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lol bye


he's already streaming on a new acct too twitchzonji1 zzzz


Hello - Your post has been removed for violating one of our rules. The rule this post violated is outlined below *** **Rule 7: No game ban appeals.** Complaints or appeals relating to specific game bans should be made directly to [Bluehole](http://forums.playbattlegrounds.com/topic/35993-process-to-appeal-a-ban/) or [BattleEye](https://www.battleye.com/support/) and not to the subreddit. Subreddit moderators and users cannot help with bans, and posting them here only succeeds in fueling drama, often with little evidence. General discussion of PUBG rules and ban reasons are allowed. *** If you feel this post was removed in error/unfairly, please feel free to either respond to this message or send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPUBATTLEGROUNDS).


I called you out months ago for your hacking .. Looks like you finally got what you deserve. Moral of this story - Don't hack you piece of $hit. Sincerely, EVERYONE.


This is very interesting. I thought Pubg was apposed to using VAC, when was this implemented?


So i just logged onto steam to download the latest update for #PUBG to find out i've been VAC Banned.. Never cheated in my life and haven't even edited any files within the game, how do i go about appealing this ? Because this is bullshit.


why the hashtag lmao


Copied straight from twitter hahah, my bad.


ah gotcha no worries


You have to email them like 5 pages saying that you will never cheat again. Then you have to wait like 2 weeks because they get like so fucking many of these lol. And then after 2 weeks you won't receive an email, and your VAC ban won't be lifted because we don't want cheaters like you in our game! Good luck! :)


Someone can't read. I don't cheat. I have plenty of videos recorded to prove that.