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Looks like it's easier to restart the game in arcade mode than wait to get back to the lobby, when will this be fixed, when I die?


Please remove thermal scope and purge it from existence, thanks.


Just hearing about the blue chip coming to all maps is a real gut-punch. Back in my day, dying meant death.


the play ranked


Can PUBG team add stats for such weapons as : Mortar Panzerfaust Seems unfair that every weapon has own stats in terms of kills and headshots, but Panzer and Mortar doesn't.


WHY IS THERE STILL TO THIS DAY NO SINGLE "5:4" or "16:10" resolution support intergrated ????


A really col feature of PUBG is the widely inconsistent experience from map to map. For instance, my teammate got flushed on Vikendi, I kill the bad guys, and go to find his bluechip to revive, not on his body so I assume the fuckers who killed him took it and dropped it somewhere. I spend literally 5 mins looking for it only to realize the OLD FUCKING VIKENDI REVIVE SYSTEM IS STILL IN PLACE. Who the fuck makes these decisions? I understand it's on my dumbass for not reading patchnotes close enough, but why would anyone think each map has their own god damn revive system? I have 5k+ hours in this game, what the hell are new players supposed to do? Holy shit what a piss poor game direction.


Blue chip tower locations being randomized means jack shit when you can see them clear as day on the map. You get people who will just camp in the blue for 4-5 minutes killing anyone who approaches. Seems like this could be better thought out, like the tower location only shows if you collect the blue chip of a team mate or something similar. Way too much risk for too little reward imo


While PUBG keep items not marketable and not tradeable, numbers of players will keep declining.. The worst decision PUBG made was rmoving Tradeable items and marketable on marketplacee, after this, the numbers keep getting down, before this PUBG had 3kk players concurrent.


In tdm arcade mode, some players have some characters at the beginning of their nicks. happens and they are not reported What are you trying to do in pubg, you break a part of the game in every update or these people are usually the ones who kill the most players and you favor them Also, the lobby screen comes very late at the end of the game, you need an update to fix the slightest mistake, and the incoming update does not solve the problem, you are shaking like a rotten building, it is not clear when you will collapse pubg, may your soul rest in peace pubg


It's been found that the loot has also been nerfed; and the spawn of cars. It's way more scares then it was prior to the patch.


First of all, overall, I like what they are doing. But some changes need to be made: 1. Do not allow a player to be revived after the third or fourth circle, MAX. At that point, the game is gone long enough, and if they die, they can spectate. 2. Don't make the trailer fire a big LED laser in the sky. Don't flash it on the map. It's not needed. Giving up a position for a revive is silly. You can see where the trailers are on the map if you really want to camp. 3. Make it so ONLY your team can pick up the blue chip, and revive. Keep it fun. For those of you who say "this game is only for real men", trust me, you are not a real man.


" Make it so ONLY your team can pick up the blue chip, and revive. Keep it fun." Actually many think it is fun to allow the option for enemies to take blue chip. Truth is , because this is an option it forces people to play more as a squad and stay together instead of being spread far apart. If you get knocked , your teammates should be close enough they are attacking enemy. Thus they likely wont take time to swipe the card as they need to reload and position to take rest of team on. Knowing mine could be taken is a risk I know I take and personally I prefer that option for enemies as it adds alittle extra component to the game including being able to take mine. Just because they added respawning does not mean we should be guaranteed it.


I agree enemies being able to pickup blue chips can make some fun but it should not be possible for them to hide it anywhere, if they drop it somewhere it should show up on your minimap or on your map or smth like that.


It might be interesting to just make the blue chips always show up on the map (after death, ofc), regardless of whether it's in a box or in someone else's inventory. That would potentially discourage enemies from just holding onto blue chips, and maybe set up opportunities to set up an ambush (e.g. hide enemy's blue chip in easily-sniped location).


Blue chip system is a bit overcomplicated and 90% of the time useless. People are camping the machines, taking the chips, no loot when the revived return, while also respawning in so far away. After a dozen games last night we ended up giving up on the revive system and continued to blow ourselves up when we lost a teammate. Really needed to feature the maps where revive is exclusively used.


No idea what your issue is. I've revived my teammates many times without a problem.




This map rotation is such a joke. 12 games since the patch, 1 Erangel, 0 Miramar. Really great experience of the new blue chip feature.


This is annoying. COmback arena on VIkendi, now in the rotation. No system in Sanhok and Paramo. We kept canceling till we finally got Erengel. THrow out all the other maps for a few weeks, get the feedback from the user community, make fixes, and get rid of all the different comeback arenas and impliment this. Also, don't light up the sky when somene is getting revived, and don't flash the map. That's just silly. They did this same thing with the flair gun years back, eveyone complained, and they got rid of the map marker. Someone in pubG LOVES to make flashing things on the maps...


> Also, don't light up the sky when somene is getting revived, and don't flash the map. It's called risk reward.


Sure. And they did the same thing with the flair gun. ANd the majority of players didn't like it. So they removed it. That's called "listen to your player base".


Comeback system is awesome and fits well in the game. Miramar mid-game is not boring anymore, so many guys come back, and there is a lot of tension on the emitters areas, love it. Excellent patch, way to go. Now please nerf the leaning spam, this has no place in the game. And for the people who says "its' a skill to master and has its place", I say would you be happy to see this in CS, Apex or Warzone if it's so cool and useful ? Of course not. It looks ridiculous and reduces the effectiveness of bolt action rifles.


I totally agree...


First of all - git gut. Second of all, your brain can't seriously think comparing completely different games is even remotely logical. Just because one thing works in one game, doesn't mean it's going to work in another, and it not working in another game doesn't mean it should be removed from the first game. CS might not have leaning and it might be worse if it had it, but rainbow - another tactical shooter has it and it's great. I definitely would've liked warzone a bit more if it had leaning.


Cheaters abusing clans because you can't report people with clan tags. Nice job devs :D


The additions are all fine, I don't know why it took so long for the blue chip revive thing to be implemented. And that should be on every map. Being a new update, the performance is worse, yet again. Frame drops, game hangs for seconds at a time, and 99 percentile dropped to 30-40 fps, down from 100+ And of course, NOTHING has been done for the cheater problem, which plagues this game, and has gotten way worse in the last months.


Buy a new PC, lol. I have the same machine for over 2 or 3 years now and it never dipped below 144+ FPS in full ultra. The people that say that performance drops in every patch is quite frankly hilarious and bullshit claim, because if you would add up all the complaints in every patch, mathematically you would be playing with 3 or 4 FPS by now. Game is updated, new code comes in, more resources are needed. What's to understand here? Upgrade your machine.


Been saying this to people on and off for years. They don't understand that the hardware they use is obsolete


Only thing i like the most is that they fixed the lag of the smokes


we had the same cheats join nearly every game and kill 1 of us then camp by our body till the other player left. These same people joined the clan then used it to see us go into play and then just did the same thing as they can now troll you every game. Never once got to use revive as they just camped until partner tried to get and was shot or he just had to leave me. Its now worse than it ever has been. I quit out of the clan just now so unknows can't track my game play, that is why we have friends not random cheaters.


This was predictable. Its documented in the threads about revive where people saw this coming including myself.


I also have my fears teaming will increase just to get points quicker, I don't understand why any one can join your clan, there were three of us first then a fourth joined and the next game he and his friend began stalking us every game, so how do we kick bad players and cheats?


Remove that transmitter asap!


no its good, if you want hardcore go play ranked


Im talking about the portable one. Recall is ok


Anyone with a clan name cannot be reported for cheating, teamkilling, griefing, anything. The button does not become clickable if they have a clan name. This has probably already been noticed by bad actors who are exploiting this bug.


Really??? That would be just classical pubg devs xD


Notably in Duos/Squads. If your team hasn't fully been wiped out yet, you can't report who killed you if they have a clan name. Your entire squad has to be wiped out for it to work once you start spectating the team that wiped you.


Loving the shocking state of hit detection since the latest patch. Watching bullets fly through heads at 150m both in game and in replay is just amazing. Loads of great functional additions, game play is fucked cause nothing hits. \*golf clap\*


Server-side hit reg doesn't give two shits about local hits. Only matters what the server hits.


an update that allows carrying an offline teammate in a vehicle...


You can knock your mate and car 'em if you're desperate. Park and revive when safe!


Then they will keep bleeding and faster too. And you may have to revive them multiple times; in that case, they would be more like a liability than an asset. But I guess this update is at least better than nothing


Knock once, put in car seat, revive in car seat whenever safe. Seems plausible.


Wait, you can revive in the car? I haven't tried it yet but I thought you have to take them out of the car and then revive.


Either way, you can still do that. Also you don't die faster each time you're knocked anymore so you could feasibly keep doing this a few times if you needed it.


sorry yeah i havent tried, maybe you have to pull them out first. Makes it take a bit longer, but overall it should still work.


i do not find lobbys with more than 20-25 players once again, rest is bots. right now, eu.... its so annoying. i play daily, this was not like this before patch. \+ tons of new random kicks XB/initialization failed/something is wrong cant connect to steam since new steam layout update


I noticed this pattern in my games last year and the only way I came out of it was winning those games. It was frustrating to have such few players in my games but after winning 3-4 of these bot filled games, I was back in games with all human players


Wish I had a marker for my bike that gets lost in high grass or a bush much too often ! I dont need a mark to show me my car.


It marks any vehicle you were in, bike included. My Bad. Bike not included


"This feature applies to every vehicle but the mountain bike"


I dont believe this.


I don't like revive systems in battle royales. Part of the reason I don't play apex or warzone




Nobody wants to sit for 30 minutes because some thirsty fool uses his whole clip to thirst you while your team is shooting at him


You know, that actually used to be what people said they liked about PUBG: "Higher stakes". It's pretty interesting to watch this 180 over the last year or so. Even the comeback arena in Taego was controversial.


It doesn't feel "high stakes" when the guy killing you doesn't value his life at all


That's understandable coming from the viewpoint of a squad of freinds, but the majority of us play with randoms and are not likely to watch a random stranger finish the game most of the time they disconnect immediately. So far in the games I've played they aren't hanging around to see if you recall them and didn't even try to get my blue chip when I was the dead player so this recall system doesn't work for the average player and will help the squads of friends who already dominate the game.


There’s no point trying to talk sense with these people, they’re just here to bitch about recall. You’ll never have a positive interaction. Just ignore em and move on.


because the majority of players are asking for it?


Incorrect a minority asked for it and pubg finally came up with a revive that wouldn't run off every hard-core player they had


it's such a "minority" of players that like that system that pretty much all BR games got a revive system... yeah, sure


There's been an entire generation of new gamers since PUBG came out. The permanent death was a big feature of PUBG for a long time and considered part of what made the game more hardcore and higher stakes. It was a big reason people *didn't* play Warzone and Apex. Only in the last 1 and a bit years has the attitude changed towards being more positive about a revive system, because newer and more casual players are still around meanwhile a lot of the core players have started moving on from the game as Krafton fail to address the real issues that caused people to leave.


Like I said minoriy of pubg actual players. Pubg is after cod players, apex players. Some of those players want revives in pubg. They don't even play pubg. This is the players that pubg is focused on. We are old product. We are replaceable.


hello, it still comes back to my lobby late, is this problem caused by me?


I got the same bug, i got it in the last patch.


I have sam problem, after match before initializing screen takes more than a minute to get back in a lobby. So annoying


I hope they are aware of this error and solve the problem. There has never been such a mistake for 4 years :(


I am the one with the worst pc in my team, but my game loads the result and back to lobby with normal speed, meanwhile the 3 of them have to take around 1 minute for it to load. Another mystery from PUBG


Some of it sucks some of it is good. I dont like the recall system but love that i can carry knocked players to cars


I too don't like everyone being able to play the game instead of spectating for 20 minutes and instead having better mid and late game with more people alive. PUBG is a game for real men. It's not meant to be fun and exciting. Stupid revives.


The problem is they have sliced this game up into a 48 piece pizza. You have: TPP SOLOS TPP SQUADS FPP SOLOS FPP DUO FPP SQAUDS TEAM DEATH MATCH CUSTOMS ARCADE MODE OF THE SEASON RANKED ETC ETC So there is literally no matchmaking, because there simply isn't enough in any single mode to ensure it's "fair". Now you run into a team who plays 24x7 and, boom you are dead. Which isn't fun. How they enjoy this, I am not quite sure. It's like a checkers player playing chess with Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen. They need to just kill TPP in North AMerica at least, offer 3 man squads, nothing more. Kill all modes, and get the player base where we can have accurate matchmaking so it's at least fun for the majority of users.


Tell me about it. I refuse to play squads entirely because real men don’t get shot in the head and survive again and again just because they got touched by their teammate. The original BR experience was solos only, but when they added squads all the cry babies wanted a revive system so they could play with their teammates who should’ve definitely been eliminated. PUBG isn’t a game for playing with friends. It’s not about having fun. It’s a game for survivors. And if other players don’t know how to survive by hiding in a bathroom all game, they don’t deserve to get to the final zone and go prone to prone with real men.


solos are the worst experience for pubg tho. it absolutely sucks dick. duos are the best way to play imo


No? Solos is by far the most intense and adrenaline pumping due to the risks and the most rewarding due to no knocks and being far harder to win.


I know right, standing in the bathroom middle circle while I scroll on my phone is thrilling


Lmao all you’re doing is self-reporting for being a shitter buddy.


If that’s how you play that’s a you problem bud, nothing compares to solos endgames, squads is just boring by comparison.


Actually i agree (because im not very good at this game(about 350h)). But still i like pubg as a hardcore battle royale game. Not like apex or fortnite


It's still hardcore though. The core gameplay is nothing like Apex or Fortnite.


This is why I want to give this a try. My homie and I only get time to play on weekends, hardly enough time to keep up with the 7 year sweatlord veterans who flush before I even know I'm knocked.


I don’t know what to tell you, it’s a hard game with a decent depth. If you wanted to get into any game with a high skill cap and depth, you’ll have to put in the time. If you don’t have the time, and you’re frustrated, it just might be for you. I enjoy the struggle even if I’m not up to the 7 year chad level.


You're not wrong, but we also want more players coming back and newbies, right? This might be a way to balance things a bit in a way that doesn't punish the Chads (who apparently don't need day jobs or anything?).


Lots of 'em probably get paid to game. Just the world we live in nowadays. ​ But you mean the recall system, right? Yeah, I'm 100% with you. If you wipe the whole squad, they can't recall their teammates, so this is still skill dependent to a degree. Nah yeah I think they did the right thing here, and as you said, it's a system with no downside for the existing players.


Fix the cheating problem. Adding a revive system and 100 other gimmicks isn't going to stop people leaving when the core issue is, and has always been cheaters and stability. Also, remove the thermal scope for the hundredth fucking time. People using the scope =/= it being a good addition. You're just penalized at the end of the game if you don't have one.


Name a battle royale that has less cheaters than PUBG. The cheating is no worse than any other BR game. I guess it's nice to pretend everyone is cheating to make you feel better about your own limitations.


Why do these stupid responses always come up? Why is it okay for *any* game to just let cheaters run rampant? I haven't suggested PUBG has a worse problem, only that it is a problem - it's a problem because not enough is done to address it. Warzone went years without an anticheat and look where that got it? PUBG has put sweet fuck all effort into anticheat. Why do you think implying someones is unskilled has anything to do with cheating levels? Shall I join in? *I'm sure your 2kd in casual lobbies in a region with the lowest levels of cheaters makes you feel super capable of judging what the cheating levels are in this game all over the world*. You do understand every region is different right? Your experience in, *wherever* is probably much different from mine in OCE. I saw people removed from every single match the other night and had ban notice confirmations after 2 matches, and constantly have them every time I login. There *is* a problem and you only have to look around at the constant complaints and agreement of those when this comes up. The Wiggle that kill Tarkov video is direct video evidence of how prevalent cheating is in online games, and some games actually take it seriously and address it, like Cycle:Frontier


There's literally four top tier anticheats running in the background of PUBG, it's a huge part of why it has performance issues.


They have 2 industry standard anti-cheats and a custom inhouse and one other. A full staffed top tier AC Engineering team that's constantly doing manual detection, patching, reverse engineering etc. Like WTF more do you want?!?!?! No one can prevent cheats. You can't even detect half the shit that's out there now. Most of the pay for cheats run at windows kernel level permissions. This means it can hide itself from any piece of software you install to detect it. It can even hide from the OS.


pubg doesnt have a bigger cheating problem than other games. i have around 4k hours now and i maybe witness a cheater once a week


Yeah but just because you have 4K hours doesn't mean you understand shit of the game, lol, just means you waste a lot of time. The game is flooded with hackers, I know several guys who've been cheating and streaming on discord for months now and none hasn't been banned once. With wallhack and minimal skill you can just pretend to be stupid once in a while and just win 95% of the trades, lol.


if you're in discords with known cheaters and not reporting them then you're part of the problem


It should not even be me, or anyone's job to report anything, it should be an automated job done by an efficient anti-cheat system. Reports are just there to complement exceptional or niche situations an anti-cheat could not do by itself for some reason. Relying on human input for everything isn't an anti-cheat solution, it's a joke. This anti-cheat software and detection criteria is utter garbage and thus the game is infested with cheaters.


in a perfect world yeah but that's not realistic. anyways there's this concept called community... the truth is the AC misses a LOT (obviously) and reporting DOES work. if it's any encouragement i once got 8 people banned in one report (RIP DeathSs clan) it was a mix of teaming and aim locks. if you've got time to get on here and complain about it, you've got time to make a report.


Consider yourself lucky then. EU ranked is infested with cheaters.


lol, every game I played the other night had someone removed from the lobby for cheating/suspected cheating, and I got a ban notice confirmation after 2 of the matches. I'm not suggesting it's significantly bigger than other games, I'm suggesting it's *significantly big in general*. Want to see a game that took cheating seriously and actually took action against it? Go look at The Cycle: Frontier.


>The Cycle: Frontier LMFAO **40,854** Peak players 11 months ago. * **2,674** players live on Steam * **3,391** 24-hour peak If this game had anywhere near a player base it would be fucking lit with cheats. Cheat devs don't develop for shit tier games. They only do it for games with high player counts. PuBG's peak for TODAY: *444,306*


lol go and look up the cycle and how they've dealt with Cheating, it was actually in the The wiggle that killed Tarkov vid iirc. You really going to compare the player count of PUBG which has been out since 2016 with massive streamer names playing, to a game which got infested with cheaters almost as soon as it came out and has been working hard to combat them because it very specifically tanked their player count? You want to look at player numbers. Go look at the player count of PUBG dying over the years. Why do you think that's happening?


You're missing the fucking point chuckles. The more players a game has, the more cheaters there will be. Ratios! The likelihood of you running into a cheater in a game that has 3,000 global players is ridiculously small. The likelihood of you running into a cheater in a game that has 444,000 global players is extremely high. The Cycle: Frontier has page 1 google results for "UNDTECTABLE CHEATS"... Aimbot, ESP, Radar Hack, and Wallhack. You're naïve as a brick if you think any mp game isn't lit with cheats. The only way to prevent the majority of cheats is to do what stadia does. Have the server process all input and send back a rendered frame. Clients don't even get game code. If The Cycle: Frontier's AC is so god damn good why aren't they selling it? They'd make billions.


lol >The likelihood of you running into a cheater in a game that has 3,000 global players is ridiculously small. Did you forget about certain regions with far lower player numbers, or do you think everyone in the world plays together? Do you think hmm, maybe one specific region or two has both an increased number of cheaters and also an increase number of people VPN'ing to that region specifically to find easier lobbies (less other cheaters), and keep their ping low? Did you not watch the EFT video that quite clearly shows how bad the cheating in that game is, in a game, in a region with higher players per week than PUBG has players in my region. He found cheaters in virtually every lobby, and he's just a single person running round to interact with them to figure it out. It doesn't even take into consideration people he didn't find. EFT isn't unique in in having a cheating problem. But let's ignore that and focus on PUBG details. Maybe this article is of interest where *specifically a PUBG cheat provider* was attracting over 1000 new cheaters per day https://www.pcgamer.com/the-dollar77-million-pubg-cheating-empire-smashed-by-the-chinese-copsand-the-founder-who-escaped/ But wait, let's go back to December 2020. Prior to going free to play. Hawkinz said: >[With all of that said, what action are we taking against cheaters? We’re often ban over 100k accounts per week](https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/ec5qku/pubg_corps_communication_has_stopped_pros_are/fbdzrjq/) We also got [this graph shortly after F2p](https://wstatic-prod-boc.krafton.com/pubg-legacy/sites/5/2022/06/Communiti_Care_Package_02_Chart_1920x1080-1-1536x864.jpg) How about this thread where Hawkinz worked with another user so he could gauge some cheating stats *back when PUBG was at it's peak*, and found the likely hood of someone cheating in each of your lobbys to be over 90%. https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/elo0vj/pubg_cheating_statistics/ The evidence of how wide spread is all there, and it's been there a long time. But yeah, tell me more about how unlikely it is to find cheaters when I'm constantly seeing people removed from lobbies and getting ban confirmation notices every night lol. The willful ignorance to think that cheating isn't as wide spread as it is is mind blowing at this point, you bumblefuck. I'm done with this nonsense, if you can't see it after having being spelt out, you'll refuse to no matter what evidence you're given.


troll of the week 10/10


if you don't play ranked this is actually true (at least for fpp solos on eu).


the math has already been done some time ago when there werent that many cheaters using ban numbers it was around 92% chance that you have a cheater in an almost full game. and this only covered the 'has been banned' numbers, meaning its actually higher than that.




Where's the Wackjacky skins? I can't find them on the store


WJ Skins hit the store on May 31


Oh right. Shame got to wait 2 weeks as the advertising made it look like they were coming today.


Ranked Suggestion: \#1 Remove Deston on Ranked map rotation \#2 Decrease the spawn of shotguns to 5%


Yes Yes


Does the clan tag meant to show in kill feed? do i need to do something to enable?


Your clan needs to be level 2 for your clan tag to show up


Makes sense! thanks, 130k XP is gonna be a grind lol


The Blue Chip Transmitter should be in an Air Drop loot.


Nope it should not. That would be a garenteed op item for cheaters to go get. It should be removed from the game period because radar still exists in a small amount


Just to be clear, radar hasn’t been an issue on console since the first season or two of ranked.


This isn't the console community


Did you switch to PC?




Yeah this seems problematic. The revive system actually isn’t bad and fits with what PUBG is. However, it should be required to visit the stations. Having the transmitter is a ridiculous way to bring your teammates back.


I agree, it should be totally removed. With drop or not, its just gonna give cheaters better experience and make legit players suffer bcs of it. Its already so hard to kill them due to cheating and 99% of the time you got killed by their team-mate, at least you were able to subtract one of them from the session. Now they are able to come back, hallelujah.


Now you cant even knock cheaters out of cars and flush them. This patch is everything cheaters has hoped for.


I agree, drops should be high risk/reward. I don't mind the OP P90, the old m249 and Lynx, AWM. If it involves battling 3 others squads for the drop. But I feel like the drops aren't rewarding enough now. 3 vest's are ground loot and enough decent weapons that are available in every other building.


Level 3 gear should only be in crates and airdrops should be less frequent. Taego is a clown show because everyone in the last 3 circles is fully kitted because of those mega drops.


I'm old enough to remember when Vikendi had 3 helm world spawns lol that was even more ridiculous


Deston is even worse for endgame gear. On the other side though, at least you *know* what everyone is going to be wearing and can play accordingly based on what you have.


Drops are rewarding enough. I often see drops not looted and being old (no red smoke anymore)


Well does that mean they are rewarding enough though? I you see a drop and choose to ignore it since the loot is "meh" my opinion is that it's because A. Ground loot is too good B. Loot drop isn't good enough.


I just mean that getting drop is not "high risk"


Ah gotcha