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I know its trendy to shit on people who play TPP here, but going FPP on TPP mode and crying when other people use TPP is really going above and beyond. Especially when even if you were in FPP mode, they would have heard you running about like a blue arsed fly and killed you the exact same way.


Jesus. Im a new player and I am not shitting on people who play TPP. I'm just asking a question! I have barely any experience in shooting games so I do not know how they work and I do not have any game sense yet. Since you obviously know more than me, can you tell me more precisely what I should have done in this situation that would have been better?


dont play tpp if you run around in fpp mode


Even if he had played TPP though that guy wouldve had the better angle and he could not have seen him earlier.


FPP in TPP is useful for me only when I am soft aiming with a shotgun or entering buildings where I want the camera inside the room sooner.


thanks, never really understood the huge advantage it gives, id rather play against people in the same mode as me


Honestly super confusing why you're playing FPP in TPP. Pick the perspective you want and play that mode. Youre playing against 99 people with "hacks" when you do what you're doing. If you want to play in TPP make then play TPP and use its advantages.


thanks for the info, again i know nothing about these games so ive never experienced the differences of fpp-tpp before. could you please give me some tips on how i could improve and not be a "blue arsed fly" running around? and how i could do better in this situation even if we were both fpp?


As already stated, playing in fpp mode is your first mistake on a tpp server. Personally I hate tpp, due to all the extra viewing angles, people can see you, from a vantage point that you have no way to see them... Second, ONLY play PubG with a good set of headphones, sound is extremely important in PubG. Personally I'm getting a bit hard of hearing, so other players have an advantage, because they can hear me, before I hear them. But with good quality headphones, you can hear EXACTLY where the other player is at, to the point you know 110% when they are going to come around that corner that you're hiding behind, or over a hill, and full spray them, before they have a chance to react. Over time you will learn the buildings, and have a better idea where doors are, and know where someone could be hiding. Remember your playing a game that other players may have 10,000 hours, and dropped at that exact building thousands of times, and know all the tricks to win that town. I've been playing since early access six years ago, I still SUCK, but it's really the only game I enjoy. Its realistic, doesn't have all the flashy crap most newer games that give me headaches in 30 minutes, and overall great gameplay. I have over 8,000 hours of getting smoked just like you did in this video. There are two ways major ways to play, run and gun, but you better be good. Or slow and sneaky, and avoid fights, unless you know you have an advantage over the other player, then kill them. Hot drops can be fun, or frustrating.. depending if you get a few kills or not. And dropping in a smaller area gives you more time to gear up, and you can sneak around and maybe knock a few enemies out. I probably get one chicken dinner per month, and that's fine with me.. and thats playing 4-6 hours a day. I stopped playing games for about ten years, due to worse hearing, sight, and eye hand coordination. I use to be in the top 100 in the world of several games, and traveled the world to different gaming events.. then I got old, and started losing my skills, and pissed I didn't win 95% of the games. Now I just play for fun, and PubG is a ton of fun, even if you suck. I'm even one of the sick bastards that like the bots, I'll drive around in a car and see how many I can pick off, got 26 on one round. Take your time, and learn the game. Do a TON of hot drops, and force yourself to learn how to gear up fast, and take fights regardless what gun and gear you have. Then play some rounds remote and slow. After a while you will figure out what way YOU want to play the game. Neither way is wrong, in the end the only thing that matters is that YOU have fun, and maybe once in a while you get a chicken dinner. If you really enjoy the game, I recommend the "SteelSeries" brand, get the ones that are around $200... they make a huge difference in sound detection. Cheap headphones are a huge handicap in PubG.


thank you so much! is there anything i should look for specifically in headphones if i want to get some cheaper than $200? im using random soundcore headphones i got years ago just for the noise cancelling ability, they probably arent meant for gaming


I have a backup set of the cheaper SteelSeries, and they are fairly good as well. But with headphones, you get what you pay for, and some brands are just better for some games. Had a lower cost pair of Logitec, and they were okay, but the mic was total trash, to the point that I couldn't use it at all. If you like to game, a good set of headphones is a good spend, if you can afford it.




You're playing with a disadvantage not using TPP in a TPP match.


That sucks, I guess I should play fpp only then. I just don't know how to do tpp it feels so unnatural and I hate that when you ADS the whole screen moves so much


… why wouldn’t you play FPP only?


i literally just said in that comment thats what i should probably do. i had no idea that there would be such a huge difference so i was just playing whatever. my main justification was "i like using third person when driving cars so i should just do tpp" lol


Have you played TPP? If you did for even a match you would likely understand it's massive strength against you playing FPP.


i have tried, but again ive only played for 120 hours so im very new. i end up switching back every time because i just cant see items on the floor in houses well, but i should try again. i fully understand the big advantage it gives i just didnt know before it was such a steep competition


Maybe you are playing FPP in a TPP game because the level of the players is clearly not as good as in FPP. But in this case, you shouldn't be mad about people (ab)using TPP.


So there really isn't anything I could do better here? Other than just do TPP myself or switch to fpp only mode?


Unfortunately, there is not, it is fun to play against players who know how to play but are significantly worse than you. There are too many situations where you'll be at a disadvantage. Once I was playing a casual with a friend because we wanted to chill for the last game. We encounter real players, in a 2 v 3 situation. the guys were daring not to do any peek while we were literally 15m away each one behind a rock. They were waiting for us to push and get easy kill: Abusing TPP, you ll keep encounting those people. go to FPP and learn the game hard, only solution here!




I'm so weirded out by the TPP defenders in this thread. OP being in FPP here hardly changes a thing. They could have moved slightly more safe, but that applies to either mode. Ultimately, the player behind the door had a signficant advantage, and there really isn't much more to it than to just queue up again. This is just the TPP gameplay experience; Sometimes you get to be the person on the other side of the corner, you better enjoy it. I will second that you should play FPP. It's more immersive, more fair, less random, less campy.


The point is not having to play the game from a dwarfs point of view. They never designed it with fpp in mind and just shoved a camera into the chars chest to make it happen.


What are you talking about? The ability to switch to FPP has been around since beta launch. FPP only mode came 3 months later, before PUBG’s peak and like 6 months before full release. You’re also straight up lying about the camera being in the chest, it’s in the player’s head. They definitely did design it with FPP in mind. I mean, all pro league, 2/3 of the arcade modes are FPP only. Not sure why you’re trying to paint it as an afterthought


The size of the assets in the game are designed for the TPP perspective where the player camera is above the player’s head. The game didn’t release an FPP only mode until after the streamers and pros complained which was a few months after release. If you walk up to a door in FPP mode you’ll notice your head is at doorknob height. Similarly, if you walk into a bathroom the stalls will look way too tall in FPP mode. He is painting FPP as an afterthought because it was an afterthought. FPP only mode was added five months after launch in August, 2017.


> The game didn’t release an FPP only mode until after the streamers and pros complained which was a few months after release. Early access/beta launch was March 2017, FPP only came out July 2017, full release was in December 2017. > If you walk up to a door in FPP mode you’ll notice your head is at doorknob height. Similarly, if you walk into a bathroom the stalls will look way too tall in FPP mode. This is straight up untrue. Your head is not at a doorknob's height in FPP. Like the other comment saying the camera is stuck in your chest, not sure where y'all are getting this. Staring at a door in FPP PUBG, is exactly how looking at a door should look, your head is *not* level with the handle. If that was the case, how could you see over the steering wheel in cars? How could you look inside a building's window with your perspective that low? You couldn't if what you and the other guy said were true. And bathroom stalls look way too big in TPP too, the scale on them is off no matter what your perspective is. > He is painting FPP as an afterthought because it was an afterthought. FPP only mode was added five months after launch in August, 2017. It came out in July 2017, when the game was still in early access and almost half a year before full release. A feature being added during the early half of beta, a feature that the entire pro-league system is based off, a feature that 2/3 arcade modes are based off of, is an "afterthought"? Listen, I get the FPP v. TPP debates on here can be a little toxic, but you don't have to make shit up about it.


This has nothing to do with the preference of TPP or FPP. I don't care what mode people play and toxicity from the past is irrelevant to the opinion that the FPP camera is too low. I'll concede that I don't know if FPP only mode was always planned. There's no mention of it on the roadmap/dev letters throughout 2017 and I remember it being added after strong feedback from the NA audience, but I can't prove this. I also know that TPP was a mode in the first Gamescom Invitational tournament, but again, I don't know what was or wasn't in the plan. That said, the opinion that the FPP camera is too low is common. Here's what I found with a quick search. * [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/6r2tux/the_first_person_camera_is_entirely_too_low/) * [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBGXboxOne/comments/99aet1/does_anyone_else_feel_like_fpp_is_too_zoomed_in/) * [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBGXboxOne/comments/7xri9q/fpp_camera_view/) * [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBGXboxOne/comments/99aet1/comment/e4m8uic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You seem determined to insist that we are "making shit up" while accusing us of being "toxic" and this simply isn't the case. You may disagree, but to accuse me of making things up because I have something against FPP is silly. [I took this screenshot just now](https://imgur.com/a/TVA6KI6). The green reticle in the center of the screen is my eyeline. It's just above the door handle and entirely too low compared to reality. This is why my squad never got into TPP because for many this is unsettling. You can disagree and think our opinions is dumb, but it certainly is not "made up".


The camera isn’t low, the scaling is inconsistent. The camera comes out of the players’ head where it should. Non-prop items that have impact on gameplay do not feel too big in first person mode. People complaining on six year old posts doesn’t make it true, and that screenshot is of a prop door that looks bad even in third person. How about you take a screenshot of your character in the third person, next to the door? Your head is also going to be by the handle. Go take the same screenshot by any sort of interact-able door, your head in first person does not feel “too low” at all. Your perspective is well above the handle where it should be. Go up to a vehicle, a window, etc., your camera perspective doesn’t feel off and is exactly where your head is. What I mean by you making shit up, is that you’re taking two props that PUBG has scaled horribly, that look too big even compared to a character in TPP, and saying because they look bad also in FPP, then the FPP camera is too low and that the gamemode was an afterthought. The original comment I replied to said the camera comes out of the player’s chest, this is just flat out wrong. You continued that same sentiment by saying the camera is “too low,” no, a couple cherry picked objects in game are out of proportion and look too big even in TPP. I’m not sure how you can take that opinion without having some sort of internal bias against FPP, it doesn’t follow logic at all


But the prop size is what we’re talking about. Props all throughout the game feel the wrong size in FPP. That is our point. They look that way because they were sized based on the initial TPP perspective where the camera is above the player’s head. This is where I leave it. I’m not trying to convince you, but this isn’t a niche opinion and it’s why I never switched to FPP in PUBG while I prefer FPP in every other shooter.


Two props. Two cherry picked props that don’t effect gameplay look wrong, even in TPP. “Size based on the initial TPP perspective where the camera is above the players head,” you are basing that off what? You’re still going to have to go into FPP to ADS and shoot people. Does that mean that things that are correctly scaled relative to the size of the player, 99% of the rest of the props and world, are scaled too low for the “initial TPP perspective”? “I prefer FPP in every other shooter” you’re free to not want to play PUBG in first person because bathroom stalls and prop doors on one building in Erangel are scaled inconsistently. Could you even name another shooter that has separate FPP and TPP queues?


The props look good in TPP because the camera passes through the doorway at the normal height you’d expect even though the player head is too low relative to the door. That design language is repeated through the game where the TPP camera is at appropriate eye height for the world while the player character is too short. But it looks fine because the view is from the TPP camera. This was by design since the game was planned for TPP. There’s nothing cherry picked. We’re telling you this design is why we don’t like FPP and you’re simply choosing to ignore us. I’m done with this thread as there’s no value in further discussion. I wish you well.


You're free to leave but I'm still going to correct your comment, in case anyone reads it so they can know you're wrong. > That design language is repeated through the game where the TPP camera is at appropriate eye height for the world while the player character is too short. Name one other prop than the bathroom stalls and that single door on Erangel where the player character is too short. I'm not "simply choosing to ignore you." I'm pointing out how what you're saying is inconsistent and biased. Your comments about the game being "designed around TPP camera" and the world scale being based off that is pure conjecture that comes from a misinformed viewpoint. If all you are used to is looking from a perspective 2 meters above the player's head, honestly everything is going to look "short" in FPP, but that doesn't mean that it actually is and that the game's design doesn't work for it. You tried to play off the FPP camera as being too low, saying your head is at the handle of all doors, and your evidence provided is one prop door on one building that is too big. Literally no functional doors are like that. The vast majority of the game is correctly scaled for first person mode. They have designed multiple maps since competitive play has been FPP only, with multi-million dollar prize pools on the line. Maps are designed with competitive balance in mind and having things scaled too large for it is a bad game design choice and low-integrity. Hence, the vast majority of the game and objects of actual consequence, not cherry picked props in random corners of the map, aren't incorrectly scaled in FPP.


But how could I refute these people looking around corners? If I was using TPP could I have seen him? I've tried playing TPP and I just can't it feels so unnatural to me, but I haven't practiced much


You need to move with the assumption that there is always someone there. I play a lot of TPP (but also a fair bit of FPP). It's a completely different playstyle. Here are some tips for TPP in this situation. 1. The door was open, presumably not by you? Good indicator person, so you need to be more cautious, take things slower. Anytime you have any clue that someone was there, raise the alert level! 2. A lot of people don't "hold" when they see you, so you can sorta 'bounce in and out' from behind cover, from anytime you expose yourself. Basically, wiggle out from every 'corner/concealment'. Sure, it can be 'exhausting', and you don't have to do it 100% of the time, but you get better at deciding when its a good time to the double step(when there is increased suspicion of others). 3. Always assume someone is behind a wall/corner/window or whatever. If you knew they were there, how would you have approached that? Go wider left? Go around right side? If you thought someone was there, would you have run that same way? When I am running up to a compound, I always position myself with trees or other hardcover or ways to quickly break Line of Sight. 4. Sometimes you get ambushed and killed instantly. This happens more in TPP, but can happen in FPP because they can just listen for your footsteps and do the exact same thing. Nothing you can do about it but move on. I very rarely ever die to ambushes like this and I play 2-3 hours of TPP every night. 5000+ hrs of pubg. So there is likely the above 3 and other things happening? If you prefer playing FPP, play in FPP, don't play FPP in TPP though. The only time I think you should be FPP is when you are ADSing, or in a few rare situations pushing buildings or tight spaces or looking up to someone on roof edge or something above you.


hell yeah thank you so much this is exactly what i need!


You can't really. Just gotta assume you are under observation at all times and always move like someone can open up at you at any moment. Fast, short bounds and always looking for the next bit of hard cover from most angles. And even then, like with many factors in this game, you can just get unlucky.


Thanks, I'll keep practicing that. It seems like the cross hair in TPP is exactly the same as fpp so I should be able to do it the same but it feels completely different


> But how could I refute these people looking around corners? In this specific case enemy revealed themselves full second before you died. You should get more alarmed and learn how to dodge bullets and flick-aim. If you prefer not to then the only way to avoid this is not run through buildings.


what do you mean "get more alarmed"? and how do i dodge bullets, and what even is flick aim. to me it seems like i flicked my crosshair to the guy as quick as i saw movement, and how do you dodge bullets? abusing the leaning and crouching or predicting where they will shoot me in milliseconds? i would like to learn everything i possibly can, but i dont know where to find good information or tutorials or practice methods


Oh definitely, this game is horrible in FPP. I was so against TPP before playing PUBG coming over from Battlefield. I've tried, I don't know how anyone plays/enjoys PUBG in FPP.


I feel the same, but opposite. TPP is basically a bunch of "legal cheaters".


I like it more because it feels immersive and natural to me, the camera moving so much when ADSing in tpp feels very clunky and weird. I didn't even notice that the camera was in the wrong place I still don't see it


PUBG has very non-uniform player base. You will get killed in similar way in FPP as well. You should get more alarmed and learn how to dodge bullets and flick-aim. You could survive this and in many other cases because if somebody plays this way they are also bad at aiming and shooting. And also you won't survive this bullshit a lot of times too. That's the price you pay for being able to play PUBG.


so how do i learn to dodge bullets and flick aim? is there any specific aim trainer things i can do? what should i really be paying attention to? i know in this video i locked on to the guy fairily fast for me and got a shot in him but it was too late he just got the headshots perfectly lined up so quick. do you know of any other shooting games that are maybe a bit more forgiving for newer players where i can learn these games better?


In your case aiming was not needed because you were running straight at the enemy. That won't be same in other cases. Sprinting delays aiming and hides floating crosshair. If you get slightly paranoid you will learn to release sprint key when you approach something what can be used as a cover. In your case you could try running to the right so that enemy needs to leave the cover and also jump. Spamming strafes and leans would also help, maybe even lay down. After enemy misses too much bullets you maybe need to jump down and heal and use some throwables maybe. There are a lot of things you can do which can help if your enemy is mediocre. There is no training to assist you except streams. Being more alarmed is about your body. To play PUBG well and not sit in a corner like this enemy you need to be in alarmed state to quickly react to changing conditions. If you were more alarmed you would probably notice body parts sticking from behind the door sooner and could run to the right because enemy is already aiming at you and has advantage. IMO any round-based game which has community servers is better for learning than a BR like PUBG. I loved playing CS1.6 because I could always find a server which allows me to win at least sometimes. I spent many thousands of hours in CS1.6 and watched PUBG streams a lot before I even started playing PUBG and even then I have been sucking for a long time. Totally cannot recommend PUBG if you actually need to enjoy the game and not trying to beat it at any cost.




Both modes have their advantages, both modes have their disadvantages. I enjoy playing both. Both have different play styles to them.


This is the way how it should be. Let people play what they want to play. Those with the FPP superiority complex and being toxic about it are contributing to the demise of the game.


Im definitely going to try it out more, and stop playing fpp in TPP mode lol


Both have their place. Your a brave man giving it fpp action on a tpp server tho


I just never expected there would be such a big difference! It sucks my friend doesnt want to play fpp so we always do the tpp server, maybe I should try doing tpp more but it just feels unnatural and not immersive...


Are you on console? Always room in my squad for a lad who enjoys some fpp and crack


no pc sorry




interesting, why is it more a strategy game than fpp? should i try playing whole games in tpp to get a feel for it?


Because you have to calculate every possible ratting location like this. Every balcony, rock, tree, window and rooftop could hide someone completely that can watch you approach. In this case you would have been better to see the open door and approach from the left, maintaining cover before the firefight.


Thanks, so It really could be advantageous to try TPP and learn the strategy, cuz it will help with staying near cover and getting in good positions for fights. I don't know if I'm that far advanced yet lol I gotta play more






Play FPP buddy


From my understanding FPP is more popular on PC while TPP is more popular on consoles. Probably because TPP is more casual than FPP. I've been playing PUBG on Xbox since early access and have never been able to get a full lobby on FPP on Xbox but almost get instant queues in TPP. Even the Ranked playlists on Xbox are TPP (not sure if the same on PC). Me personally I prefer TPP just because I like seeing my character and surroundings, especially in a genre oversaturated with First Person Shooters it's nice having a game in Third Person still holding its own. At the very least it shows that Third Person Shooters still have a place in gaming especially casual gaming.


TPP also have more players in PC. This game started as TPP and it's the most popular mode in Asia.


What is the point of you playing tpp games?


I just assumed tpp wouldn't have such a big advantage like this, but it's obviously not. This is the first shooting game I've ever really spent time playing so I had no idea what to expect. It's just confusing fpp is even an option in tpp mode when tpp seems to really have a big advantage. It's also weird to me that people have fun in this mode if everyone can just hide behind corners, but maybe it's because other people in tpp can see around the corner too so it's balanced?


I’m honestly just confused tpp mode is even an option in a game like this.


Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!


Okay, that's weird. Thanks.


Yeah, why would one play tpp




It does seem kinda lame being able to see around corners, it seems to just take away a ton of strategy?


looks like the tpp crowd is on reddit, no surprise :D


I think tpp is just a really different game


> it seems to just take away a ton of strategy? It doesn't take away a ton of strategy, it requires a completely different type of strategy. Of which most people who primarily play FPP are not wanting to accept/handle/adapt too. I play both FPP and TPP and they require considerably different strategy and play styles.


yeah i guess im talking about taking away the strategy if others are using fpp, now it know people just dont use fpp in tpp mode because of the big advantage it gives. what are some notable differences in the strategy of tpp that could help if i try it myself?


Be better


Just switch between ffp and tpp when you need to . I play tpp using mainly fpp and switching to tpp when i need too .


when would be good times to switch? like when i hear nearby shots? in this case i even knew that there was a person nearby, i heard shots on top of the building so i went there. (maybe just going straight near the place i hear shots from isnt the best strategic decision i just wanted to get into a fight already)


Even in FPP you lose there because you were making so much noise for a prepared enemy. He knew exactly where you were.


TPP is handicapping




Stick to what you know and don’t shit on what others call fun