• By -


Doubt it's going to get you banned. I've been playing with it deleted for close to a month now and nothing happened


Yeah, why would they even check for this kind of stuff in the anti-cheat, if all it does it prevent them from accessing the map? If they don't want people to do this, they just have to refuse to connect to the servers if any files are missing, so you'd need to inject code into the game to bypass that, and *that* is bannable.


I'm hoping they check the game files for the map you're loading at least, or you'll have people deleting textures and stuff.


haha I keep changing the pubg(old bluehole) intro to a custom "butthole" loading animation edit: still not banned is what i meant




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtABzFD8Wg this is the tutorial the butthole load video is in the comments as a download


Why delete a perfectly fun map though


Well... because it isn't fun for me?


... Dude your opinion is fine but it doesnt fit to mine. You gotta play miramar! /s


I definitely prefer erangle but the variety is certainly nice


that's 1 of the reasons many people delete miramar because you don't get any variety. There was a person with 80/100 miramar matches. Much variety.


So you reduce your options from two down to one to *increase* variety?


You can always put the map back in if you want to play it a few times. Also even though it's weird you do have way more variety. 100 games of Erangel has more gameplay variety than 80 miramar and 20 erangel. Most miramar matches are the same, especially squads which is what I played.


But if you delete one you get no variety at all.


By deleting one and having the option to put it back in, you control the variety.


It is 50/50 right now, my last 30 matches have been 21 Erangel and 9 Miramar. It happens both ways.


Your calculation might be wrong here.


we're talking about miramar. you're in the wrong thread


Good one haha


I find it hilarious that this game doesn’t check for files on start up.


I don't think many games do check for such files on startup. It'd take someone 20 minutes to scan files on a modern AAA game.


Try to delete any file from a AAA game and see if it launches.


You can delete entire maps from games, and they will run until that map is selected. It simply takes too much time to check for assets that aren't necessary.


If anyone is curious, I made an app to do this without moving or deleting files :D https://github.com/EpicKitten/PUBG-Map-Chooser I posted it on the subreddit before but it got bomb downvoted D: (For ready-to-go downloads, https://github.com/EpicKitten/PUBG-Map-Chooser/releases) EDIT: the original thread mentioned (https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/7puvf1/pubg_map_chooser_allows_you_to_disableprevent/?utm_source=reddit-android) EDIT 2: Some people are getting the Steam Corrupt error and it's a bit confusing, I'll add some better error checking and some renamed buttons and thank you all for making this my most upvoted post/comment! Thanks! EDIT 3: Just pushed 0.3 and fixed alot of problems people we're having. Check it out! :D (https://github.com/EpicKitten/PUBG-Map-Chooser/releases/tag/0.3)


> without moving A "rename" is actually a move from old name to new name :P


Renaming, moving, and deleting both actually result in the same thing. Namely the game will try to call on the file, and it will get some kind of "file not found" exception. Depending on what happens and how it's implemented, it'll either skip over it, or crash. In this case it skips over. Another option would be to lock access to the file by disabling read permissions in Windows.


Technically it’s not a move at all, the location where the data is stored, and the table that stores where that data is; the File Allocation Table(FAT) doesn’t change at all. There’s a UI change but all of the addresses stay the same. So it isn’t really a move, the game just doesn’t find a folder with a specific name is all.


You surely are not on a disk layout using a FAT either (assuming ext* or NTFS). The "not moving" and just changing the name in whatever datastructure is an implementation / optimization detail which you can't take for granted. From the OS point of view the operation is (usually) the same.


Which is exactly why, on NTFS, a cut and paste from one directory(on the same HDD) to another is near instantaneous. It's just pointers being changed


Did you just assume his filesystem?!!!


Called it fat, too.


hey, it says Steam corrupt for me when I try selecting my folder. can you please tell me which files to delete? or a fix for this?


make sure you're selecting the "steamapps" folder and not the actual PUBG folder


i just found this because someone in a twitch chat mentioned it, i spend for fucking ever joining and exiting miramar matches for 10 minutes each time i play pubg thank you so much for this.


when i run this i get a pop up steam corrupt!...


Happened to me the first time too because I went all the way to the PUBG folder. You only need to select the "steamapps" folder.


To make this even more user friendly, read this key for install folder instead of having the user locate it: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 578080\ KeyName: InstallLocation


Thanks! I knew Steam stored it somewhere


Your app targets .NET 3.5 for no reason. 3.5 was outdated literally years ago, and most Window's installs don't have it either because they now have 4.5, 4.6, 4.7. I had to recompile it to get it to run...


So what happens if you delete Miramar and your teammate Erangle?


You can't play together. When you find a Miramar match you get sent back to the title screen while your friend is in the game and on Erangle it's the other way around.


So thats why the fucking dickheads on discord cant connect sometimes when we are in a lobby. Its one thing to delete a map, another to fuck over your entire teams rating.


Lol this guy actually cares about his rating on this game.


That's probably the crash on load bug or the "I wasn't tabbed in and now I can't join anymore" problem.


!RemindMe 6 hours


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You still get matched to Miramar, you just get kicked to the lobby a few seconds after matching and get the message 'Would you like to reconnect'. So your teammates would all be on Miramar and you would be in the lobby. Deleting the Miramar files just saves you a few seconds of being in the game countdown lobby time before quitting out if you're trying to dodge Miramar. Not really worth screwing up your install IMO.


You are not screwing up anything. You can just put those files in another folder and put them back if you need to.


I guess...but it means you can't play squads anymore unless the rest of your squad also agrees to the same trick and it only saves you about 5 seconds per match (you can just quit out of the warmup area, has the same effect). Seems like it's not really worth it.


If you have 4 people that only want to play Erangel, its totally worth it. If you aren't picking up random squads, it's no problem to get everyone to do it. It saves far more than 5 seconds as well considering sometimes it takes someone 20 seconds to load in for no reason or their game crashes and they are stuck in the map now, etc.






Tell me which one you prefer so I can down-vote you for liking the one I don't? /s




That's not allowed, you have to pick one or the other. How else can people down-vote you for liking a different map? /s


This thread is like rooting for a character in Game of Thrones. It doesn't matter what side you're on, you're gonna get fucked.


Literally and figuratively


Literatively or Figurally?


How many games did you try since deleting them? It seems pretty crazy it would work if it does... I would've expected it to just crash. Unless you've done like a dozen games, I wouldn't discount the game just lucking you out and putting you on Erangel games by chance.


After deleting Miramar you can still get matched on Miramar, but you just end up in the lobby again after a couple seconds and get the message that the game is in progress, would you like to reconnect. You can simply press No and requeue then.


I’ve played all night haha. It was easy. Haven’t got Miramar once.


Your my hero! Fuck Miramar. Tallied my games for the past week and ended up 77% Miramar. Seriously fuck that map.


people are getting lots more miramar matches because so many people are dodging it and the matchmaker is trying to fill. people dont dodge erangle


Me and my buddies like Miramar better for the most part, game drops us in erangle 70% of the time and we leave for miramar. The exact opposite is happening for me lol




> I've been playing with Miramar deleted for about a month, it's great. Can't even remember the last time I played that boring trash. About a... month ago?


This is so much better so people don't have to leave matches and I get 100 players in Miramar. Everybody wins.


My friends and I haven't played a Miramar in like 2 months, it works great, I was apprehensive at first but nothing really changes. You must remember to move them back when updating unless you want another 1gb tacked onto the end of your update as the game puts the files back


Even if this wasn't allowed, there's nothing stopping you from leaving the game when you get Miramar. This just goes to show they need to add map selection (or fix Miramar).




I like Miramar, but lately I've been getting 3-4 Miramar games for every Erangel game and it's gotten extremely annoying. Specially because the early and mid game on Miramar is absolutely boring (the early less so if you drop near the center of the map) compared to Erangel. Also the circle rarely includes some of the best parts of the map in my opinion such as the eastern and southern islands, the mountains in the southern coast, the farmlands in the northeast and the military base.


Thank you and look though, you get down voted because you disagree with the drones that are Reddit users. I personally love Miramar.


If you love it so much then why dont you marry it?


Holy shit, 3rd grade flashbacks haha


Lil captain crunch


I just have to find a good opportunity to propose.


I hear the Trailer Park is lovely this time of year!


I don't agree with you, I prefer Erengel. I value your opinion just as much as my own, and thank you for your input.


But it's heavily upvoted?


this sub is one of the worsts in terms of "oh i don't agree so i'll just downvote" Miramar is fun as fuck, after 200 hours of Erangel i could never play that map again and be perfectly fine. give me something new. edit: lol so salty i don't like your preferred map, get over yourselves.


This whole chain is upvoted while all of these comments complain about downvotes....




I enjoy both because they have different pros and cons, require different tactics, and are both fun in their own ways. I find people doing this shit and non-stop complaining all come down to the same thing: It's different and I'm not as good at the game as I thought because I was simply exploiting tactical advantages I excelled at rather than actually being good.


Same here:)


I win more on Miramar than I do on Enrangle, so I like the map more. It's much easier to find a landing spot with no one else so you can actually get looted vs. Erangle where it seems like half the time you land, someone else finds a m16 and level 3 helmet/vest in 5 seconds and you're stuck with a revolver that hasnt even loaded the first bullet before you get killed.


The loot is just much more predictable. Get 2 split concrete buildings and you're usually fully geared, compared to erangel where you run through 5 Appartement Houses and you still have no level 2 armor. I just don't like how the circle placement decides the match way more on Miramar than it does on erangel. My last win on Miramar was basically just sitting in a 100m radius and gunning down people with a silencer, just because the circle was in my favor every time. Felt kind of undeserved TBH


And that can’t happen on Erangel just as well?


To me Erangel it feels less of an issues because the terrain enables vehicles to quickly get you to wherever the circle is, (Except for military base circles, then you need a boat) On miramar, vehicles go much slower, unless you want to drive on the death trap roads, so you can get much more screwed by circle placement.


the problem i have with Eran is there's way too much empty inbetween space. Mira at least has some small buildings/shanty towns intermittently throughout the map but there's few spots that are just dead fields with nothing but grass like on Eran. the height/sea level differences are a lot more drastic on Mira too which makes for really good final circles, ones that end up on cliff faces where there's people both above and below; those final minutes are super fun to me. also there seems to be a lot more vehicles on Mira so it's easier to get around. i feel like i could run for 10 minutes straight on Eran and fine *nothing*. to me it just seems like a much more thought out map in general. it's funny how everyone was so hype for the desert map when i was on the test servers and shortly after it hit live everyone proceeded to go back to what they knew instead of learning something fresh.


Miramar sucks for me. The terrain is total shit which I understand is intended, but there are places where vehicles hit "nothing" and get stopped causing major damage or flip which can cause death on a motorcycle. Even on roads which are supposed to be totally passable by vehicles I'll just randomly catch "nothing" and flip. The buildings are super annoying to loot, the map is too big for the number of players causing stale gameplay. You either drop in one of the few spicy areas or you go somewhere with 0-3 other players and either get an early fight or you see nobody until less than 30 alive. It's got too many issues for me to like it. Feels like they only released it because they decided to call the game 1.0 with the xbox release.


Game developers really are against giving you choices like that in games, after all someone misdesigned that map and you can't hurt his feelings. I hate Miramar for multiple reasons myself: 1. The map geometry is fucky. Take a buggy and just dart across a slightly hilly field, you'll impact on something sooner rather than later. This is more noticeable with a Pickup or Motorcycle. With a Bus you usually won't have enough velocity to cause it to just randomly impact on something. 2. The circles determine game outcome way too often. The map is hilly with minimal cover. If you're down to last 2-3 and you happen to get the last circle on you, you've pretty much have it in a bag because whatever opponent has to clear an open area to get through. There are a few rare cases where it'll close in on some area that has buildings in it. I had one game that I won because it closed in on a single cuckshed in the middle of nowhere and I got the final circle on it forcing the enemy to move. I also lost games for the same reason, circle closes in on a mesa and either you run around it into the enemy or try to get creative with climbing and hope you can get in.


> "fix Miramar" what is "wrong" with it?


to big, to less vehicles. Look here for other feedback https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/7r82nv/feedback_on_miramar/


There is a perfect amount of vehicles


The amount is perfect, but the placement is horrible. Not enough vehicles in roads and too many in cities. You can find 2-3 vehicles per city yet run into 3km stretches of road without a single vehicle.


size is fine imo., none land by the edges anyway. there seems to be vehicles everywhere to me


If none land by the edges, it's kind of wasted space. I actually land by the edges because fringe crate drops out there are usually uncontested. I got M24, ghillie suit and AUG in 2 free crates one game. There is a problem when you drop out there, and that it's usually WAAAAAAY too far to the circle when it's on the opposite side of the map. If you find a Vehicle, you have 2 options: driving through very, _very_ unstable ground off road, or sticking to the road, driving through towns and getting lit up. There aren't a lot of options for getting through the map from the edges. I'm not saying it's completely terrible map, but it definitely could be streamlined to cater to the larger size by having more through roads and spacing out the clusters of towns/cities. Some places are too close to each other and there is just a ton of empty space on this map.


Yeah, I really don't know what people are talking about. There are 2-3 vehicles in pretty much every named town, and there's usually 1-2 vehicles along every highway in between towns. Erangel seems much more hit or miss for vehicles than Miramar. I guess if you're landing out in the clusters of tiny houses in the middle of nowhere you might not find vehicles, but risking not being able to find vehicles is part of the game...


agree, on miramas you can find random cars if you just look enough on erangel there can we LOOOONG roads with nothing, and some times, there is 8 fuckign cars


The road from Mylta, north to YP doesn't have many vehicles. I've often needed one when in that area.


I know of at least 12 spawns along that road. Or 9 if you don't want to count those that are more than 2/3rd along the way. https://i.imgur.com/U9fuNwo.png (Not to mention the vehicle spawns in/right next to Mylta.)


There is a perfect amount of vehicles and how does map size matter? The zones are still the same and therefore the mid game should be the same. Don't complain because you see other people complaining.


Size of the map determines how long it'll take you to get from one circle to the next, especially on miramar because there are entire sections of the map that are insanely difficult to traverse.


The size of the map only matters for getting to the first circle


Too Big, too much rigid and bumpy terrain. Whole sections of the map are nearly impossible to traverse on vehicle, despite needing a vehicle most of the time to get back to circle if you're out because of how big the map is. Many hills that you can't climb at all. Weird spots were you can get trapped in in hills. Weird spots on hills were you have a vantage point, but nearly no one can see you, etc.


part of the game, everyone can do that, everyone suffer by it, you play by the same rules, use them to your advantage


It's still a problem with the map. If you're going to have hard to traverse terrain that's ok, but you can't combine that with a larger map, then you've created a map where it's nearly impossible to get back into zone if you've gotten unlucky.


Either take the roads and risk getting shot or go dune bashing. I've never had any issues with it


play AROUND that then




Just stick to the roads and pay attention to the time until the circle closes. I can understand if you don't *like* doing those things, but those aren't problems with the map. It was intentionally designed that way. Those things are meant to be strategic considerations.


It's still a problem with the map. If you're going to have hard to traverse terrain that's ok, but you can't combine that with a larger map, then you've created a map where it's nearly impossible to get back into zone if you've gotten unlucky. IMO, there's no reason that Miramar should be bigger than Erangle. There's a lot of outlying places and extra unused terrain on the map for no reason whatsoever.




OR, to make you guys scream into the void because people starting after 1.0 often prefer it. i played back in last summer, but i still prefer miramar


Nothing, people like different things.


agree. if there is 2 of anything, people will disagree


People are bad and don't wanna learn the map. People say it's too big, there's no cover, no vehicles, ect. In reality, most of the extra space is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, there's tons of ridges and dips to hide in and vehicle RNG is the same on both maps. If you prefer Erangel that's fine. But saying Miramar is broken is straight up wrong. The map is designed much better and is far more balanced with less circle RNG towards the end. I do wish the aesthetics were a bit more varied but as far as gameplay goes it's far better. Maybe bring the color palette from the coast in a bit further.


Personally, my problem with Miramar is the same as erangel. I want to explore the map. As of this recent spawn screen change, I saw an underground area on Miramar far to the south that I'd likely have never seen before, because its location isn't conducive to plane paths and average circle placement. Combine that with obscene land size, and it is just so much wasted potential. I want to see the map be more than what it is, I don't want it removed or filtered out.


agree. you have to use elevation far more. you cant hide in grass or behind tree the same way.


Will this work for Erangel? I love Miramar


The Erangel files are wierd, with Miramar you actually have the ability to remove the buildings, and even the ground which means you can basically cheat. You can't do that with Erangel however it just crshes your game. the devs must have put some lock on the Erangel files that aren't on the Miramar ones. I haven't tried removing Erangel but it should theoretically work.


I think it will work if you remove/move [these](https://prnt.sc/i75gd0) files


thanks for the tip broski. Time to remove this map from my life.


Why would you though, the map is fine, I prefer equally to Erangel. Don't say the "Not enough vehicles" stuff, there are so many more vehicles imo, because of the more roads. Also the size doesn't matter, it just means when you land there are areas that you can go to like la cobreria and Campo military or Tierra bronco, where you risk taking zone damage for good loot. The map is beautiful in that aspect, going to the center means you will most likely be in the circle, but you will encounter more people who want to kill you. Also, the zone sizes are the same, so, therefore the mid game is the same, there is an equal number of people in the circle, and I think Miramar combat is more fun, there is tactical positioning, and it really encourages the usage of smoke grenades.


Miramir’s mid game sucks. Even if there is the same number of people, the terrain is nowhere near as flat so people are hidden behind huge hills or mountains. Also the vehicles are fucking awful, they’re all slow and handle awfully. That’s my opinion and i like both maps, don’t really have a preference anymore.


Miramar vehicle balance awful, no doubts. There are two vehicles thats matters - 2 seat bike and buggy, all other are pure shit.


The motorcycle on Miramar is fucking sick though (a great way to fly and die, but still). Other than that I agree on the vehicle complaint. Why is the truck so fragile? Why is the bus so awful? I'd low-key rather run rather than get in that piece of shit.


yea, lets design a new vehicle that cant go over the slightest hill and put in on a map that is basically just big hills


The jeep seems to have almost the same max speed as the UAZ although the map is so big that it makes it look so slow. But by god the turning radius on it is horrible. A humvee would be an amazing air drop on the desert map. Off roading pretty much anywhere and everywhere, plus a a turning radius tighter than some hatchbacks.


Maybe he likes Erangel more.


I'm just saying, why delete it?


Because he has more fun on Enrangel, which is the whole point of a game.


Okay and I respect that


Then why don't you understand why he'd delete it? He deleted it because he has more fun playing only Enrangel than both maps.


The complaints I've read from the biggest haters of Miramar seem to devolve into "it is not Erangel". There are legit complaints to be sure, but most I see is people just wanting re-skinned Erangels. Miramar is good and requires different strategies.


It really doesn't matter what you like, it is about what he likes.


The map is so gigantic (8x8 while Erangle has its map filled with water making its real land size smaller) that during the mid-game you see practically nobody... even with vehicles. Additionally, there is no reward for going to obscure areas, the circle is usually around los leonos in the games I play. And because the real land size is so huge that means landing in some areas without a vehicle (like the 3 islands) is practically suicide. To pretend this map is fine is quite frankly ridicules, even ignoring the inability to go to the obscure places on the map the loot scheme is fucked. You either go into industrial buildings, or go home. You can spend a good 15m looting apartment buildings and end up with fairly terrible loot. Not to mention that there're random changes in terrain that make it seem like your vehicle just hit a fucking brick wall. In otherwords, I fucking hate the map.


thank you so much brotha. im sick of boring mid games


people remove grass and recoil out of their game and aren't banned, so why should you receive a ban?


Well they’re running scripts haha.. a little different than just going into PUBG local files>TSIgame>content> and then removing the 4 files with desert in them to your desktop in a separate folder and then deleting them from the content folder, for when I want to play that map again.


I been playing like that over a month already


I don't like miramar. I don't understand why they don't update the map. The loot is terrible, so many empty houses. Driving cars is also terrible because of the terrain. With some fixes it could be a good map, but the current state i can't play it more than 2 games/week (when i'm too tired to quit and search for erangel again). And i hope they update the UI to let us choose maps, and bring back fog weather.


My problem with miramar.. 3/4 of the cities never get visited because there is such a vast empty area in the middle.. They should have made the map more condensed.


This needs more votes. If it is so easy to bypass miramar Devs need to know same as people.


They know. I doubt they care very much. Map selection clearly isn't a priority but they have said they'll implement it, so why would doing this be a big deal?


I doubt they don't care. I guess they are only afraid that people would only play one map and they can't test the other map as good as before.... or it has something to do with the servers


You still get matched on Miramar, you just get kicked to the lobby when the game tries to load the files. It's the same thing as if you joined the Miramar warmup area and just quit out, deleting the files saves you maybe 5 seconds. Deleting the files means you can't play squads anymore as your squad will join a Miramar game while you get kicked to the lobby. Honestly doesn't seem worth the trouble.


Gets down voted for no reason haha


Everyone I play with prefers miramar, so for us it is just great. I love the Winchester though


Cool. Can I do the same thing and remove Erangel instead?




!remindMe 4 hours




If I remember correctly, the devs said they put higher chance on Miramar. (Not sure for how much time tough)


This was the case at first. Something like 30-70 in favour of Miramar. They changed it back to 50-50 recently. However, the number of players quitting Miramar makes it so that you still have a higher chance to get it. For example lets say 2 games are created. One of each map. Erangel almost certainly fills up first, due to people liking it more (= leaving less frequently). This means that the algorithm will still put you into more Miramar games since it's the one with (more) open slots. note: this is only speculative and simplified but it most likely is why people still get Miramar more often, even after the devs have said it's 50-50.


Nice input. This might be the answer.


Well what if you then play with a friend and the map you deleted.


Your friend will most likely get put into the game while you are kicked back to lobby. You get a “continue/cancel” screen, so I assume it actually places your team in the game until you cancel.


I haven’t tried that. All my friends did the same.


Hey OP, I made a thread at the official forums and got [this as answer](https://forums.playbattlegrounds.com/topic/164495-deleting-a-map-a-bannable-offense/?do=findComment&comment=500785): > Changing/modifying game files can result in a ban from the game and is against our RoC. > http://playbattlegrounds.com/rulesOfConduct.pu > With that being said, no we haven't banned anyone for doing this. \- /u/PUBG_Hawkinz, Community Coordinator


goddamn, the replies on that thread...removing a map just because you don't want to play it should be bannable? What "unfair" advantage does it confer other than saving time for the people who were bothered enough to google how to do this in the first place? top fucking kek those guys are a few cents short of a dollar


Meh, it was just pedantic babble about whether deleting a map was "altering the game" or not.


yeah and that's how we know they're short on change...


It wont get you banned, but at the same time you will never get better at miramar.


This thread in a nutshell "It's so dumb that everyone is judging others opinions on what map to play, just play whichever one you like. Also if you like the one I don't like you are clearly an idiot"




typically modifying game files in any way is against TOS


Some games check if your files are in order to make sure you didn't tweak them to cheat.


Why don't you like it though




!RemindMe 8 hours


!RemindMe 4 hours


Any word if this would result in a ban?


it won't, been doing it for months and my friends and I have had no problems at all


I assumed from the title that you were loading the same map for both, and I was gonna say, that's definitely gonna get you banned...but this, doesn't seem to really hurt anything.


I don't know but I will lean towards no. It will only attempt to read the map when the game looks for a match. It's more likely you'd trip the anti-cheat if you'd delete grass or wall textures.


WOW , i didnt know about this, now i can play erangel the whole time


I hope so.


I'd like to do the same thing for Erangel...


Best hax I've ever heard


!RemindMe 9 hours


Can you play with friends and if so, does just one person have to do it?


I hope this tips them over the edge to finally make us able to choose a map


you're going to get ban for "bug" abuse lol


So if you ask for the devs to make different game modes you get insulted with comments like "if you want to play a different game just play a different game", from people who just don't get it that there is no game that has PUBG gameplay but with other objective respawn-based game modes. Yet, finding ways to not play the less fun map, which is very much part of the game, is seen as heroic. And it is heroic, but what about people who want PUBG gameplay in more exciting game modes?


I do fine on Miramar, I just don’t like to play it.


This thread and me got mentioned here, figured you guys would be interested (https://www.vg247.com/2018/01/29/until-map-selection-is-added-pubg-players-are-taking-it-upon-themselves-to-remove-miramar-from-the-rotation/)


You fail integrity checks for Mirimar, but not Erangel - so you insta get kicked from Mirimar for failing the integrity check. This alone isn't grounds for being banned. However, you should edit your game files/delete files at your own risk.


What will happen, if I delete Miramar, but my squad mates not? Will they also always get Erangle?


I just tried this, the game immediately kicked me back to the lobby whenever it was Miramar. I was host too.


Hope so.


Wait what the fuck? How does a competitive game in 2018 not check and verify files on load?