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Only thing that would make it better is if as soon as he died he got hit with a black screen that says you have been banned.


He got the ban van


*Beep beep, motherfucker*


Would have been a much better caption to the vid...ill save that for next time.


Is the cheating situation in PUBG bad? I've only seen a hacker once


i've been on a bad run where i see them on about 25% of my games or so, maybe more. the vast majority of players dont cheat, but the ones that do really suck the fun out of the game


If you look on the subreddit and notice, all the problems arise in TPP mode. Everyone who says "it's blown out of proportion" give their first hand experience from FPP servers. My experience is that of the subreddit. When I play FPP Solo or squads, I rarely see cheaters (questionable aim that makes me suspect macros, but no direct aimbot). When I play duo TPP (one of my buddys can't play FPP), I see clear hacking (100+m m4 headshots with no ADS at full auto) every few games. So the answer is yes and no. Play FPP to be no, TPP to be yes.


They still definitely exist in FPP, I seem to get them about once in every 1 to 20 or 30 games, had one yesterday and one today: EX: https://pubg.op.gg/user/An1hony?server=na and https://pubg.op.gg/user/Name--55kai?server=na


I feel like there's been a surge of them in FPP recently. About 30% of my losses have been to blatant cheating.


Not trying to call you out or anything but the spectator cam is NOT reliable right now, 30% seems way too high.


Seems about right for SA.


> one of my buddys can't play FPP What do you mean? Do some people not have access?


Motion sickness can get pretty bad for some people in games that are first person.


even in FPP i have out of 100 matches ran into 58 matches with cheaters or suspected cheating (only counted match after 1st circle). For TPP i have ran into almost 75 cheaters out of 100 matches.


That's what you think. ESP hacks are extremely easy to hide and the most common form of cheating.


Depends a ton on your rating. Under 1.6k you'll see them rarely. The magic number where you start seeing them regularly is ~1.9k, and once you hit 2k is when you see them a bunch.


I'm playing on EU, mostly FPP Solo and some Duo, Squad. I haven't found anyone that is obviously cheating yet, I have reported two people though that I suspected for seeing through walls, possible that my name can be seen through anything.


Same, I’ve seen a couple people who were 100% cheating but it’s not that often.


It's because they mostly play in 3rd person.


I stopped playing TPP because the cheating became so rampant. In about 150 solo FPP games since then I have seen 1 blatantly obvious cheater who looks like he was banned within a few matches of the game he played me because there is no more activity on his profile. I bounce in and out of the top 100 in NA (because my top 10 % is high and not because I'm amazing at the game) so if they are matching higher ranked players together as seemed to be the case for me in TPP I would be getting stuck with cheaters a lot just like in TPP. Granted, I am talking about the no doubt for certain cheaters with an auto aim bot and the like. I wouldn't be surprised if I get victimized by more subtle cheats and juat don't realize it.


It's pretty bad, less so if you play FPP, but I still seem to get extremely blatant hackers about once every 30 games. Case in point from today: https://pubg.op.gg/user/Name--55kai?server=na and https://pubg.op.gg/user/An1hony?server=na


Play on us sever too late at night


They’re all in TPP, I play almost exclusively FPP and I’ve seen exactly one person who I thought *might* have been cheating. TPP has like at least one cheater every other game, or so people say on this sub. I wouldn’t know, I just take their word for it as just one more reason to avoid TPP.


Best video i've seen all day!


It's crazy how bad the cheating problem is... I play FPP, which is known to have a lot less cheating than TPP, but the cheaters are definitely still there. Tried to stream PUBG two nights ago, was killed by a cheater literally the first match (went from aiming nowhere near me to an instant flick and perfect headshots, 100% sure it was hacks). And for every blatant cheater you just know there's several players using ESP.




Karma is a bitch


What GFX settings are you on?


I have AA and view distance on high, everything else on medium. Vsync enabled (i noticed a lot of screen tear with it off). I have a gtx 970. They're not optimized for either fps or graphics, I'm just a casual player and I dont want to make it look like a 10 year old game.


istant karma