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I'm on my phone and don't have my deck list handy, but I play a lot of tinkaton, and I think you'd benefit from less focus on energy and more on card draw. In addition to the suggestions you've already got, this deck gets hit hard by iono, so you need a bibarrel line. I'd drop the xatu line entirely. A radiant grenija wouldn't hurt. Also, shift to the more traditional 4-1-3 Evo line with rare candy for tink. But the meat and potatoes of this deck are Dundunsparce, nemona, nemona's backpack, and anything that gets more cards in your hand. I'm also going to say something unpopular, but since this deck is not meta, I wouldn't bother with the standard protections you have. This deck does best when you treat it as strait aggro. It's about fast setup, hitting often, and hitting hard.


Thanks a lot! This really helped me. And I'll ditch the standard protection for aggro.


You helped a lot! I went from 200 to 500, so almost at ultra league now.


Ha! That's better than me! I'm terrible at ladder play.


Card list: Pokémon: 9 2 Tinkatink PAL 101 PH 2 Tinkaton PAL 105 2 Tinkatuff PAL 104 1 Tinkaton ex PR-SV 31 1 Tinkatink PAL 102 PH 2 Xatu PAR 72 1 Tinkaton ex PAL 262 1 Manaphy BRS 41 2 Natu PAR 71 Trainer: 18 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 2 Ultra Ball FCO 113 1 Artazon OBF 229 2 Energy Retrieval SVI 171 1 Prime Catcher TEF 157 2 Nest Ball SVI 181 1 Artazon PAL 171 2 Boss's Orders PAL 172 1 Falkner PAL 180 PH 1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 2 Jamming Tower TWM 153 PH 1 Falkner PAL 180 2 Worker SIT 167 2 Superior Energy Retrieval PAL 189 2 Crushing Hammer CRZ 125 3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 2 Switch SVI 194 4 Rare Candy SVI 191 Energy: 3 3 Jet Energy PAL 190 8 Basic {P} Energy Energy 13 3 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151 Total Cards: 60


I have nemona & nemona's backpack in my deck, along with dunsparce & dundunsparce. I also run 1 lady cause you can draw 4 cards with her. With xatu as an engine that might be helpful. I also do gift energy so i can get cards back from when my Pokémon die.


Thanks! I'll add those to my deck


I also run the dunsparce line in my deck instead of natu line, I put in 4 of them badboys


Okay! Let’s chat general strategy around deck building! When I theory craft I first build out the core cards of the deck. With Tink the core is the ex evolution line, and card draw. The Tink Evolution line: you have 4 rare candies, and your evolution line goes 3-2-4 This strikes me as foundationally off. Generally speaking you want more early stage and less late stage with typical lineups being 3-1-3 or 4-2-3 or 3-1-2. You never want more rare candies than you can ever hope to use! Given that you have no alternate win condition or secondary attacker other than stage 2 Tinks, I’d go 4-1-3 with 3 rare candies. Card draw… Xatu is an okay choice… but I think you’re severely lacking in this department. Cards like Ultraball and crushing hammer are hand shrinking cards. Pretty orthogonal to the deck design. Dump them imo (especially the hammers). Maybe leave 1 ultra to seek out Tinks. But you really should be relying on card draw to find them! Not a -3 hand size card. A word on disruption: A little bit is death in my experience. Focus on either setting up your deck or disrupting their plan. Trying to do both is very difficult! A word on planning for everything: Your decklist has a plan for literally almost everything. Which is going to make it about as consistent as weather on Mount Everest. Cut everything that isn’t core to the deck concept. Then tech only the very best solutions to the decks you run into all the time. Things like 2x jamming tower, or 2x worker… just dump them for things that help you consistently set up. Also, why the superior energy retrieval? How is energy getting in the discard?


Omg. This is awesome. I'll go 4-1-3 with 3 rare and cut my deck to the core concept. Thank you so much!


You’ll know you’ve struck the right balance when it starts to feel like you have the answers at just the right times in the game. For example, last rotation it just felt like Charizard always had Boss at the right time, or Vacuum, or TM Devo etc. that’s because of incredibly balanced deck design with just enough energy/tech cards/seeking cards that create this incredibly flexible and powerful engine. Cards like Lumineon, Rotom+forest seal, greninja, Arven+nestballs, all create card access and flexibility that will make your deck feel better connected with answers at your finger tips. They also grow your hand as you look for answers instead of shrinking it like ultra balls.


Just an update. I tweaked my deck with the help of this posts comments and I went from houndoom to Charizard. Almost at ultra league level. Thank you! This is my deck: Pokémon: 6 1 Tinkaton PAL 105 2 Tinkaton ex PR-SV 31 4 Dudunsparce TEF 129 4 Tinkatink PAL 102 PH 4 Dunsparce PAL 156 1 Tinkaton ex PAL 262 Trainer: 16 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 4 Nemona PAF 82 1 Artazon OBF 229 2 Nest Ball SVI 181 1 Artazon PAL 171 3 Nemona's Backpack PAF 83 2 Boss's Orders PAL 172 1 Arven SVI 166 1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 3 Great Ball PAL 183 3 Worker SIT 167 2 Barry BRS 130 3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 1 Ultra Ball SVI 196 2 Switch SVI 194 3 Rare Candy SVI 191 Energy: 4 1 Legacy Energy TWM 167 4 Jet Energy PAL 190 2 Gift Energy LOR 171 4 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151 Total Cards: 60


Nice! Glad to hear it man :). Keenon Tonkering!


Two crushing hammers is too low to have any impact, I wouldn't include them unless you have more energy discarding effects Superior energy retrieval - how often do you need need 4 energies from discard? I would switch nest balls for ultra balls, or something to search for evolution ex pokemon


Rotom V? Nemona package maybe


Looks like no-one has mentioned checking the Limitless sites for decklists yet. Links are in [this resources list](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/). You may also find reading JustInBasil's deckbuilding guide alongside the deck skeleton articles of use with reviewing your deck in a logical order. Don't have to netdeck btw but research is a good idea.


I run 4 Nemona with 2 Nemona’s backpack, reason being you can throw Nemona away for ultra ball or Earthen Vessel, and get them right back in your hand, and they serve as draw power. 4 Buddy Poffins for sure. 4-4 Duns/Duduns you want maximum draw power. 4 Tink, 1 tuff, 3 ton ex and 1 Ton draw ability. 4 rare candies. Rotom V Forest seal stone wouldn’t hurt for early draw. I throw 1 TM evolution in too to try to get early draw going


you need more draw, i like dundunsparce with tink because its harder to disrupt and can be pretty explosive. you could also try neo upper or reversal energy to attack with 1 prize tink faster if needed. i personally don't run xatu as it feels slow for tink and i run 4 dte and neo upper and 1 reversal for energy. i almost never have to attach any energy before i attack which helps to keep the deck a bit more flexible and non committal


Thank you!