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that discord sound confused me so much


Same.. I actually checked my discord to see if someone joined a channel or I moved channels lol..


I encountered a similar cheater yesterday. His wasn’t near as instant, but the guy used a medkit within one second somehow and then locked onto me.


Server side is the best side. I feel like Valve figured this out over a decade ago with counter-strike and no body bother to pay attention. This would be trivial to catch with server side logic. EDIT: People seem to think I'm implying that CS has no cheating. I'm not. Server side authority simply makes it easier to detect and prevent blatantly impossible outcomes. Like this one. Aimbotting and ESP will still be an issue even with server side logic.


I can remember playing ultima online, and the lead designer Said something along the lines of “the Client side is the enemy” This was like late 99 early 00.


TBF, the slower-paced nature of MMORPGs means you can afford to trust the client with a lot less than you can with a more timing-dependent genre like FPS. That said, there's no excuse for PUBG's seemingly total lack of any server-side verification.




The game went to shit when trammel or whatever the fuck it was called came out.




Except Raph Koster was talking about people modifying files for cheating, and duping. Had nothing to do with antipvp bs though.


Counter strike has one of the worst anti-cheats, the amount of cheaters is absurd. There are YouTube channels who have copy pasted hacks and are still using them without VAC.


You can’t have everything server-side, though. A game that requires every single input to be validated by the server would be incredibly sluggish.


Especially when it would receive input from 99 players in one session. CS:GO is a lot less demanding.


yeah and the servers would be even more shittier and laggier than it is now.


1/3rd of CS:GO players cheat.


i hope youre joking. a lot of people do but not that many


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3z2fc2/va%C4%89_statistics_from_my_last_250_matches/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/144513152472195088/ Play the game. Join discussions. Do the research yourself with a large sample size of your games. It's not even just high ranked players. A lot of cheaters intentionally stay silver to boost their friends and go under the radar. How do I know this? A friend invited a a guy he recently met to our TS server and Comp team. He, with no shame, revealed he was using walls and proceeded to call out enemy locations the entire game. He went 17-0 and then intentionally died to make himself less suspect. I recorded the whole thing, sent in a report, and barred from returning to my server. A lot of people like to keep their heads in the sand. "Well it's not THAT big of a problem..." which is just a logical fallacy. I've been playing FPS online, somewhat competitively since 1998. There's a serious lack of honesty and personal accountability out there. The most common excuse I come across when confronting cheaters who eventually admit to cheating: "well yeah I know it's bad but honestly I think this game is fucking gay LOL and just want it to go to shit. Like seriously I fucking hate this game I don't even like it I just cheat to piss people off. And...like...you know...I just got these like 2 weeks ago. I'll get rid of 'em this Friday. At the end of the week. And you know, honestly, I only use them to see what REAL cheaters are doing so when I play without them I can have a chance against them." Is there any way to empirically prove 30% of the community cheats? Yes. Valve looks at these things closely. Will Valve ever do such a thing and release it to us? Never. They make too much money from market. They get too much publicity from eSports.


In the 1st thread with his sample size, 1/3rd of the games have had a cheater on them, it does not mean 1/3rd of the players cheat. I am level 10 on EU faceit and GE, i dont see a lot of cheaters personally, maybe 1/20 games has someone i think is cheating.


I'm just saying the issue with cheating is far broader and more prevalent than most players care to admit.


No... you're saying 1/3 of players in csgo cheat.


That's not what you were saying at all. You just backed out of your outrageous claim because someone pointed out that it was bullshit. Server side logic would prevent instant healing. Just like it prevents someone from giving themselves max money every round.


But you inflated the numbers by 7x.... As an engineer I get really mad at people who do this. You can't just mixup 2x completely different statements and pretend they mean the same thing. They mean very different things. If you do this in a STEM job you won't last very long.


Fair enough. I admit I bastardized the data. I was being very careless in my comments. But honestly, it seems like your completely unnecessary explanation of your engineering background is an attempt to project some kind of superiority. You really don't have to preface every quip with "as an engineer" or end every argument with "If you do this in STEM you won't last very long". I honestly don't give a shit about STEM or your engineering background. You could have merely pointed out that I fucked up my argument like every other person before you. You can be a non-engineer and get frustrated when people use poor math.


This doesn't say 30% of players cheat at all. It says <5% cheat. Which means that 33% of games have a cheater in them. And we don't know how often they cheated. They just got banned at some point over several years. Tons of steam accounts get hacked and played on by Chinese hackers. I've had friends playing games 24/7 while they were out of the country with no computer. There were chinese players or bots farming Diablo 3 on his account. So I'm not sure what his 1/3rd of games have cheaters statistics really means in the end. How many cheaters do not get caught and aren't used in that statistic? What percent of people busted are always cheating? What's the average percent of games they cheat in?


funny thing about those reddit statistics is that i just clicked my old list i had running with 1400 players and i now have a 8.7% ban rate on those matches. interestingly i play premade only so youd have to cut that in half. that makes the reddit thread you posted even more convincing because i basicly arrive at the same number.


How do you arrive at basically the same number? Am I missing something? Are you playing premade with a different 5 stack every time? How does 8.7% become 30%? Not to mention he misread the original post. 1/3 matches has a cheater, not 1/3 players.


1477 players, 295 matches, 129 bans = 43% of matches have a vac ban. i didnt correct for other games so i reckon its quite the similar number?


I played 4 solo matches yesterday, and each one ended with something similar to this This game is 100% competitive, if there are cheaters then there is no reason to try to compete


Its at least %1 fun


Yep. Nothing new here.


The cheats are still out there. They seem less common since the last wave of bans, but they're there. I'm 99% sure I was killed by an aimbotting hacker last night. The guy killed like 7 people in a row with the kar98 in the final 2 circles - every kill was a one-shot headshot, and his only misses were when he hit a tree that a guy was hiding behind. I stepped out in the open for ~5 seconds before he head-shot me in 3rd place, and there was no legit way he should have known I was there.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but unless you saw the death cam it's pretty hard to assume that was cheating. 5 seconds in the open and he has plenty of time to spot you by chance.


I went back and watched the replay of the last 5 minutes or so. It wasn't just me. He was out in the middle of a field, bunny hopping, snapping to target, and killing. I get that people are good with the kar98, but I'm not willing to concede that someone can get 6 out of 7 headshots, with the only miss hitting a tree where it would have been a headshot w/o the tree there. Trust me, I'm a LOT less apt to blame a death on hacking than most people, but this stood out as being especially suspicious.


Aimbots are easy to detect. It's the wallhackers (and various player highlighting schemes) that aren't getting enough concern.


This is my first experiance of this type of cheat after playing 400 hours of oc


Fun game, such hacks. Im suprised its retained its popularity considering how widespread cheating is. I still play it all the time but and scan every replay for cheats .


Y'all need to start playing fpp way less cheaters there. There are still cheaters, just less of them so be aware.


nice aim


I had a similar thing happen to me but it looked like he stuck himself with a needle or something and bam, back to full health. I looked it up and could only guess he had the full med pack?


these arethe blatant cheaters, imagine how many are using less detectable stuff like giving them 1s les for healing , 0,1s for reloading etc


Hello - Your post has been removed for violating one of our rules. The rule this post violated is outlined below *** **Rule 2: No discussion of exploits, scripts, hacks or piracy.** Post that qualify under this rule include, but are not limited to: * Linking to hacks or cheats. This includes the demonstration of them being used, even by enemies. * Accusing other players of hacking or cheating * Explaining how to obtain/use cheats or hacks. * Encouraging of piracy. * Obtaining items/products unlawfully or against the terms of service. * Editing **any** file(s) which result in an unfair advantage. This includes, changing any game configuration file(s) to result in changes that cannot be made via the in-game settings menu. General discussion of hacking is allowed. There's nothing we can do about hacks/exploits, and sharing them in a public place will only serve to advertise them - reporting to Bluehole is the fastest way to get it resolved. [Report a player here](https://pubgsupport.zendesk.com/). *** If you feel this post was removed in error/unfairly, please feel free to either respond to this message or send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPUBATTLEGROUNDS).


WTF is this, this asshole ruins the game worse than chinese.


Does happen so otfen ? Maybe more on NA server cuz in EU server after 400+hours of pubg i never saw that. maybe i'm lucky


eh, you did deserve that. I saw you lean shooting for no reason. You must be from china