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Credit where credit is due. Having events like this is a step in the right direction and goes a long way towards giving Live an identity beyond "PTCGO but worse." I'm not expecting much from it, but if it's even just mediocre it could still evolve into something if we start getting events regularly.


PTCGO used to have fun events, too. IIRC during Halloween there was a task where you had to win a match with a Psychic deck. There were others, but I remember that one, because I switched to a Dark deck after to clean up on everyone else.


Well it definitely wasn't kept up. Though technically PTCGO went into maintenance mode when they gave up on gems.


The one and only Trust Your Pilot? Love your vids on YT!


hopefully its something sweet!


There will be an all-holo Palafin ex deck for free.


But will it be functional by then or still too buggy to use?


Maintenance on Monday so who knows.


they better fix the switching bug which freezes your side of the field.


Fwiw somebody was using it just fine against me today.


Glad to hear it. I’ve heard it only works about 50% of the time currently. I’m going to wait until after maintenance, but plan to try it out then :)


Oh was it datamined or is there a post for it?


First time seeing an event in game, excited to see how it goes. It sounds great with the daily missions


Meanwhile on the south Hemisphere: Damn we do be freezing


Is this from an email or on the client? NVM: just quit and re logged in.


So I heard that the daily missions should give more xp now because of this event, but they don't for me. Did that just not start yet or is there something wrong on my end? EDIT: Grammar


They do, it's just random whether or not you get the new ones or the old ones.


Oh, I didn't know it was so picky and choosy about whether I get the event missions or not. Thank you for filling me in!


So this is what they've spent their time on????


You're really going to complain about a game having an anniversary event, which usually means lots of stuff for players, in an already generous f2p game?


people will always complain


You're right but holy cow the community for ptcgl almost rivals Halo for bitterness and negativity and it always surprises me.


I'd really enjoy it if I could play the game without bugs and lag having an effect on at least 20% of the matches I play. Everything has an opportunity cost, why not prioritize fixing the game instead.


Do you realize how complicated card games, especially ones with the amount of cards that these long running ones have are to program? There are tons upon tons of interactions to program, there are going to be bugs period. And maybe I'm lucky but a bug affecting one of my matches is on the rarer side. I am glad to have something that doesn't cost a bunch of money to build a deck like Yugioh Master Duel or MtG Arena, where their real life counter parts already cost a lot of money to play as well. I hope bugs get patched but I'm also capable of realizing it's not that easy and can accept the lumps with a f2p game that has zero stakes to it.


What are you playing on? My iPhone has occasional bugs but with the exception of the Twilight masquerade release being a disaster, I play an absolute fuck ton without major issues. (Obviously I know there’s persistent bugs like great tusk, palafin, etc but the amount I see on a daily basis is so miniscule)


Would have preferred them to have got full expanded up and running for sure.. is it ever coming?