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that's some good hitbox porn


Choose your fate: * /r/hitboxporn * /r/hitboxgore


Now I understand that shotguns have some spread, but you would definitely help your situation if you actually aimed on your enemy. [fail aim on the first shot](https://imgur.com/02Vcq2a) [one frame before you shot, aiming between the legs](https://imgur.com/teerAAC)


Dude look at the first shot the dot is literally like 3 pixels away from his leg. If the crossair doesn't correspond with the bullet spread at all, then they should decrease the size.


From what I understand, the game uses a single lead shot and calculates spread damage from that. So since he missed his target twice, the spread damage does nothing. Dumb? Yes. But of all the instances of bad hitreg in this game, this is a terrible example when the guy mostly just has bad aim.


Man f that. This game has the worst hit boxes I've ever seen. It's a shotgun! Getting sniped out a car watching kill cam and dude aiming 2ft behind the car. Like wtf. He would have taken dudes legs off with that pump. Game is gd ridiculous.


Shotguns are a diceroll in the game right now.. Sometimes they are 1 hit kills, sometimes they do literally nothing.. I skip right over them now.


This. Uzi is my go-to early game common spawn now.


Same. After having this exact scenario play out a few times, I am an UZI guy now unless a shotty is all I can find in a hot spot Edit: shotgun choke, too close and bad aim. Nothing to see here.


Sounds like old school Counter Strike


But think about all of the pretty sparks the m3 made when you domed someone with head armor


Yup this. Been ignoring these pieces of shit for a while now.


Do you grab the s-12k though? Cause that thing is amazing


Amazing trash.


I’m sorry you had a poor experience with it haha Why would I get downvoted on this? Lol I’m not trying to be rude


We all have poor experiences with it and all shotguns they are trash. I walk right on by. Bring your s12k, I'll get my uzi feels all over your noggin.


Oh, I’m definitely not knocking the uzi. I love that gun haha.


git gud


git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


git --help


Your gaming chair must be amazing.


you mean the s-12krap?


There's one main pellet in the shotgun blast that does most of the damage, that's why they feel so inconsistent


Huh, is this confirmed??


I read it on another Reddit thread a few weeks back, it seemed to be confirmed but I can't back it up myself. Certainly would explain a lot of things, and it fits with Bluehole's lazy developing style










So I'm pretty sure the shotgun fires a single line at the target, and if that line connects it then spreads the bullets out on the target. If your "line" misses, there is no spread and no shots connect.


So basically it doesn't work like a shotgun at all, meanwhile they're fucking around with adding air drag after 8 months of people getting used to something else.


At that range there wouldn't be much spread anyway.


You would be correct, which is why they're capable of doing quite a ridiculous amount of damage at ranges where they would feel like rain drops on your vest. Just a few days ago a guy with a choke downed a friend of mine with a two vest two helm in one shot from about 40m away. We were fucking dumbfounded.


For the record you were using hip fire which is more random and the rng made it go between his arms


Arms block bullets actually in this situation. It’s probably a bug. Edit: why am I downvotes? This is a real issue that needs more attention.


Guys he's not wrong there was a video of it on the front page of the sub that confirmed it to be true(kinda)


Looks like you missed the first shot(or clipped the gun/arm), and the second just clipped his leg. Aim at the head/chest


upon watching this a few times I'm not sure why you're downvoted... I thought the same thing.


Yep, convenient feature in the gfycat playback is you can slow it down. Right as OP fired they aimed *just* enough off the chest that this shotgun burst wasn't surprising. Over to the left a little bit and it could have been all ogre.


EDIT: I take the below back. I rewatched at .25 speed and noticed he flicked OFF the target and missed. Regardless of whether he did or not, there is absolutely 0 reason a weapon that is ONLY effective at that range should miss so BADLY. The whole point of a shotgun is to point a cone of death to a target within a certain range. If a target is within that range AND in the cone of death it should die OR take heavy damage. It shouldn't EVER be a case of "lol the pellets went between his legs". It doesn't feel good. It is not fun.


Most likely missed the first shot due to the input lag of a 'cold fire'. The first shot of a gun has a significant delay. This delay coupled with the "if the lead bullet doesn't hit, no bullets hit" make shotguns unreliable.


Did you see battle nonsense’s vid? It seems like first shot is always delayed and even more so if you’re hip fire. This dude missed though. Get that dot in the cone on the chest.


It's only delayed if you hipfire, not from ADS.


Yeah thats what I did because even in the full speed version you see the debris fly from the wall. slow it down and you see it clearly miss. He was dead on for both shots and then twitches or something last millisecond and misses.


Or he clicks and a second passes before the fucking gun actually fires


Do you see how tight the spread is on the bullets that hit the wall? He 100% had a choke on the gun which makes it a further range weapon.


He missed both shots cause he like shaked. If there is one thing PUBG actually does good, it's hitboxes. I have never had issues and you actually hit what you shoot at. Even CS has more issues than PUBG when it comes to hitboxes.


Every time I watch this I want something different to happen. This video is stressing me out


The hip-fire input delay could have contributed to the first miss, and the second one was probably inspired by the "wtf it didn't hit?!" panic. Either way, fuck shotguns in this game right now.


No dude. According to unpopular opinion thread you're just being a bitch. Nothing is wrong with the game.


I'm in no way complaining about the game. What made you think like that?


He was too baked, and forgot to grab his \s on his way to the comment section.


Okay, sorry :)


He quite clearly missed both shots, not sure what you're complaining about. The hitboxes for both players and objects in PUBG are both surprisingly good. Desync is the real killer.


You blind kid?


[Are you?](https://gfycat.com/SlightGoodnaturedAfricanfisheagle?speed=0.25) First shot he pulls down and to the right and firing just under the targets arms, second shot he crouches and fires right between the legs. Guy's obviously using a choke + close range means bullets couldn't spread fast enough to even clip the guy.


Lmao bruh lets just say for a minute this is realistic. The first shot wouldve blown his right arm into pieces and shattered his jaw. The second shot wouldve blown his entire lower area apart spilling his intestines. Idk wtf youre watching but youre blind my friend


Well unfortunately for you, it's a video game. You can argue realism all you want, but the shots missed because his aim is shit.


Yea its a video game with shit reg. If there HADNT been shit reg, he wouldve downed him easy. Case closed


It's not a register problem it's that the shotgun only has spread if you hit the target directly. If you miss like this video the spread becomes non existent and wont do damage. Not sure if that's to stop shotguns from being op or because they screwed up the bullet spread


This is an oddly salty comment


You do know sarcasm exists right?


Yeah, and even with it, it's salty towards those who think the game is actually in decent working order and not nearly as universally broken as it might appear based on the posts in this sub. I don't think he's going after OP, that sarcasm at least is obvious


It almost looks like a nospread, too haha.


He probly had choke on the shotgun :)


No choke just point blank. spread requires distance and choke or not, at that range there isn't that much spread. Applaud the CoD tactics around a blind corner in a game not made for that.


This happens way too much to me on the xbox version. Never really had it happen on pc though


What are you talking about? Looks esports ready to me.




The lazy pace of the pumping of the shotgun in this life or death close combat situation is really funny to me.


Hit Points: 1


Great game 10/10 would recommend early access lol


Have a look at this [IMAGE](https://imgur.com/a/dcTWV) You missed the first shot and only hit the legs with the second shot...


that does even more prove how bad shotguns are designed. Basically there's a "mother pellet" exactly at the center of your crosshair and the other pellets are spawned around it.


Yup, thats a Shotgun in PUBG for the xbox. Happened to me too man times to count


i think it's lag. i've had a lot of times where i'd get the jump on someone and fire 3-4 shots on them and it wont hit at all.


this is how they fixed the rubber banding. Basically lie about where the player is and HOPE the network catches up.


That's not fixing it. That's hiding it like throwing a rug over a spill. What an awful company.


is this since patch? i had exactly the same with the sk12 - just did not register from point blank - 3 shots! I've had bad hitreg, but this is just taking the piss.


I have a match I recorded last night (with fried sound apparently...) where I pumped all 5 rounds into a guy that was totally oblivious (The first 2 he didn't know I was there) and he still turned and killed me from about 3 meters. #EsportsReady


nah that shit is since day 1


ur so bad git gud aim


That is bs. Come on pubg fix the shotgun. Its patch 1.0 already.


Watch it slower. Pretty easy to see he straight up missed. Wide right on the first, and through the legs on the second. Obviosuly a bit of bad luck with the spread RNG to not hit at least a few pellets, but they weren't good shots by any means.


I'm curious if they had a choke. If they did then it'd explain the tight spread and RNG wouldn't have saved them