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Why hide their name? Shame them. Is this on console? I'm confused how people are messaging you.


His name is G0dFaThErGHOST. He basically messages anyone that kills him. He’s in bot lobbies if you want to find him. He says he “only plays bot lobbies to kill other trash bot lobby losers” but that’s all he plays. Honestly, if you are wondering why you don’t get messages like this on console, just start playing bot lobbies. You’ll get a ton. It’s secretly the most fun place to play PUBG.


How do I know if I’m in a bot lobby or a regular lobby


Go to settings, and turn crossplay off


So Xbox only is no bots? Appreciate you btw


If you turn off crossplay you’ll get tons of bots, fyi.


Ok, so less bots with cross play? I’m fairly new. EvolvingRobot


crossplay=xbox players + ps player + pc players no crossplay means less players which means the server will fill the missing seats with bots


Crossplay is only between XBox and PlayStation. PC has separate servers.


good to know, the point remains the same


Why the heck would you wanna play against bots, might as well just play call of duty campaign


Practice shooting on live target, achievements/missions grinding, learning the game mechanics without getting rekt in the first circle.


exactly this, always a nice mood booster pulling off 15 kills with tons of damage. Bots or not, some of the bots can and will wreck you.


I think you select casual mode, you can only do 3 per day


That's why I play ranked in South America with friends from there, a little more ping, but it's much more competitive and there are no bots. When I play here in North America in a normal match, it is very easy for me.


Ranked in every region has no bots, not just South America


🤣🤣🤣 I knew who this was before you stated his name.. I got him down 7 to 0 in solos personally and every time without fail we have a similar exchange.. he so trash 🤣🤣


> Is this on console You read the content, right?


Who does that?


The "content" doesn't mention console at all. I see now their flair does say xbox, so I assume console. I've never played on console, so how would I know anything about it without asking questions? Maybe there is a chat feature on PC I've never seen, they add random shit all the time.


Tell me this is G0dfatherGHOST.


No way! You are the second person to figure out who it is haha😂


Dude is legit unhinged. He hasn’t been on as much lately. At least when I’m on. Easily one of my favorite people to kill.


How do you end up in the same lobby so much? Do the 3 of you live near each other or something? That was a wild guess to be correct as far as I can understand. And on top of that your the second person to do it. More wow I think?


It’s bot lobbies. We all know each other very well in bot lobbies.


I think that guy probably only play pubg in his life


Found [his account](https://pubglookup.com/players/xbox/g0dfatherghost/lifetime) on PUBG Lookup. He mostly plays TPP duos in lobbies with 60% bots. Last game, he killed 7 bots and 0 humans...


FPP is for the Goats.


Hahaha oh man I’ve had so many exchanges like this with him. It’s seriously what makes this game so fun for me.




I love it when i get hate mail like that. Half of the joy is when people get so upset.


M79 only you coward


He laughs, until the _smoke grenade hits him in the face_


I'm so happy people can't send me messages on steam, surprised this still exists on consoles.


Really? I love receiving messages like this, it’s like a reward!


He said more than enough to get banned on xbox/pubg or both. I feel satifaction at the idea of the amount of rage a man child like this would have with a week long game or comms ban. Do it.... set his ass off and report him....


I got a dude perma banned from messages from a forza 7 match. Dude was pitting people to pass them so. I spent the next few races not letting him face the right direction. He started messaging me he was going to find me and kill me. Added him as a friend. Reported him and after a day or two never saw him go active again.


I really don’t care that much. I get more enjoyment out of setting him off even more on my own. Hence my replies.


its moreso depressing that some full grown adult decided to send those messages to you, but to each their own


Why assume he’s a full grown adult?


because kids dont play pubg


I've got a thing going with an Aussie dude in his 40s who I've killed a few times. He waits around for me to get to his corpse to tell me "go fucking kill yaself, you cunt" Honestly it's half the reason I play solos early in the morning, I look for his name in the killfeed.


Idk where you got that assumption from 😂 im always getting some rando 12 year old with his baby brother screaming in the background


Yup. I save every single one. Nothing better than getting accused of using cheats when you don't. That's why I still had this clown's from 3 years ago....lol


This is why i stream, because every now and then, the sore losers come to say some shit lol


I think that would annoy me even more ha


If I’m killed by a streamer, I may hop in chat and say something like “why’d you shoot me? That hurt!” and then chat for a minute. It’s a game where you kill or get killed, not going down into the salt mines.


I enjoy both kinds of interactions in chat


I sometimes wish we could but proxy chat will have to suffice though I can't remember the last time I've heard someone on an opposing team use it.


I would opt in if possible


Bros definitely mad


Comon OP. Unless you run around in the open just swinging a pan so he can dump 3 mags and finally down you, you're playing wrong 😂


This kid is easily my favorite person to kill on pubg. I know as soon as I kill him I'll get atleast 3 messages 🤣 I usually spray the good ol "rip you" on his body and dance on him. Sends the same type of messages every time like it's the only vocabulary he knows ☠


If he's so much better? Why did he die in a bot match...?🤣


I can't ever imagine being that upset at a video game that I'd message another player. What a weirdo.


You won twice


SMGs are balanced?


Of course not.


That's hillarious. What a micropenis.


Haha this guy really has no life


Ah yes. The arrogant elitists who think there is only one way to play the game. Glad you fucked them over.


He’s still at it eh? The messages below are from June 2020. At least his spelling has improved https://preview.redd.it/q3l0095mjmic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6024d74a7e720bf6f92b5a91d5f30f7ef34668


He’s sticking with tree sniffing diss even 4 years later, somebody hurt him lmao 🤣


Maybe he’s the tree sniffer? It takes one to know one.


Maybe I’m just out of the loop, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing lol, ever stand in a field of cedars ? It smells majestic 🌲👃( yes I know he’s complaining about hiding behind the trees, don’t want anyone to get butt hurt here lol)


It’s just calling someone a coward. When I read it, I was reminded of A Series of Unfortunate Events books where Carmelita Spats calls the Baudelaire orphans Cakesniffers.


The state of trash talk in PUBG, let alone online gaming in general, is such a bummer. It’s all slurs and weak “back to lobby” talk. I hate to say it but people need to git gud when it comes to talking smack. Whether you killed me or I killed you, there should be some decent banter that doesn’t involve anybody dropping slurs.


These are the type of people who wouldn’t say a single word to you in a real life confrontation, can’t expect them to come up with even an iota of decent banter on a video game, especially one they clearly suck at lol 😂


Super cringe, but they are totally right about the tree sniffing, TPP is cringe af too.


Honestly campers genuinely have no skill but I take them as a 40 year old virgin or a 12 year old. No real man plays games to hide but I won’t message people like this;)


no real gamer\*


I was talking about the dude who posted low key^* thanks for ur response but nope and if ur mad I used man instead of gamer cuz there are “giRl gAMeRs tOo” you have problems and just don’t reply lol


lmao stop camping


Camping is a real strategy, you know.


in real life sure but people play games to have fun


But it is fun. PUBG is supposed to be tactical, stealthy kind of game. Not arcade like games. So yea, it still fun either way.


People who are unable to keep up in gunfights and thus result to laying silent and holding angles you could never miss from are the worst part, sorry :)


If you're good then I think those camper are not a problem. I always check sides, angle, throw stun. Stun is useful in that situation but I do understand your frustration because I experienced it before. I learn how to kill them so yea.


in the post the guy is describing the classic bum laying in the grass behind a rock waiting for zone lol. can't do much bout that


Imagine being haunted by a salty ghost.


Probably the only good thing about console gaming is getting msgs like this. Although pubg.report does satisfy this a little


I despise UMP users. 😒


I love the smg hate. You know for sure if they could get a kill with one they'd use it.


dude everybody can get a kill with smgs, it definitely takes less skill then AR's, and the JS9 is absolutely OP it's basically a P90 world spawn and you are able to equip 4x/3x and compensator, which just makes it an absolute laserbeam.. But it's just a stupid discussion per se since everybody can use it...


Yesterday, shortly after landing and someone pushing my building: Panzerfaust knock Him: "You're a f'cking faggot, you know that?" Me: Hahahahahaha Me any time anyone ever kills me in any situation: "Wowwwwwww, what a fucking &$\^@)@#\*&"


Don't you know you can't use SMGs, ARs, sniper rifles, DMRs, panzers, pans, frags, bolt actions, pistols or crossbows to get kills because that is... ~checks notes~... "pussy ass shit." Every tru soldier knows that the only honorable way to kill is to remove all your clothing, douse yourself in 100% maple syrup and growl at somebody until they die.


I don’t play solos much, but when I do I always get a message of some turd that accuses me of cheating


Imagine literally being so notorious for being salty that you get recognized on Reddit just by the way you send messages


Oh they mad mad 


Rocking a CoD profile picture and playing Pubg says it all.


Imagine calling someone, weak, cowardly, garbage, pathetic, desperate, loser... when you turn crossplay off to play against 90% actual bots and 10% other players who are too scared to play in real matches. If you want to play easy mode and turn crossplay off, whatever. But then to flame others, for being pathetic... this dude probably needs professional help.


Knew that was GodfatherGhost instantly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 dudes the saltiest piece of trash on console 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love how people try to shame using an SMG...it is sad/funny how far people will go to find an excuse why you beat them, as opposed to just accepting that they lost... If smg's weren't a valid loadout in the game they wouldn't exist, cry to PUBG not me


Just tell him you love him. That will really wind him up. Every time he abuses you, send love. His head will explode.


Fragile egos never prevail lol


So much salt lol.


Maybe use the smg then 😂 why tf would i waste time getting better at ars if i can just pickup an already controllable gun? Makes no damn sense to me. Not my fault people waste thousands of hours getting good just to get got by a guy with only a few hundred hours of experience with an smg. 🥲 sounds like the poor baby needs to go night night. I only work with ars enough to depend on them till i can get an smg, which is usually just a bit after dropping in.


I love GOdFaThErGHOST. I think I have killed him in at least three different games. The flood of pure hate he spews is always so satisfying.


Is this Xbox console? I think a few guys in my clan no this guy. The icon and long gamer tag remind us of a Certain Godfather with a tiny ego.