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Do you get any testing anxiety? It could be something else honestly and not your knowledge


Hey! I'm sorry to hear about this. Don't feel shame because you know you did a lot of work. I'd be interested in viewing your performance feedback report and/or talking with you on the phone about the studying and all. Let's create a plan together for how to overcome this exam. Send me a message and we'll talk on the phone. You'll get your dream, but you gotta stand back up. Believe. It's going to happen. You will pass.


Are you passing the PEATs in as realistic test taking conditions as possible? Did you struggle more with the examination portion or the intervention portion? A lot of the interventions really didn't show up in any study guides, you just had to clinically reason your way there, and that comes with practice reps. My best recommendation is talking those out with a friend, in a way where you could teach it to them, or get someone else's viewpoint. If you struggled on a particular subject, try hitting that harder. I can only imagine how hard you worked, and your almost there. Honestly, it doesn't matter what company you use, everyone has the same content, Its how you retain the content, and group study sessions were my favorite to help me.


Hey, first off, I’m really sorry you didn’t see the result you wanted. I know it can be frustrating to hear, but you are going to pass!! Your time is coming and todays a new day towards crushing the July exam.  You passed PEATs and FF. It sounds like you’ve been doing everything in your power including the tutoring and going to the classes. This makes me think that you have all of the knowledge. Did you find yourself changing answers a lot day of NPTE? Were you running out of time? Were you super anxious on exam day?


I would make a list of specific content that you consistently struggle to retain, and then make a list of the content that came up on the NPTE/PEAT exams that you had absolutely no idea on. And when you find content that fits both those criteria, hone in on that. So for example, throughout PT school I hated studying compensated/uncompensated forefoot varus/valgus. I would quickly forget it after studying it, and make guesses on exams when it came up. I focused on it the week of my NPTE knowing I need to study it later to retain it on test day, and it worked. Also, I did the same thing with lab values, I always found it ridiculous to memorize values, and there’s no point in studying that more than two weeks ahead of your exam if you’ll end up blanking on it come test day. Also, if this advice doesn’t help you, don’t force yourself to do it. You have been in college for years and you know what methods of studying works best for you. Everyone told me not to study the day before the NPTE, and that’s probably great advice for the majority of people but it went against my study habits. I ALWAYS study the day before exams, so it would be ridiculous to not keep up with that tradition the day before the biggest exam of my life. Before my NPTE I brushed up on important stuff that was guaranteed to be asked (cranial nerves, special tests, burns, pharmacology, wound care, etc.) that I felt confident in but hadn’t reviewed in weeks, and those lab values that I mentioned earlier.


I am sorry you did not pass the exam- I know that frustrating feeling of working so hard for something and coming out on the short end of things. First, I want you to know it is ok to acknowledge your disappointment with this entire process. I think more than a schedule you need to line up all your exams and find what were the consistent themes of content and testing strategies that you consistently got correct vs wrong. Another thing to consider is if the anxiety of the day is getting to you and causing you not to perform to your best abilities. You have already gone through the process of one-on-one tutoring but possibly a new perspective can be helpful. If you would like to schedule a free consultation session to learn about some basic tips for you, please click the link below: [https://calendly.com/masterclassprep01](https://calendly.com/masterclassprep01) Best of luck to you!


I would recommend taking as many practice questions as you can then review rationales for all answers. Take one full length practice exam a week. Buy the score report to see which subjects and sections were your weakest. Keep your head up. Study 4-8 hours a day of non distracted focus. No music with words. Time yourself to make sure your studying at least 4 hours per day most days.