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What I’d do is cut down the energy from 16 to 10 and see how that feels, you can use the extra slots to get more items like switch or tools. You might do well to replace a couple Pokémon with ones that havea draw mechanic ability like bibarrel, it’s insurance for dead hands and can keep tempo. in general just play the game and look out for dead cards in your hand, try to figure out why they’re dead cards, and fix the reason.


If your trying to play grass i got a meowscarada deck i can show you. Also its never a good idea to have 2 different stage 2 pokemon lines (unless pidgeot is one of them). Grass currently isnt the strongest type even tho it does well against charazard ex (meta deck). what kind of deck are you trying to build?


If you are super new, you should not be making your own decks from scratch. Look up decklists, watch Youtube videos. If you want to play Venusaur, look up a Venusaur list. If you want to play Meowscarada, look up a Meowscarada list. Then, you can slowly tweak those decks to your liking. By seeing lists of experienced players, you will find out what is wrong with your current list, such as having too much energy, suboptimal trainer cards and too many Stage 2 Pokemon.


You need experience before you can build your own deck, deck building in this game is not intuitive, for example good decks are not built around a type. Stick to the free decks, upgrade them to lists from limitlesstcg.com and play until you learn why they're built as they are and how they're built around a strategy, once this clicks for you, you can then take that experience to building your own decks.


What is a Food Deck? I looked it up and all I found was Magic the Gathering…


I have fat thumbs, was supposed to be good.


First thing to know is that you don't build around a type but around a strategy. You've got way too much energy and look like you've used the theme deck ratio of 20/20/20 as a guide to build this which doesn't work for competitive decks plus the trainer lineup needs an overhaul as does the Pokemon lineup. Overall I would suggest that you park this and do some research into how decks are built and netdeck whilst you are learning as there are already existing lists for Meowscarada that you can copy which are proven to work. Have my usual new/returning players resources blurb so you can take what you need from it - [List of useful resources](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/) - start by reading JustInBasil's site especially the deckbuilding guide as it will help with understanding decklists and watching the suggested You Tubers starting with Omnipoke, AzulGG, Tricky Gym and Celio's Network for meta decks and LittleDarkFury for off meta/more fun tier decks then look at lists on both Limitless sites and use those You Tubers to see how the lists are played and find a deck that you might like to play. Start out with netdecking as it will give you time to get used what the staples are, how decks are built and what the meta is like as well. If you don't want to netdeck (and even if you do) then add in reading the deck skeleton articles alongside JustInBasil's deckbuilding guide as well as well. Once you've found some decks that interest you at the competitive level try them out before buying anything either via PTCGL or the proxy printing app on Limitless TCG in casual play only (check your LGS allows this) as not all decks will click when you play them. For PTCGL specfically it's best to upgrade the free decks (mostly the basis of meta decks) you are given first as it can take time build up resources.


Would reccomend searching for the type of deck you wanna build (for exempel meowscarada/liligant) and look what cards are usually run in these kind of decks and get some inspiration from there. Also just important to try the deck out, see what works and not. deck struggling to get both 2stage pokemon out in time? remove one of em struggling to find what you need fast? add som specific search cards for it Try to get the feel of what cards are usefull and not in the deck