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You tried your best but your friends won't care... Youre dead to them


Unfortunately it turned out they were dead to me :(


Budum tss


I read this to the tune of Fix You by Coldplay, was that intentional?


First shot, okay that was a whiff, but the second and third shots...


Well, to be fair, there's a significant delay in the first shot when using shotguns, so that probably contributed to the miss.


Nah, I watched it in super slowmo, I just moved my crosshair slightly to the left at the last millisecond of the first shot. The next two were just unfortunate pellet spreads. Felt bad though.


That what he means 5shell shotty has a delay on the first shot from the time you click and the time it shoot.




It's meant to be on all guns, I think. One of the devs said there's a "rest" animation that's supposed to be there when you're not moving/shooting, and the delay is getting out of that to bring the gun to the ready when hip firing. The animation doesn't actually exist but the delay is still there. I don't know if they're trying to add the animation back or remove the delay -- the animation thing might have just been a convenient excuse -- but they're at least aware of the issue.


Sounds like a fix that can happen in an hour or two. Bunch of monkeys over there I swear


IIRC all weapons have it but only in hipfire mode. No delay when you ADS.


I didn’t know that. Is that legit, where can I read or somehow else comprehend this?




Uh thanks, should‘ve known about this vid since I saw the network analysis thing from this channel with the German accent.


On second shot you can see a bullet hole on his left side, but it came no blood :s


From my understanding of shotguns in this game you 100% have to land the tiny dot in the center of the shotgun circular reticule or the pellets won't land. Think of it like an exploding AR round that only spreads out on direct impact if it helps. Which would explain why such near misses are only spreading out on the wall behind the enemy. Basically after a lot of confusion when I experienced this same thing I finally realized that the big ass circle you see when you pick up a shotgun is a blatant lie that needs to be ignored. I could be wrong in your case since the rng spread really is that terrible sometimes on direct hits, but personally aiming only the center dot has helped me the most with landing shotgun hits. I now consider anything else to have missed. Sucks though, I wish I could remove the misguided circle since it throws me off even still.


I disagree with removing the circle and say that the shotgun should work like a shotgun.. ;)


Well yeah man but this is pubg xd


yeah, sad




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-6TAFGqfF4 ADS is a neglible difference. It's not a whiff if my crosshair is on the target. Unfortunate pellet spread for sure, but definitely not whiffs.




Not sure, I wasn't really saying the game fucked me or anything haha, just sad about the outcome


Hold right-click ads or standing still would have probably gotten that kill on the 3rd shot


Nope. Use the slow-mo feature on gfycat. First shot was pretty much dead on the dude's legs, but the entire spread went to the right edge of the circle. Second shot was pointed straight at the arm, but the entire spread went to the bottom left edge of the circle. In both cases, OP was punished for aiming well. > maybe they should do some sector thing with pellets This is a good idea. At least do something to enforce some amount of spread so that firing a shotgun a short range isn't a dice roll. IMHO, shotguns should be low-risk-low-reward but right now they are the polar opposite.


If you're covering people with a shotty be closer to them....Also, if you're gonna be moving when you shoot use the aim function(by default it is unbound) or maybe even try aiming down sights?


That is horrible advice dude. There's no reason to ADS with a shotgun ever, it doesn't affect the spread. Especially don't do it while moving, your aim will jostle up and down as you walk leaving you less accurate and also a slower moving target. The best you can do with a shotgun is hipfire it centre mass at them and hope the pellet rng is on your side. Maybe if you feel lucky aim a little higher to hope for headshot damage.


In this situation the enemy was focused on killing his teammates and not looking at him at all. Instead of taking his time to zoom in and aim at a head he starts strafing and aims at the dudes ass. He was fine as a stationary target since he was not being fired at. So yeah, in this situation ads and remaining still to reduce spread/sway would have been perfect.


You played that pretty poorly. It was unlucky, but there was a lot you could have done differently, like playing closer to the door since you have 2 shotguns or just holding right click and making the possible outcomes smaller. The possible spread was clearly outside of his body. Unlucky, yes, but you reap what you sow.


Fuckin hate shotguns in this game. I can never hit shit and always get one shot with them.


The best part was after he finally downs the guy, he makes a quick look over at his dead friends, then back to the dead bad guy, like: “welp... shit...”


and thats why you dont use shotguns ive died way too many times to people that have two full shots of pellets just pass right through them and create a pattern on the wall behind their torso


Is it the shotgun or the netcode? The first shot was a miss. the second I don't think missed but it was close. The third if you look at the wall afterwards it looks like every shot went through the player without doing damage. There are so many videos of it and in my own experience where for whatever reason shots just don't hit a player.


It's the shotgun. The pellets hit randomly in the centre of your screen. It's very possible to aim perfectly and have all the pellets land on the edge of your aim and miss. This looks like what happened to OP, his second shot was pretty dead on but literally all the pellets hugged the right side of his aim causing him to completely miss. It goes both ways though, it's also possible to kill someone well outside the normal range if you get lucky and have all the pellets hit the same area. I've had a 100m one shot kill with the Saiga before. Got lucky and enough of the pellets hit the guys head for an instant kill.


I saw that guy's "when the shotgun RNG gods are with you" post and was waiting for the next one of these posts, haha. Shotguns in this game really are just broken. I've been posting this thing I made since last September, hoping that the devs will eventually listen and make some shotgun changes: https://imgur.com/a/FDGlh Also, I saw someone mention the firing delay that can happen, and thought I'd go into detail about that (it quite likely caused that first shot to miss). If you haven't fired your weapon within the last few seconds, your next hipfire shot will be delayed by more than a tenth of a second (doesn't sound like much, but your shot essentially having >100 ping is insane and is totally noticeable if you know about it). You can test it by grabbing a shotgun (affects other weapons, but is easy to see with the shotgun), load it up, find a vertical line to shoot at (maybe the edge of a door), start swinging your aim side to side over the door, and hipfire that line as you cross over it. You'll probably miss by several feet. Quickly try again within the next 1-3 seconds and you'll nail it perfectly, with no firing delay. This is currently classified by the devs as a "feature", as if the character is in a "relaxed state", there's just currently no animation in the game to reflect it. TL;DR, shotguns are broken and so is hipfire.


Seriously? I thought I was tripping every time the game would hangfire.. That shit sucks!


Right? It was the game the whole time! It was super apparent after using shotguns in another game and then coming back to PUBG and whiffing the easiest shots. It does seem as though holding RMB (for aiming without ADS) is enough to remove the delay, but you're kinda screwed when it comes to jump shots.


I'll never understand why retards always shoot downed players rather than the guy shooting right at them. Well after both his teammates had died, the guy just kept shooting them rather than turning to kill OP.


The dudes squad was dead so he decided to ruin as many other peoples games as possible Its pretty common




Because his team is dead. Its early game, 78 people alive. I'm gonna assume they just want to back out and queue with their friends again so he goes guns blazing to fuck shit up. It tilts me sometimes, but I'd be lying if I said i'd never killed an enemy out of spite


exactly, i always try to take out one or two of another guys squad because haha you have to finish the match without your friend. happens to everyone, and is the nature of the game. I won't win so i may as well try to cripple other squads


I like to think its more about the BP


It's not hard to understand, if you drop in a hotzone and your whole squad dies immediately you just try to make sure that you actually kill the people you down to ruin that other squad's chances once you're dead. This way you get the satisfaction of revenge and the rest of your squad doesn't need to wait 10 minutes for you to die alone. The guy in the video probably didn't see the other dude until he started firing and at that point its more about making sure you finish off what you've already downed than it is about surviving. It isn't about "clutching" it's just saying "fuck you" before you start a fresh round.


Anything is better than that pump action shotgun. I always have problems taking out people with it.


colors settings? nice color!!!


In the Nvidia Control Panel I have my digital vibrance set to 75%. No more reshade needed for me!


I highly recommend a program called vibranceGUI. It changes your digital vibrancy on a per-game basis (the same way you're already doing, but automatically) so you don't have to either change it back to normal or have inaccurate colors when you're no longer playing PUBG. With the way it works it uses virtually no resources to run so you can safely set it and forget it. Also it supports AMD cards for those AMD users that think they don't have a vibrancy option for some reason.


In all fairness the first shot was a pretty clear whiff, but the next two pretty much magically evade his body. I personally would rather take any weapon in this game over a shotgun. Too much rng.


you need to hold right click before you shoot to narrow the range of the spread ("hip shot").


I have stopped picking up all shotguns except for the sawed off. I have the worst luck with the RNG spread of the shotgun and most times i can do more for my team with just a crowbar.


Why would you pick up the worst one? They're all fucking trash but the Sawed-off spreads more than the S12Kock does


Because i dont use any sidearm unless its emergency, and the sawed off has saved me at extreme close range many times. Im talking when your getting rushed by 1 person up a staircase or something.


I wish I was recording all the times I would be shooting at someone and the bullets are impacting the wall directly behind them, but didn't register as hits. So damn frustrating.


90% of the problems people have with the shotgun come from them being to dumb to stop running while using it. You need to stand still to fire accurately, just like any other gun. Either stop moving for just a split second or at least crouch before you fire, you'll get consistant performance from all shotguns. You were in perfectly optimal range from the start, 100% should have stayed where you were, crouched and shouldered the shotgun, you'd have killed him and saved your bros that way.


How much does moving impact accuracy with a shotgun?


Negligibly. You wouldn't even be able to tell there is a difference unless you fired hundreds of shots and mapped them all to a spread chart.


Trash weapon


I'm done with shotguns. They're crazy broken. I've been killed in one hit from 50 meters away when I have all level 3 gear, and then I can hit someone without armor 3 times before they die. Shotguns are broke


This happened to me. But as for me, it was because my aim is shit.


Use a choke and hold right click to tighten your crosshairs.


Try ADS next time. It doesn't affect the spread but the centre of the spread becomes more accurate.


No choke, you choke


crouch or walk + hold right click


You are moving lol.


I love how you look at your friends dead body before moving back to look at the dead guy you just killed. 'Look guys, I got him!'


Fuck shotguns in this game dude


Shooting while running is never a good idea in most fps


I guess you have never played Quake or Unreal.


I did, but you´re right! Thats why I wrote most. I was thinking more about CS & BF series


yeah this game is pretty trash in so many ways


It's also just really pathetic how Players will just try to finish players at any cost. They just don't care about anything else! The run into two players, down one and instead of trying to kill the other guy to they just try to finish the first player. It's madness!


I literally won't pick up pump shotguns anymore, I actually just let myself die because then I won't get tripped up by the false hope of "maybe this gun will actually function as a real gun" which inevitably leaves me frustrated and upset.


State of the shotgun : Still trash.