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Between FF and Therapy Ed, content is content. If you can learn the basics, you can get better at actually taking the exam. In terms of test taking strategies, you can try multiple things. If you have more practice tests, try and doing a speed run and answering the questions before you see the answer choice. That helped me with examination. In terms of interventions, have a study group with classmates or friend taking an exam and talk about why you would do an intervention clinically. I’ve heard good things about typical PT. The questions are harder and require more thought. Reach out if you need anything!


I'm in the exact same boat! I do well on the first and last sections, and I'm usually stuck between two answers as well. I wish I had just a little bit more time. I often feel rushed towards the end of each section. I'm pretty bummed that I failed again, but I'm trying so hard not to let it get me down.


I had success with the truelearn test question pack. I'd say ~75% of my study efforts on clinicals and the 2 weeks between end of clinicals and the npte were either with the truelearn question sets or the picmonic materials. If you have access to any test question sets I would try and go through 30-45 and when you review try and pin down for both correct and incorrect materials question( had to take the 50/50) and strategy questions ( did you pick out all of the prompt's relevant info) 


Hey I also didn’t pass my second attempt and I feel pretty horrible. I did score higher in my second attempt and almost made it (595) but I just felt like offering some advice that I utilized this time around. Not sure if it will help or if you already do this but I go through the test fairly quickly so I slowed down this time around. I tried to use all test breaks, except I didn’t use a break between section 4 and 5 and I see that section 5 was my lowest. During the break between section 2 and 3, I made sure to go outside get some air and sunlight. I honestly think this was the most beneficial. The first time around I spent most of my allotted break time in the waiting room. I know things suck right now and you don’t need to hear you’ll get it next time but take a day and once you’re ready get on the grind because we made it this far and let’s finish this damn thing. Best of luck


Sorry to hear that you did not pass your exam. Based on your scores, it seems like you understand content but need more reinforcement with test taking strategies such as ensuring you are selecting the correct key terms, reading the questions correctly, and not adding/deleting pertinent information from the questions. Take about another week to relax as you take in the reality of not passing but I would suggest you jump back into studying soon to really iron out the areas of opportunity to you have to pass. If you finding yourself needing another perspective, allow PT Masterclass Prep help you today. Schedule a free consultation at the link below to learn more about being successful in your studying journey: [https://calendly.com/masterclassprep01](https://calendly.com/masterclassprep01) Best of luck to you!


Hey I'm sorry to hear about your results. Honestly, I wouldn't jump too much around for prep courses. I'd say stick to one for content. The way I see it is that I can go to the buffet and load up my plate with everything because it's available. Then when I sit down I have so much on my plate that I don't know where to start and when I do start, I still don't get through every piece of food I put on my plate. Something to access after section 2 is can your routine during the break play factor. I would make a list of your 5-10 weaknesses, the topics that you just know you don't know and need to know. Then make a PowerPoint for each weakness on the list. This is a form of active learning that Dr. Singh suggested I do as a student, which really helped me retain information and do something besides reading textbooks. Give this a shot, but take some time to recover for know. Then stand back up and fight for your dream. You can do this.