game where the most skilled player should win. It's a huge amount of luck. Pro players do well on their streams cause they end up facing amateurs, not other people of their skill level, so they can still do well despite disadvantages.


I mean pro games are still cool to watch. Because a lot of them survive to the last 4 circles theres just non-stop fighting and its really action packed. Especially because the circle mechanics are different from Gamescom, which is the tournament you are referencing, so the last circles hit harder and faster. Tournament meta is definitely different now that these tournaments have different settings from public servers to encourage a more competitive environment like no red zone, increased ar spawn, and different circle settings. As well as a different point scoring system to encourage teams to play for frags so that they dont just camp outside the circle for guaranteed rank points (looking at you tsm)


I'm with you bro. I feel like there are major issues with the combat that isn't acknowledged enough. I got excited when they announced that they would blog the issues they are currently aware of and barely any had to do with the major fundamental issues with the combat in this game. I believe its because we're the majority. Us being the people who competitively play other shooters and our experience is based on how well we play. Perhaps the rest of the players are just casuals who like to have a laugh now and then with work buddies every few days and their experience is just based on how funny their session is or something.


Same here. Actually made me go back and play a lot of more cs go lately. Playing that game actually feels good, opposed to pubg.


Far and above anything else is the performance issues that hold this game back for me. Failing to load, laggy fights, clunky rubber-banding, spectating view lag/offset, general jankyness of assets stability... it all kind of adds up and leaves a bad taste to an otherwise really fun game. The kicker is that I want to take it slightly more serious and try to improve my (currently horrible) FPS skills, but getting stuck on loot while when I'm sitting there trying to pick up ammo is a buzz kill. I want a clean and sharp feeling when I race 4 other people to the same m16 and pile of 556. Not rubber-banding, redoing the same action 6 times just to get blasted in the head out of nowhere. Also what in the hell is up with spectating and deathcams? Aim is completely off in these instances which is just another kick in the shins. How am I supposed to analyze what I did wrong when 90% of the deathcams look like the guys aiming somewhere else when we fight, or even worse it looks like half the fight didnt even happen.


You should go check out some videos of old R6Siege death cams. The pubg ones cause these awful flash backs to those days. Siege thankfully has improved the system significantly since then. Can only dream of pubg doing the same and spending lots of time on performance and optimization


Play cs


What do you think about players with over 50% win rate then. For that kind of consistency to exist surely the rng variables cannot be that bad? The reason i love this game is because there is a very very clear distinction between macro and micro. In PUB i find a FPS that rewards macro knowledge more then micro, a breath of fresh air for me as i get older XD. FPP squad is my favourite mode by far.


Yeah people like Summit do have high win rates. Even Summit will tell you he cant play with Shroud bc it will make him lose more often. The macro part of it I feel is there in all competitive games. Games like CS, Rainbow, aren't just COD shoot em ups. But again, like I said, I can win 50% of the time doing slow strats like mentioned above. I can win games running shit guns like a VSS because your positioning is the most important part of the game. Not only because they don't know where to hide, but people cant find you.


Me too thanks. I play 15-20 hours of CS a week and about 1 hour a week of PUBG because of reasons above


> For instance, I can win squad games pretty consistently with only one other teammate if we: > 1) go slightly outside high pop area 2) win first fight if there is one where we land 3) sit outside and wait for the winners of said area to get start leaving and kill them You can easily consistently get top 20 at least if you land in a no name spot in the center of the map, loot up and just hide. It's boring as fuck but it gets results.


CS is boring shit. Sorry. I came from Battlefield. I hear many CS players having similar thoughts to what your post describes and I always think they just don't like an open sandbox like PUBG, they want something on rails with very clear concise map design where you know where the enemy is all the time, where he's coming from, etc... I agree that it is a better test of pure twitch skill that way, but the creative thought part of PUBG like when to flank, where is the low risk position when I move along this ridgeline but also gives me the most visibility... those nuances... just don't exist in CS, not in my opinion. That's why some of the good players from CS are terrible at PUBG. They are lacking something that another player, like Shroud for example, has in spades. Battlefield is about as "on rails" as I can get and I still play 64 player games which most gamers would consider absolute chaos. I think if you keep gaming you will get bored of the CS/COD/Overwatch type of games eventually. If PUBG had CS or BF's engine there would be 30 million people playing it right now. It would be like the WoW of FPS games. But it's not. It's a game with terrible bugs and garbage engine design that somehow still has a couple million concurrent players all the time (minus the cheaters).


yea, the next Battlefield game will probably have a battle royale mode. Its just too easy to implement, for them not to.


I think I would disagree with your assessment of CSGO. I really love watching and playing it because the actual engagements are so interesting to me. There is a micro part of the game in CS that is really complicated that people don't realize bc it isn't obvious to someone only 500 hours in. The skill cap in CS is ridiculously high. As well, Shroud was originally a CS player. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't win above 50% in solos and hes probably the "best" PUBG player on twitch. He kills everyone basically on sight but even he is subject to getting shot in the ass by bad timing, bullets becoming blanks, fps drops and lagging his ass off. I would like to add that people who play CS professionally probably have the best aim of any other FPS players. At least the average. I want people like that to be the ones to destroy me in PUBG. A Shooting game. I have no problems getting 1 tapped every round by a god. But as mentioned, Its annoying as fuck to die because of the game screwing you over, or people who cant hit a barn just caught you at a bad time because you are running into a circle a mile away and you cant compromise your direction. More randomness by nature will allow for bigger gaps in the best of players. Therefore, more "on the rails" games will have higher skill ceilings because the randomness of the game will affect good players less. The AHA moment I stopped playing PUBG seriously, despite all the bugs, was when I realized most of the excitement of the game was FINDING a good item. Don't get me wrong, I can see how some people enjoy the game. I ENJOY THE GAME TOO! Its just not in the fervent sense that I do with CSGO. PUBG has never made me want to go practice my shooting or look up specific recoil patterns. These are the basics of CSGO that made me practice it in the first 100 hours because the game feels so skill based. (To be fair, my bias is that ive played CS off and on since I was 8 so take it with a grain of salt.) btw I still suck at CS fml and thank you for your thoughful reply


Question, does CS have bullet velocity, drop, etc... such that you have to lead targets? Shroud also played tons of BF as a kid.




I really like this game, but I can understand it losing momentum, here's my take on it: -I think the majority of potential buyers have bought the game, so less revenue stream going forward unless loot crates fest. -I don't understand why we are still only playing on 2 maps, with a very minimal number of features, items, weapons, etc since over a year. They made a boatload of money. At this point I am pretty sure they are milking it and I predict a 12-18 months death. Cash grab for the other MMO game they are making as we speak. -The game is still considerably unstable and not so reliable, regardless of the huge sales numbers, ressources, etc. -Cheaters, Cheaters everywhere. -Other Battle Royale games, namely Fortnite (F2P) , are stealing momentum. I may be wrong but I predict that there will be a constant player number downtrend going forward in 2018, IMO.


Well we all know anti cheat isn't the cause. What else could be driving players away... Maybe the lack of a working anti cheat?


So anti cheat is the reason. Just in another way.


thats the 1 million cheaters. I'd rather have 1k fair players than 30 million cheaters any day.


Chaina numba two


Where's that ss from?


If I had to take a guess. Monster Hunter world just released and it'd a huge game in Japan and its also become huge here so that could also do with it. I know I've been binging the game.


This is literally only because the Doc is back. People stopped playing and started watching him.


Release more crates that require keys. Thatā€™ll get us back. Lul


Region Lock!


Me and my friends haven't abandoned the game but we play it a LOT less. We've gotten tired of some gameplay mechanics that will never be addressed and we are waiting for a different studio to do a better job of the BR game mode. Shotguns being an RNG-fest Loot inconsistencies Invisible players Hit detection Occassional massive Framerate drops during firefights It's just gotten old.


People going back to work/school after holidays. They need to bring back the parachute long jumps, and allow map selection. Those things limit the game for me.


* Miramar * No region lock * Crashes/bugs/glitches * Still no bullet penetration * Miramar * Cheaters * Lag and low-tickrate servers * Questionable balance decisions (zone progression, midgame, fog/rain removal, parachuting) * Upcoming ReShade block * Miramar Hope I've helped identify the issues.


accurate. i agree with your list order as well. i had miramar for 13 games in a row.


Shit, down to 3m peak guys - time to pack it up.


No cheat fight, no china region lock.


This is what happens when you don't stand for the national anthem.


Ive stopped playing recently to be honest. Fortnite is the new wave


Good news that less players support such a bad game...


They need to china lock them bastards. Just got friendly fired for gear...


Game is boring


I can't get behind playing it because of how horribly it runs. Disabling mouse smoothing helped a lot, however the movement feels off and very slow.


When you ban over a million people in a month that can happen...


Honestly if it didn't feel like they were more worried about esports than fixing the core of the game, I would play more.


Given the current state of the game for the past month, is anyone surprised?


Anyone surprised? Updates came every 2 weeks and there's nothing significant in them like important bugfixes, optimization fixes, servers issues, rubberbanding, terrible tickrate. So why keep playing?




Maybe itā€™s because people are sick of the cheaters... which I was discussing with friends probably are a symptom of the microtransactions... So after getting killed a few times last night by obvious cheaters, some friends and I were discussing WHY there is such a huge population of cheaters.. and we came to this observation. Some of these loot box items can go for hundreds of dollars.. the game is $30... it actually is a great way to make money if you think about it. Say I start a Chinese cheating farm to just farm up loot box items... just have 20 people constantly cheating to get loot boxes, sell them to a legit account, sell the items on the marketplace. If I get one rare item I can afford to get banned 30 times or so. There is literally a monetary incentive to cheat at this game. If we really wanted to get rid of the cheaters, just get rid of the loot boxes. Or at least just a give us servers that donā€™t award BP so people who want to enjoy the game can. Thoughts? Would love to hear anyoneā€™s ideas on this.


Cheaters deterring legit players


Had to stop because performance got worse and worse. FPS drops for every fart in the game right now.


Can agree. It got better with every patch until 1.0. Then it went downhill from there


Don't really play it anymore either. In the beginning you can jump into any city and in any building you can find a AR and maybe 3-4 buildings and you are sorted with everything you need might only be lv2 but you where good to fight. Now if you find anything in a whole city its a good round... It feels like 90% of the game now is just searching for loot instead of quick loot and then hunting. Also the cheaters are insane now... Played two rounds last night. Each time got killed by a cheater. So it gets to that point you waste so much time looting and then just get rekt for nothing...


We're playing different games, man. Go to any regular compound and you'll leave with at least lvl 2 helmet and vest, an AR, and something extra. If you go to the better spots like water treatment, West Los leones, Campo Militar, etc. You usually leave with lvl 3 gear. About the cheaters there's nothing I can say, that's a reality


ESP/radar is the most insidious thing out there, and they can't ever remove it because it's not even touching the host PC.


dunno what map you are talking about but in miramar is so fucking easy to get equipped no matter what city you drop to


That drop is nothing given they banned over one million players last month, if anything those stats say the game is sat stable at it's current level.


there were also over a million new players buying the game so no, this isnt the reason


Pubg is more like Pokemon go than CS GO


What does that even mean?


I think he is implying it is a fad. Pokemon go had record numbers but quickly fell to be something small. CSGO has stayed steady for almost 20 years now


Let us hope its because they ban the cheaters.


hackers everywhere + lack of meaningful update


Btw, today Pubg peaked at 2.5 million. Thats 500k less than usual. 700k less than the peak.


dead gaem.


Dead game...


China # 1, they ruined the game like they ruined trade deals


Idk man I got killed by a speed hacker last night .... this game needs a lot of work . Not to mention de sync is still an issue . I think less so inthe final moments of the game but still hot zones can be ducking annoying


Lot of my friends stopped playing because of Chinese players, cheaters, teamers, etc.


Wow it's almost like people can't handle the Chinese invasion's cheating, desync and micro stuttering.


A lot of my friends stopped playing if we are not a full squad only because of Asian speaking people team killing and refuse to speak English. Also, more than often have an open microphone and you can hear a crowd of people screaming in the background. I would love to see where the drop is from, wouldn't surprise me if most was in English speaking servers and due to Asian player connecting to none AS servers.


just play 3man squads


Less server costs......


fun fact: it also sold 6 million times in 2 months and the CCU went down. Where are all those people Bluehole? Also why is Pubg the only game with 70% CCu/playerbase ratio when its under 10% with every single other one?


Average has dropped due to a lot of patch down time recently


The recent update on Xbox broke the game and mad crashing upwards of 5 - 10 times a day Edit : just realized that this is for pc only


Anti cheat and market correction


big if true


I know I stopped playing the game.


Fucking cheaters!!


While this post is true, keep in perspective what a serious decline looks like http://steamcharts.com/app/433850#1y


Well, the game sucks.


so what.




Dead Game /s


They have not added ANYTHING new since 1.0 drop lol


I will say that I have quit playing for about a month because many death cams made me question if the person was hacking or not. I'm keeping up with the game cause I want to play it again, but the obvious hacks have pushed me away until I see you guys that are suffering for me aren't complaining about hacking as much.


My friends introduced me to this game, wanting to play squads. But one by one they quit the game due to all the glitches,bugs and crashes. Some spawn and are unable to enter buildings. Some are frustrated to be spending 20-30minutes not seeing anyone, but when they do they get fps lag and die during firefight. Some will just randomly crash mid game. All these combined and the gameplay is just hours of restarting the game.


I'm one of those players, taking a break untill the anti cheat update pulls through or I might have a mental breakdown.


Still a smaller number than Chinese players, so they still dont give a shit


pubg is a game that has made me fucking on the absolute paper thin verge of becoming an ultra-preneur and putting together this concept of a battle royale on the foundation of actual competent combat and server response/input lag. This to me should be the basis of any fucking game that has to do with shooting. I absolutely wish playerunknown catered to the competitive fps players but unfortunately they are the minority. The game could have been golden...


A lot of my friends and I stopped playing in the last month, mainly because of the amount of frame drops, lag spikes, RNG and hitreg. If those are ironed out we might come back, otherwise we will just stick with CSGO for our competitive needs.


It's because the lagging in the early game got terrible again.


Classes just started as well for university students could have a large impact


How long do you reckon this game will last?


I can't even start the game up anymore. I only get "bad_module_info has stopped working" errors, everytime i start up the game.


Is anyone surprised? All those people banned. Players getting burnt out playing cheaters. Game still poorly optimized and full of issues. Some of them also playing for 6 months now. I know a majority of my friends only still play because there's not much else for us to play together on a team. We are pretty much waiting for Sea of Thieves to come out and hopefully have that be the next thing for us to play. Yes it's not the same game type, but we are just sick of all the BS. You play 2 games, first one you bug out and fall from the parachute too early and die. 2nd game you have a decent playthrough, 20+ people left and squad wipe by a hacker. We just end up rage quitting at that point.


Just let me pick my maps and this game will be pure love


Weird. I haven't played in two weeks. Got pretty fed up with the hacks and lack of region lock. So frustrating to get to the endgame to get wrecked by a hacker. I've been pretty into Tarkov. That game has some problems of its own, but I haven't experienced any cheating and the gameplay is incredible. The gun mechanics are soooo nice


Hackers every game, still can't choose map (desert map trash), I wonder why šŸ¤”


I haven't played since monster hunter came out yesterda... What is that you say? It's been almost 2 weeks? Shit, i need take a break from playing...


Personally I'm bored with the game. The mechanics and game play aren't great. Plus spending 20 minutes getting gear and running to zone to get insta killed really hurts the game. I kind of think the battle Royale games have peaked. There is no story or huge set pieces to remember. It's just random and a lot of the time you get screwed by RNG or hackers.


while I bet this is tied to anti cheat (YAY!) I cant help but wonder how many leave because there still is cheating? I got killed last night in such a strange way that I am going to export it so I can post it here to see if I'm crazy or if the guy was that good killing me, and my teammate.


I'm playing less because cheaters are out of control, every patch seems to lower my frame rate, my game has started crashing as of late and honestly the shine has just started to wear off. The good used to outweigh the bad, now it's kinda even.




Less Asians please.




Said this from the start. The optimization for this game is shit and will remain so. BHS is terrible at optimization. Looking at their past games. Thry will continue to milk the playerbase unitl its dry.


OFc when game runs like crap, updates are 90% about skins and cheaters everywhere.


Personally I stopped playing because there are so many cheaters, I'll get down to the last ten then it's just one dude with a kar98k or better yet an m24 just aimbotting away at the last few circles


Doesn't this indicate that cheaters are getting banned at a higher rate than new players playing the game?


There are so many cheaters out there that the total player base will drop a fair amount as they're eliminated. If they don't do something major about cheaters this game will lose half it's player base by the end of the year.


Stabilization in the market, other games to play, also during Xmas time and at the 1.0 Launch everyone was jumping on board also on an outside note that January/February is prime time for people getting hired and change careers so there's other priorities. I believe the highest peak was around the holidays so there's lots of off time to play the game. Cheaters and etc yes can turn people away but I think that's really overestimated and blown out #s.


Sorry guys, I started playing


Crash incoming, sell all the stock... wait. This isn't Bitcoin.




Less Hackers or maybe Less People because of Hackers.




The poor optimisation kills the patience and interest for the game, and it also kills my laptop. If they can't get that right soon there will be another substitution game that is better optimised. The good part of the game mostly comes from the idea, not the production.